Pesky dawn phenomenon


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Reporting in on my experiment with Olive Leaf Extract - it appears to be working. However, the weather is also noticeably cooler than it was when I was having fasting BG in the 7's. My fasting levels are now consistently in the low 6's again - phew! And the last couple of days, have been in the high 5's. So I'm very pleased and will continue to take a teaspoon of Olive Leaf Extract in water before bed.

I've never noticed any effect on fasting levels from Apple Cider Vinegar - however, it does seem to help with postprandial levels as long as I remember to take it before the meal.
Excellent - that is good news Indy.
Heat does weird things to me at the best of times... And it is good to know that there is another string to the bow... And I'll bet it tastes nicer than the vinegar. :)
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Ah Well, my experiment has broken down!

I did not have the peanut butter on celery last night, but my fasting level was still relatively down at 6.2. Good news on the one hand but confusing on the other.
I did have a glass of tomato juice at 2200 last night, I wonder whether that has fed into the equation?

I will play around with various variables and let you know in the fullness of time.

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@sunspots I should think so! I was gently starting that Friday evening slide into sloth, and then you prod me in the eye!
o_O See, it still hurts.

So, how's it going? How are you adjusting to forum addiction? Beats carb addiction any day, doesn't it?
Ah, but my forum addiction has led to me neglecting my Facebook addiction.
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Retired Moderator
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Ah, but my forum addiction has led to me neglecting my Facebook addiction.
That must be difficult!

May I suggest that you put in more effort?

Two addictions in your Favourites is always better than a bird in the bush, I always say. ;)


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today I tested on waking and later without food. Before bed my bg was 5.3

9.30 5.1
10.20 5.4
10.40 5.0

So maybe the higher bg the other day was due to the tea and there is no dawn phenomena


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Im finding a direct correlation but its not a good one :¬)

4.8 in the morning if I drink 2 large glasses of wine at night
5.9 in the morning if I don't

Hic! testing all day drink ink Hic! ing now burp! scuse me

<not realy >


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Well done Indy51 you must be really pleased.

I think alcohol gives the liver something else to do other than producing glucose. However, I'm surprised it is still having an effect 7 hours later? Or are you having a mid morning (4am) slurp! :)

I used to drink regularly over three months ago, but I personally never noticed any effect, but there again I wasn't on lchf.


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I got crunchy in store in a 1kg tub do maybe they only do it in stores? Have a look at amazon instead as it's def been on there in the past x

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.

I now have 2 kgs of peanut butter!! Peanut butter and chocolate brownies and peanut butter cookies to start with I think. Also got 2 jars of coconut oil so looking forward to trying the recipes I have found that need coconut oil. Oh and the nut balls too!

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Yum! I made peanut butter cheesecake today!

May make some peanut butter ice cream next....

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
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Weird Science

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ImageUploadedByDCUK Forum1403382924.084061.jpg

Don't forget the insects and rodent hair we are eating aswell :)

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Yum! I made peanut butter cheesecake today!

May make some peanut butter ice cream next....

Sent from the Diabetes Forum App

Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
Where did you find the recipes?


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Well done Indy51 you must be really pleased.

I think alcohol gives the liver something else to do other than producing glucose. However, I'm surprised it is still having an effect 7 hours later? Or are you having a mid morning (4am) slurp! :)

I used to drink regularly over three months ago, but I personally never noticed any effect, but there again I wasn't on lchf.
If Olive Leaf extract contains alcohol, that's news to me. (It's sold as a nutrition supplement by a vitamin company.)

I only have a teaspoon in water once a day, as that's the recommended dosage.


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If Olive Leaf extract contains alcohol, that's news to me. (It's sold as a nutrition supplement by a vitamin company.)

I only have a teaspoon in water once a day, as that's the recommended dosage.

Ooops my mitssteak ... :) hic.
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Well, that's settled it. No more Spring Cleaning for me.

My pre-lunch reading was 6.2, normally around 5.2. Identical breakfast to normal and average morning fasting. All I have done differently is spring clean a room. Clearly a liver dump, meaning my lunch will spike me above my target. Bummer. No more cleaning for me. ;)
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Okay I said I would get back with my experiment on late night peanut butter and its effects on my morning reading. Initially I was saying that it was reducing my morning figures, but now my figure is lower in the morning whether I have peanut butter the night before or not.

So good news for me but bad news for lovers of peanut butter who were looking for an excuse!!:)
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Ian DP

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Dr Bernstein says "beware of peanut butter, another deceptive addiction. One tablespoon of natural, unsweetened peanut butter contains 3 grams of carbohydrate, and will raise my blood sugar 15 mg/dl (1mmol)."

Diagnosed T2 in sept 2013, BS levels 20+. BMI 22, age 58. Requested a GAD test in November, came back very high 2,000+, doc said I would be T1 within weeks, but presently still LADA taking no insulin or medication, and striving to keep my BS readings one hour after meals under 7.8 in order to keep as many insulin making pancreas beta cells as possible for as long as I can.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Reporting in on my experiment with Olive Leaf Extract - it appears to be working. However, the weather is also noticeably cooler than it was when I was having fasting BG in the 7's. My fasting levels are now consistently in the low 6's again - phew! And the last couple of days, have been in the high 5's. So I'm very pleased and will continue to take a teaspoon of Olive Leaf Extract in water before bed.

I've never noticed any effect on fasting levels from Apple Cider Vinegar - however, it does seem to help with postprandial levels as long as I remember to take it before the meal.
Another update to report on a further development. I ran across the following table on insulin sensitivity that ranks various supplements/nutrients based on the evidence to back them up: Sensitivity/

One of the supplements mentioned that I had never tried, rated 'B" or "multiple studies where at least two are double-blind and placebo controlled" was L-carnitine. Apart from CLA which I also hadn't tried, it was next on the list to try. So, went to my local health food store and found an Acetyl L-Carnitine (500mg) supplement.

The day I took my first dose, my fasting BG was 7.2 again (the reason I went looking for info), despite taking the Olive Leaf Extract for several weeks and having readings mostly in the 6's. The next day it was 6.7. The following day was 5.6 and has stayed in the mid 5's since. It's early days and I'm trying not to get too excited by it, but it's had the most dramatic effect of any supplement I've taken so far. Long may it continue to work!
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Retired Moderator
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Diet only
Another update to report on a further development. I ran across the following table on insulin sensitivity that ranks various supplements/nutrients based on the evidence to back them up: Sensitivity/

One of the supplements mentioned that I had never tried, rated 'B" or "multiple studies where at least two are double-blind and placebo controlled" was L-carnitine. Apart from CLA which I also hadn't tried, it was next on the list to try. So, went to my local health food store and found an Acetyl L-Carnitine (500mg) supplement.

The day I took my first dose, my fasting BG was 7.2 again (the reason I went looking for info), despite taking the Olive Leaf Extract for several weeks and having readings mostly in the 6's. The next day it was 6.7. The following day was 5.6 and has stayed in the mid 5's since. It's early days and I'm trying not to get too excited by it, but it's had the most dramatic effect of any supplement I've taken so far. Long may it continue to work!
Wow. Thank you!
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