brussel sprouts


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please tell me they are ok for T2
i seen sprouts and bacon on facebook a while ago, it looked so good and im planning on having it today with an oxo cube sprinkled over it


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please tell me they are ok for T2
i seen sprouts and bacon on facebook a while ago, it looked so good and im planning on having it today with an oxo cube sprinkled over it
Yep they are good. 5.1g of carbs per 100g In link below.
.. I buy frozen from iceland's 2.5g of carbs per 100g boiled in salted water. and I add to stirfrys and stews. Try not to over cook as that is what sometimes puts some off.. Best luck..
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I use them in a recipe for butternut squash "lasagna." The main ingredients are slices of butternut squash, sausage, and brussel sprouts. It is yummy, especially on cold winter evenings.
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thanks everyone
it was so good
sprouts still had a crunch to them and the bacon was crispy and i topped it with cheese
will deffinatly be made again
i have enough for more later
i LOVE sprouts


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I’ve only ever eaten a token one at Xmas cos it’s tradition! I don’t really like them :yuck:


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I use them in a recipe for butternut squash "lasagna." The main ingredients are slices of butternut squash, sausage, and brussel sprouts. It is yummy, especially on cold winter evenings.
That sounds interestingly different, have you got a recipe?
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That sounds interestingly different, have you got a recipe?

I have but it is copyright so I cannot reproduce it. It is in the book "Inspiralize Everything" by Ali Maffucci. She has a website with lots of recipes, but apparently not that one. The website is here: In the book the recipe is called "Winter Lasagna with Brussels Sprouts and Chicken Sausage."

The recipe uses 6 cups of brussels sprouts (!!!).

Just in general, "spiralizing" or "zoodling" is a great way to do interesting things with vegetables, in my experience. The Maffucci book is just one of several sources for "spiralized" recipes.

Edited to add: My wife and I quite often cook from that book but most of the recipes are not very low carb. For instance the lasagna recipe mentioned above has 23g of carbs per serving. On my carb budget, it is the kind of thing I eat mainly as a treat (and in small portions). Most of the recipes in the book would have more than 20g of carbs per portion. (The author does, helpfully, list the grams of carbs per portion for each recipe.)
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Evil little bags of fart in my view but I have to concede they are a great food.


Sprouts are a fav but gassy and starchy for me. So it works well with small portions and less gas. Stillmgoof flavor. I preadolescent them out thru the day

Roasted with garlic and onion are to die for. Next to a lamb chop...heaven


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Being newly diagnosed, no idea if sprouts are healthy or not, but..

Remember, sprouts are for life, not just xmas!

Secret for me is cooking them properly, ie how you like their texture. But I used to love leftover sprouts, bacon and chippolatas with some nice, rich gravy & some pepper for Boxing day. Of course families usually quickly discover there's no such thing as left over bacon & sausages.. unless you buy extra and hide them. But the poor sprout's had a bad rep. Mange toute's are trendy, mange cabbage gets the hate. But being a mini-cabbage, anything you can do with that, you should be able to do with a sprout. Except possibly bowling. Mini-bowls maybe with carrots for bowling pins? :)


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Never would have thought to roast Brussel Sprouts,but will give them a try I love roast veg. K
They’re delicious roasted. Just drizzle olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic if you wish and roast until done. They carmelize beautifully. I don’t usually take the time to roast them, or asparagus except for holidays or guests as I like them steamed as well and less time in the kitchen and less clean up. I’m lazy theses days.


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I spent my early life in France therefore Brussels sprouts were a relatively frequent part of the menu. I was a bit baffled later in life to find the opprobrium they receive in some other countries (the sprouts, not the French).

They are common with the Christmas meal. On festive occasions they are are stuffed, or garnished, with nuts (including chestnuts) or perhaps "lardons" (fatty bacon-like strips). From what I recall they were either boiled or roasted -- actually I assume it would be a very quick boil, followed by roasting.

Here is one website with various fairly typically French ways to cook them for Christmas. It is in French, but there are videos for each recipe:
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Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
They’re delicious roasted. Just drizzle olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic if you wish and roast until done. They carmelize beautifully. I don’t usually take the time to roast them, or asparagus except for holidays or guests as I like them steamed as well and less time in the kitchen and less clean up. I’m lazy theses days.
Thank you Kristin251
Looking forward to trying them this weekend,and we love garlic so will probably try this with onion and sprinkled with crunchy bacon to go with the Sunday roast. K


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If you like the roasted sprouts try roasting cabbage. Cut slices across the grain and lay them onto a baking sheet, season with pepper and anything else you fancy and add lard around the edges, oil over the top, roast gently until just soft enough - personal tastes may vary. Some boil bacon for a minute - to reduce the salt and preservatives, then dry it off in a frying pan and put it on top of the cabbage - but I would not want to influence choices unduly.
Some people put beefburgers or poached eggs on top of their cabbage.
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