BS readings


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My endo friend explained it to me..I was very surprised...I then put my poor family to research lol. Everyone spikes at 1 hour. Its normal. But its all about how quick people return
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Diet only
My endo friend explained it to me..I was very surprised...I then put my poor family to research lol. Everyone spikes at 1 hour. Its normal. But its all about how quick people return

That is exactly what I have been told, and why I always test at 1 hour and 2 hours, and often keep going after that. I am never worried about my 1 hour spikes as long as my 2 hour level is acceptable to me.
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That is exactly what I have been told, and why I always test at 1 hour and 2 hours, and often keep going after that. I am never worried about my 1 hour spikes as long as my 2 hour level is acceptable to me.

I find this quite interesting, as I have had some high 1 hr spikes and from memory have returned very quickly to the 6s. Think I will try and find some supporting scientific data.
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So by the reactions, it seems my speedy recovery from my carb fest shows that my insulin is being efficient...yayyyy

Im still waiting to speak to my GP about stopping the metformin, but have to say since I did I've felt much much better.

Sat in bed now ...watching the x factor , munching some pistachios, Mrs B filling her face with's good
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Had a bit of an opps this morning, pre lunch reading was 7, 2hr after lunch was 9. Pre evening meal was 5, 2hrs after was 7.4. Need to check on my breakfast to see why I am getting a 7
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9.0 before breakfast
7.2 after breakfast...woohoo

I seems to have hit a brick wall with the weightloss... think I am at last going to have to start counting calories if I can. Was hoping that on a LCHF diet I wouldn't have to...but I have stayed the same for 3 weeks now :(

I have got stuck at the same weight for about 3 weeks. So I'm thinking the same need to lower the calories but also try keeping the higher fibre to help with the constipation.
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I have got stuck at the same weight for about 3 weeks. So I'm thinking the same need to lower the calories but also try keeping the higher fibre to help with the constipation.

Did you get the Flaxseed?


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Yesterday :
Fasting 5.2
Pre-dinner 4.4
2hrs post dinner 4.8
Bed 5.3
Didn't test lunch as tried and tested items. ; )
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cold ethyl

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Diet only
Yesterday fasting 6.1( Indian meal night before)
Post breakfast 6
Lunch 5
Post lunch 5.2
Pre dinner 5.1( had lunch very late so these were bunched up)
Post 5.7
Bed5.8 after coffee and nuts
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10.4 Before Breakfast :(
9.3 After Breakfast :(:)

I go back to see the Liver Specialist next week - part of me is looking forward to it - because now I have my BS somewhat under control - the other part of me is dreading it, because I have most likely not lost enough weight for him. My poor old daddy has offered to come with me this time, as last time I came back in a real state lol. You would think at my age I wouldn't need my daddy to hold my hand:)
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Diet only
10.4 Before Breakfast :(
9.3 After Breakfast :(:)

I go back to see the Liver Specialist next week - part of me is looking forward to it - because now I have my BS somewhat under control - the other part of me is dreading it, because I have most likely not lost enough weight for him. My poor old daddy has offered to come with me this time, as last time I came back in a real state lol. You would think at my age I wouldn't need my daddy to hold my hand:)
There are times even at our age when we need a loving hand to hold...good luck Kezzer, be brave..I'm sure your livers a tough old boot :) your BG has been creeping up from previous posts, it needs sorting ...chin up chuck
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@cold ethyl - Perhaps a read of @Andrew Colvin 's threads (both his first 3 months, and increasing his carbs) could be helpful. He talks a bit about comparing himself with his non-diabetic family and how they react. There's a lot of reading there, but for me, they included a couple of real gems. Mr B won't submit to testing, and I respect his wishes, even though it would be a fantastic comparison for me. In the scheme of things, it's not worth making him uncomfortable, when he has embraced my changes so well and been an absolute brick in terms of supporting me.

This morning he asked what I would like for my birthday,................................. Hmmmmm. It couldn't be the cheapest gift, EVER.
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Just to add you have to be careful as the 1 hour spike is only for high carb meals. Those with high fat cause later and longer drawn out rises. Real food is much harder to predict than glucose tests. For information I find rice keeps me raised at about 6.5 for hours and it makes no difference whether it is white or brown (must be a very slow digestion)
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
5.6 fasting
Breakfast not tested
5.7 before lunch (2 poached eggs, 1 slice Hovis and butter, 60g cheese, mug of tea to follow)
6.8 at 1 hour
6.8 at 2hrs.
6.3 at 3hrs after another mug of tea

Conclusion ..... fat prolonged the rise. Will go back again to less cheese next time.
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Did you get the Flaxseed?

Yes Neil thanks I did and it have made a little bit difference. I have a problem where I tear every time I pass my motions, which bleeds quiet a bit. I'm going more regular which is a help.


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Tablets (oral)
Yes Neil thanks I did and it have made a little bit difference. I have a problem where I tear every time I pass my motions, which bleeds quiet a bit. I'm going more regular which is a help.

Keep on it, it contains a lot of fibre and it will take time to work through, if you don't have much movement at the moment.

If your tearing then I think the doctor may be the most appropriate place, as tearing will make it more difficult to go just thinking about it. I think the doctor would refer to those tears as Fischer sometimes they can be helped & will possible heal with medication

There are some excellent medicines now that can bulk you out to relive these bowel problems.
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
10.4 Before Breakfast :(
9.3 After Breakfast :(:)

I go back to see the Liver Specialist next week - part of me is looking forward to it - because now I have my BS somewhat under control - the other part of me is dreading it, because I have most likely not lost enough weight for him. My poor old daddy has offered to come with me this time, as last time I came back in a real state lol. You would think at my age I wouldn't need my daddy to hold my hand:)

Your never to,old to need your Daddy
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