Breaking News... Rose Wine Lowers BGs!


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I don't care what "they" say.The only way you can prove something is not harmful, is for 10,000 people to live only on the substance under test for a minimum of 10 years and nobody dies or becomes ill, But as people need other substances to live successfully, as no two people are exactly the same, It can never be be proved beyond doubt that a substance is harmful.
Its the way you are made that determines your vulnerabilities and nobody can know that something will be harmful or otherwise until they try it.
After all I smoked for 50 years the only harm it did me, was to my bank balance :joyful:
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I don't care what "they" say.The only way you can prove something is not harmful, is for 10,000 people to live only on the substance under test for a minimum of 10 years and nobody dies or becomes ill, But as people need other substances to live successfully, as no two people are exactly the same, It can never be be proved beyond doubt that a substance is harmful.
Its the way you are made that determines your vulnerabilities and nobody can know that something will be harmful or otherwise until they try it.
After all I smoked for 50 years the only harm it did me, was to my bank balance :joyful:

Yes, I blame giving up smoking for my diabetes - that's why I put on so much weight! :rolleyes:;)
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Thought I would share my revelation from Saturday night.... After weeks of high BGs (rarely below 10) I went to a friends party on Saturday night (she is moving away, so I was quite sad) and I drank rather a lot of Rose (at least a bottle and I don't usually drink alcohol hardly at all). o_O:wacky: I was very good food wise and only nibbled on carrot sticks and had some chile con carne without rice or pitta bread.

When I got home I spotted my monitor and thought... hmmm, I wonder what my BGs are after all that wine - it was a miracle! Only 6.5! I have heard red wine is supposed to be quite good but didn't think Rose would have the same effect. Well, I know what I am doing from now on - shame I can't have some during the day at work! ;)
Hmmm I must agree with you. I find my Blood Glucose is not affected by wind and tends to be lower- weird!!
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I think the problem is the rosè wine lowers bs but it may continue to lower it further when you go to sleep which could be a problem as you will not be aware.
The trick is to drink in moderation with food which soaks it up.
A little bit of what you fancy won't do any harm in moderation.
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I always wonder what I can drink when I am out as I never drink alcohol and I don't like Coke or Pepsi I find any diet drink with sweetener to sweet so I usually end up with just carbonated water with a slice of lemon
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When I got home I spotted my monitor and thought... hmmm, I wonder what my BGs are after all that wine - it was a miracle! Only 6.5! I have heard red wine is supposed to be quite good but didn't think Rose would have the same effect. Well, I know what I am doing from now on - shame I can't have some during the day at work! ;)
Not really a miracle. alcohol in any form shuts down the liver. You get surprisingly good fasting and post meal bgl's after a night on the turps cause the liver is not releasing any glycogen, The more you drink, the lower the blood sugar. Call me crazy but I don't think alcohols affect on the liver is helpful for diabetics who are already in a spot of metabolic bother. I could be wrong as no conclusive data seems to be available, but Im pretty sure using alcohol to lower blood sugar is gonna end in tears
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Not really a miracle. alcohol in any form shuts down the liver. You get surprisingly good fasting and post meal bgl's after a night on the turps cause the liver is not releasing any glycogen, The more you drink, the lower the blood sugar. Call me crazy but I don't think alcohols affect on the liver is helpful for diabetics who are already in a spot of metabolic bother. I could be wrong as no conclusive data seems to be available, but Im pretty sure using alcohol to lower blood sugar is gonna end in tears

Yes totally agree @macdoug, as mentioned I rarely drink - it was all said a little tongue in cheek.


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I don't know all the medical complications from alcohol, but I do know some of the effects. I've been a T1 for 47 years. I used to be able to drink with no effect on my blood sugar, but as I got older, things changed. I love vodka, but when I have it (especially without food), my blood sugar rises significantly and then drops to much lower than before I consumed it. When I say much lower, I mean to the severe-hypo-call-the-ambulance level. Now, I don't drink vodka at all (sigh), but occasionally have a glass of merlot or pinot with a meal - and very thorough monitoring thereafter.
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All alcohol reduces loos sugar as it gives your liver something else to do instead of dumping glucose into your blood and livers are not very good at multitasking. Do the pros outweigh the cons though?

Yes! :)


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Not really a miracle. alcohol in any form shuts down the liver. You get surprisingly good fasting and post meal bgl's after a night on the turps cause the liver is not releasing any glycogen, The more you drink, the lower the blood sugar. Call me crazy but I don't think alcohols affect on the liver is helpful for diabetics who are already in a spot of metabolic bother. I could be wrong as no conclusive data seems to be available, but Im pretty sure using alcohol to lower blood sugar is gonna end in tears

I don't know - what do you think about metformin? :)


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Diet only
I don't know - what do you think about metformin? :)
not a fan of doctors or their drugs so I haven't looked at those options in any detail. I prefer the stunning results achieved by diet and exercise. Meds are a last resort for me and so far unnecessary
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Day after the above we went out for a family meal and I ordered a glass of Rose - 17 year daughter said "Another glass of wine, what are you becoming an alcoholic or something!" :shifty: Guess that is the end of me becoming a lush! :D
Hi Lady,
I advise you to be careful about the consequence of big load of alcohol
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people who use abbreviations without explanation.
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I hardly ever drink, so it hasn't bothered me - chocolate on the other hand.... that's another story! :confused:
Giving up drinking is like giving up anything else its only as difficult as you let it be. Don't concentrate on the cravings, its not easy but can be done, I used to be a gallon of Beer a day and 40 fags. now just allow myself 3 glasses of wine a week. and a box of Chocolate liquors are made to last from New Year to Easter.