Abstenuary February, anyone?


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I know I have only been here for a few weeks, but can I say I'm super impressed with the depth, breadth of knowledge and support offered to those who need it in what is a very difficult chronic condition which still has many fallacies floating about...

I had a ½ teaspoon of peanut butter for dessert...but the deliveroo app I've removed from the mobile ...Phew!

Great start getting rid of the Deliveroo app! ( now what about Uber and Just Eat? - hope you’re not still hiding those away )


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Finished eating for today and no nut snacks sneaked out of nut tin! My lowcarb blondie had pecans in it but it’s the nut snacks I’m excluding. Hope everyone coping - at least February is a short month!
@Rachox you've had a very difficult year and done so so well - wishing you good luck with your plan to just eat a bit less generally as we know even lc foods can add up. Sounds like you’re making some progress already.

I hadn’t thought about the Deliciously Guilt Free pecan blondies - they are one of my favourites!
I’m not going to worry about them either though, I only eat one at a time. Like you say it’s the loose nuts which are so easy to overdo.


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You guys are an inspiration! Turns out putting my resealable bag of brazils away in the cupboard rather than leaving it on the side, stops a lot of nibbling! A simple change but effective.
I'm also going to cut down on cheese, cream and alcohol, but not abstain totally. I have lost the Xmas weight already, and although the scales haven't moved for a couple of weeks now my trousers are loose. Aiming for moderation in everything.
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Not started too badly despite it being oh birthday today. Made a low carb cheesecake as an alternative to chocolate . No danger of relying on this long term as I can’t be ***** to bake often. Had a Diet Coke instead of wine. A long way from ideal but as a very occasional it breaks the bad habits that had started forming. Can’t drink much of it anyway as the fizz “fizzes” too much.
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Sounds like most are off to a good start. I started this thread because each of us can set our own rules - often ‘I’m going to do [insert diet/way of eating/life change of choice] turns into ‘am I allowed x,y,z’ when in reality anyone is allowed anything they want. Choices should be governed by knowledge and relevance to each individual, which makes them more powerful.

I so admire those who can do ‘moderation’. Really not an option for me, but it takes repeated failed attempts at it to drive the point home!

So having ditched nut butter - it’s at least 2 months since I ate that - chocolate is next on the list. There are one or two other things on the hit list - cream, nuts - but absence of choc and nut butter helps with each of those.
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Not a good start for me I am sorry to say. Managed to cut out the cream but found a bar of chocolate - very dark 95% and ate most of it because I felt deprived at not having any cream. I have been up most of the night with a migraine. It is the first I have had in 13 months.
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Oh I like the distinction between nuts and ground almonds. I could go along with that.
Been pondering what should I do to address the static weight., as I could do with shedding some more. Eating low carb is fine, but I have never been able to lose much weight without also reducing quantities of higher fat foods. That ‘eat until you have had enough’ theory just doesn’t work for me.

So, nuts or cheese. What will be absent for me this month? Nuts if I can exclude ground almonds from the exclusion. ;). I will go easy with the cheese, too, and there will be no cream.
Alas, with a covid vaccination due this week, I think red wine is also off my menu in view of the article:-
What a relief this is not a leap year. 27 days to go.

Thanks for the article link, wish Id seen it a couple of days ago. I had my vaccination on Sunday and came home and had my usual Sunday afternoon indulgence of a few glasses of wine while cooking and eating dinner, (around 3 spread over the afternoon and evening). I had a horrible ‘hangover’ later though. I’ll definitely abstain before second dose. Don’t want to be overloading my liver and immune system.
Good luck with the nut abstinence. Stopping cream and cheese at the same time is pretty heroic.


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Not a good start for me I am sorry to say. Managed to cut out the cream but found a bar of chocolate - very dark 95% and ate most of it because I felt deprived at not having any cream. I have been up most of the night with a migraine. It is the first I have had in 13 months.

Hugs for the migraine, you must feel wrung out today. Do you think the excess of chocolate could have triggered it?


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Forgive me thread for I have sinned...
The three remaining squares of dark choc from the opened bar in the fridge went last night.. unfortunately down my gullet!
However instead of compounding the issue hubs then fancied something savoury so opened a bag of pork scratchings and after a few bits of that normal service was resumed!
Almost 2 pounds lighter this morning so I reckon the OMAD is actually more useful than ditching the choc.. however I'll still (try to) abstain from it for the rest of the month! One unopened bar left... hmmm good practise I guess..


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well, things are proving interesting.

My guts are perfectly happy with the introduction of keto muesli and keto porridge.
Yet yesterday there were unpleasant repercussions from a curry with a few veg thrown in. Sigh. Unlikely to be the spices since I have cheerfully included lots of curry spices throughout my 3 years of carnivore.

Had porridge, rooisbos chai and kefit for breakfast today. Will have a bowl of chicken liver and mushroom soup for lunch, then supper will (unfortunately) be more of the curry. Things will either get better (adjusting to the veg) or worse. If worse, I will will have to either give up or take a break and then reintroduce the veg more slowly. If we had more room in the freezer at the mo I would be freezing the curry til next week. Interesting that I am more willing to experience gut upset than to waste the food that is causing it... :D


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Thanks for the article link, wish Id seen it a couple of days ago. I had my vaccination on Sunday and came home and had my usual Sunday afternoon indulgence of a few glasses of wine while cooking and eating dinner, (around 3 spread over the afternoon and evening). I had a horrible ‘hangover’ later though. I’ll definitely abstain before second dose. Don’t want to be overloading my liver and immune system.
Good luck with the nut abstinence. Stopping cream and cheese at the same time is pretty heroic.
Oooh no, no, no. Definitely stopping cream. Just reducing cheese. Nuts I will only have ground almonds, not my weekly bag of almonds (500g) and walnuts (200g). I find a few pumpkin seeds are a good substitute with my yogurt breakfast.

The abstinence from alcohol caused me some alarm. I do enjoy my glass or three of Malbec at weekend with dinner, and confess to the odd beer or two, but if that info is correct, as I already have a dodgy immune system, I will heed the advice.

So for clarity, I will be giving up walnuts, whole almonds, cream, and booze for February. That leaves me with meat, butter, small portions of cheese, full fat yogurt and chocolate in the high fat category. I can live with that.
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Alas, no walking so far this week. I have not had time at lunchtime cos work is busy, plus blisters on my heels from last week. And there is no way I am turning out after work.

On the plus side, measuring out some nuts into a small container instead of keeping the bag to hand is definitely reducing the intake, and I have cut down the air fryer chicken! Cream, not so much... I made a keto choc-orange cake at the weekend and it is immeasurably improved by being put into a bowl with a huge slug of cream.

But it’s only one (large) slice a day.... insignificant, surely? Hmmm??
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No bread, no coffee...no issues!

I might experiment with decaffeinated. I used to prefer it to normal coffee, and still often drink it when i go to a particular shopping centre. I might try it when I next go, and see if it makes me jittery at all. If not, I may still occasionally do that. If i do react, then I'll drop it (It's the jittery hit that I'm trying to avoid).


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@DJC3 - I am certain that the chocolate triggered it. What I fail to understand is why I ate it knowing what it does to me! I am not really deserving of a hug, a kick up the posterior would be more what I should get.
I have had a slightly better day today but can't say I avoided cream altogether.
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Managed one meal today and more importantly no nut nibbling. Pudding lc choc mint brownie was made with ground almonds so not nut free but wasn’t planning that so all good.
Hope all are coping well it’s hard at this grey wet/snowy time of year.


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Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
I seem to be heading in the opposite direction from most.

Coffee and cream and butter in the morning is essential to set me up for the rest of the day.
I should eat more nuts but I never get the urge. If I was offered some I might have a few but although the larder has loads I never feel the urge to get some.

Things I will give up for February: beer.
I love a bottle of beer (green Geko from Lidl) but it plays havoc with my BG levels sometimes.

I will refrain from fish and chips.
An experiment suggested that I could get away with the occasional F&C but occasional is hard to define. :arghh:

I will not have the gorgeous Waitrose roasties in goose fat with roast joints.
Bread - no.
I have some LC and Lizza breadalikes but my enthusiasm for them is not great.
I won't sample a bit of my partner's pizza; better to avoid completely.
Equally no little tasters of pasta or rice.
[You will be noting at this stage that a good few things have been let slip over Xmas.]

I am reducing the amount of dark chocolate that I eat but if I get my lazy self into gear I will make chocolate truffles with butter and double cream. Treats are important when restrictions bite.

What I will do is eat to my Libre and be especially strict if my BG starts to creep up even if it leaves me grumpy and hungry.

Wine and spirits are still fine, just no beer.

I haven't had a drink of tea in ages; perhaps I should try a green tea.
I like coffee but drinking it after noon is not usually a good idea.

I will try and bulk out the meat and cheese with more eggs and especially more veggies.

Good luck, everyone.
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@DJC3 - I am certain that the chocolate triggered it. What I fail to understand is why I ate it knowing what it does to me! I am not really deserving of a hug, a kick up the posterior would be more what I should get.
I have had a slightly better day today but can't say I avoided cream altogether.

Sometimes I think we do things just to spite ourselves.
I’m convinced the teenaged me still occupies part of my head. When I tell myself to be sensible it rebels and says ‘ you’re not telling me what to do!’ And makes me do it, even though the sensible me knows I’ll regret it.
I’m Still sending the hug.
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Have kept to my eating plan today (I didn’t go near any coffee shops!), and I’ve kept to 2 small teaspoons of cream with breakfast and dessert. I’m trying mindful eating, slowing my eating way down and trying not to get distracted by screens and notifications while I have each meal, I’m finding this helpful with the smaller portions. I’m also making a point of walking every day, something else I’d let slip a bit over Christmas. It was lovely and sunny here today, so walking was so much nicer :)
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Have kept to my eating plan today (I didn’t go near any coffee shops!), and I’ve kept to 2 small teaspoons of cream with breakfast and dessert. I’m trying mindful eating, slowing my eating way down and trying not to get distracted by screens and notifications while I have each meal, I’m finding this helpful with the smaller portions. I’m also making a point of walking every day, something else I’d let slip a bit over Christmas. It was lovely and sunny here today, so walking was so much nicer :)

I agree the distraction from screens etc while eating makes it so easy to overeat. It’s a really good idea to be eating mindfully
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Not a good start for me I am sorry to say. Managed to cut out the cream but found a bar of chocolate - very dark 95% and ate most of it because I felt deprived at not having any cream. I have been up most of the night with a migraine. It is the first I have had in 13 months.
Dark chocolate was a migraine trigger for me, for decades. I was so worried when I started lc and everyone was sayng eat dark chocolate BUt I find a square or 2 doesn't trigger a migraine. Probably a whole bar would. Am having fewer migraines since going lc, but cannot identify what triggers the few I do.
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