Type 1 Buses refusing to acknowledge hypos.


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Good afternoon all prepare for moan wife and I decided to go to our local town today got there ok getting bus back started to feel a bit funny tested bld sugar down the 3.2 started to go hypo so wife got me out sandwich which we just bought started to eat it suddenly bus stops driver walks up to us and says can't you read your not allowed to consume food on bus we explained my condition but he basically said not his problem and if I didn't stop eating he would throw us off bus so had to come home rest of way feeling grotty talk about jobs worth think I shall put in complaint bus company tomorrow not ruddy happy.what do you all think?


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Hi @Dairygrade . What a complete ****. Definitely contact bus company and complain. Correct course of action next time is to shout as loud as you can that you're having a hypo, jump up and lay down in aisle and whilst the bus driver is in panic mode get your good lady to explain that you just need some food and you'll be fine. This may result in a slightly different outcome.
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patronising people an those who lie.
Good afternoon all prepare for moan wife and I decided to go to our local town today got there ok getting bus back started to feel a bit funny tested bld sugar down the 3.2 started to go hypo so wife got me out sandwich which we just bought started to eat it suddenly bus stops driver walks up to us and says can't you read your not allowed to consume food on bus we explained my condition but he basically said not his problem and if I didn't stop eating he would throw us off bus so had to come home rest of way feeling grotty talk about jobs worth think I shall put in complaint bus company tomorrow not ruddy happy.what do you all think?
You go for it . Bus drivers have a responsibility to there passengers . When I go out with my husband we always carry gluco tabs. Hope you are feeling better.


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I wonder if you should carry glucose tablets or jelly babies in future?

If this is a genuine bus company rule, the driver could well have been worried about losing his job had he let you continue to eat.on his bus. I would consider a complaint about the bus company rule rather than against the driver.


I travel on London Transport a fair bit and there are no rules about eating food despite a lot of it being really smelly and unpleasant.to other passengers. A sandwich is fine though. Better to take glucose tablets with you next time and yes complain to the bus company. They need educating!
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Yes thanks for replying I certainly will carry glucose tablets in future forgot to say I'm also in a wheelchair after having strokes so not so easy getting on and off buses thanks again for replying.


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This really highlights the complete lack of knowledge most of the general public have about Diabetes.

For most people Diabetes is probably considered a self inflicted problem caused by fat people eating too many cakes.

I knew very little about the disease, especially Type 1 before joining this forum.

To expect a Bus driver to know and understand what was happening is perhaps expecting too much, but it is poor situation and a potentially dangerous one that can only be rectified by better public knowledge.
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Good afternoon all prepare for moan wife and I decided to go to our local town today got there ok getting bus back started to feel a bit funny tested bld sugar down the 3.2 started to go hypo so wife got me out sandwich which we just bought started to eat it suddenly bus stops driver walks up to us and says can't you read your not allowed to consume food on bus we explained my condition but he basically said not his problem and if I didn't stop eating he would throw us off bus so had to come home rest of way feeling grotty talk about jobs worth think I shall put in complaint bus company tomorrow not ruddy happy.what do you all think?

On my many trips to work, I have seen people eating crisps, sausage rolls, sweets ( and heard them too :yuck:) drinking coffee, cola and pepsi and never seen anyone being asked to stop. A letter to the bus company is a definite must, after all the bus companies want us to use their transport and as long as the person doesn't leave behind a mess or an unpleasant smell from a beverage or an item of food, I don't see a problem. After all, babies and children are given food if hungry or to keep them quieter, would the parents/carer be asked to stop ?
Good luck and I hope there will be some discretion from the bus company, with some common sense too.
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COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sadly something that is being outlawed in modern day society.
Only hope is that someone at bus company possesses the slightest bit of common sense and is prepared to apologise for the farce and problems they caused you.
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COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sadly something that is being outlawed in modern day society.
Only hope is that someone at bus company possesses the slightest bit of common sense and is prepared to apologise for the farce and problems they caused you.

On the buses I used to ride, it wasn't a problem, different towns and counties have different rules, unless there was a sign saying 'No food or drink to be consumed on this vehicle' ? but what about a mother breastfeeding her baby, giving toddler a snack ? where do companies draw the line, hence some common sense, we live in hope and I hope the OP gets a reply.


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Hmm, I'm conflicted about this. On one hand, I'd be tempted to say complain, but he's just a working guy trying to make a living and complaints aren't going to help him any, even though he deserves them. On the other hand, I'd forget about a complaint because (a) it's not worth my time, (b) he's an idiot but he's likely got a few issues in his own life.

If it happens again, stand your ground, although I accept that it's obviously difficult to articulate a position when you're below 4. On the odd occasion when it's happened to me in public bystanders have bent over backwards to get some sugar in me. If you're able to, tell him you're diabetic, you're hypo and you'll carry on eating this because you require to. Carry on eating: if he calls the police, show them your meter to prove the hypo and they'll tell him to fvck off and stop wasting police time.
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On the buses I used to ride, it wasn't a problem, different towns and counties have different rules, unless there was a sign saying 'No food or drink to be consumed on this vehicle' ? but what about a mother breastfeeding her baby, giving toddler a snack ? where do companies draw the line, hence some common sense, we live in hope and I hope the OP gets a reply.

The OP's original post suggests there may have been a sign, when he writes this:

"....suddenly bus stops driver walks up to us and says can't you read your not allowed to consume food on bus...."
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What would @Clivethedrive have done...?

Not sure that is particularly relevant.

Clive has exposure and knowledge of the disease and the potential problems and remedies.

Most people, and most Bus drivers do not, and would have no idea what BG levels, Hypos or Hypers are or how potentially dangerous they might be.

The public need to be better educated, but we cannot blame a particular individual for not knowing.


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Good afternoon all prepare for moan wife and I decided to go to our local town today got there ok getting bus back started to feel a bit funny tested bld sugar down the 3.2 started to go hypo so wife got me out sandwich which we just bought started to eat it suddenly bus stops driver walks up to us and says can't you read your not allowed to consume food on bus we explained my condition but he basically said not his problem and if I didn't stop eating he would throw us off bus so had to come home rest of way feeling grotty talk about jobs worth think I shall put in complaint bus company tomorrow not ruddy happy.what do you all think?

Dairygrade, did your wife "sympathetically" join you in a sandwich?
I know my wife will quite often say "you know what? I fancy something too!"
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Not sure that is particularly relevant.

Clive has exposure and knowledge of the disease and the potential problems and remedies.

Most people, and most Bus drivers do not, and would have no idea what BG levels, Hypos or Hypers are or how potentially dangerous they might be.

The public need to be better educated, but we cannot blame a particular individual for not knowing.

Mr Clive (as I call him :)) is a private coach driver.
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Dairygrade, did your wife "sympathetically" join you in a sandwich?
I know my wife will quite often say "you know what? I fancy something too!"

Apparently the bus driver pointed out that there was a sign about not eating on the bus !! Maybe because it was sandwich the driver might of thought the Op was going to have a picnic :rolleyes:


Retired Moderator
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Not sure that is particularly relevant.

Clive has exposure and knowledge of the disease and the potential problems and remedies.

Most people, and most Bus drivers do not, and would have no idea what BG levels, Hypos or Hypers are or how potentially dangerous they might be.

The public need to be better educated, but we cannot blame a particular individual for not knowing.

Indeed. But more often than not there is CCTV on these busses for the drivers protection? May have misconstrued the situation & actually have a sensible alibi.

My earlier question... As a T1 myself. I try to balance things out. Before da gun da blaze...

Dairygrade, did your wife "sympathetically" join you in a sandwich?
I know my wife will quite often say "you know what? I fancy something too!"


Retired Moderator
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Apparently the bus driver pointed out that there was a sign about not eating on the bus !! Maybe because it was sandwich the driver might of thought the Op was going to have a picnic :rolleyes:

Funny you mention that! A blanket on the ground would have been a "trip hazard" in the unlikely event of an emergency evacuation....