Can I eat a satsuma please!


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When people who know nothing about the LCHF diet tell me I'm killing myself being on it. I was killing myself not being on it!
My husband came home with a bag of satsuma oranges. Would it be ok to eat one with my work lunch tomorrow? For breakfast it's 1 scrambled egg and 1/2 an avocado. My lunch will be a few biggish prawns, the other half of the avocado, 4 garlic stuffed olives, a small piece of brie and a slice of parma ham. With a glass of water flavoured with a slice of cucumber (the dentist made me stop flavouring the water with fresh lemon and lime, seems it was bad for my teeth :( ).
I eat a few blueberries and raspberries, but wondered about that lovely satsuma looking at me from the fruit bowl :)

Looking forward to your advice and other recommendations for fruit I can eat. I've given up my 2 bananas a day!


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Fruit wise your better off sticking to berries if your sole focus is maintaining a steady level, but were all different, the other option would be to have a few segments and test afterwards to see how if affects you, and whilst it's good to stick to your chosen diet the odd treat now and then isn't going to hurt unless you start to make a habit. Were only human after all.
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My husband came home with a bag of satsuma oranges. Would it be ok to eat one with my work lunch tomorrow? For breakfast it's 1 scrambled egg and 1/2 an avocado. My lunch will be a few biggish prawns, the other half of the avocado, 4 garlic stuffed olives, a small piece of brie and a slice of parma ham. With a glass of water flavoured with a slice of cucumber (the dentist made me stop flavouring the water with fresh lemon and lime, seems it was bad for my teeth :( ).
I eat a few blueberries and raspberries, but wondered about that lovely satsuma looking at me from the fruit bowl :)

Looking forward to your advice and other recommendations for fruit I can eat. I've given up my 2 bananas a day!

Hi @berylc,I find that if i eat banana while it's still greenish yellow ( not to ripe,it contains more potassium than sugar and is ok in moderation, but when a banana gets too ripe the potassium turns to sugar
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Perhaps not too bad at 9.5 g carbs per 100g most medium satusmas are about 70g so that's 6.65g ......but, and it is a BIG but, they are the top of the slippery slope - as Maz above has said, if you MUST eat it, test afterwards (1 & 2 hrs to see any spike) and DON'T think that just because 1 was OK, another won't hurt, will it?....
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Deleted member 308541

We have always had fruit in the fridge, I eat Mandarins and Oranges, Apples etc, and whatever tropical fruit is in season. I do not pig out on it though.


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When people who know nothing about the LCHF diet tell me I'm killing myself being on it. I was killing myself not being on it!
I might eat it when I leave work. I have a funeral to go to and then afterwards I'm going to aqua Zumba, getting a lift to the pool, 45 mins of exercise and then a 20 min walk home, more if it's not raining and I can walk the long way home. So plenty of exercise to work it off and can test just over 2 hrs after eating it. Or I might just leave it in the bowl! I know know the meaning of the phrase 'forbidden Craig's


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When people who know nothing about the LCHF diet tell me I'm killing myself being on it. I was killing myself not being on it!
I might eat it when I leave work. I have a funeral to go to and then afterwards I'm going to aqua Zumba, getting a lift to the pool, 45 mins of exercise and then a 20 min walk home, more if it's not raining and I can walk the long way home. So plenty of exercise to work it off and can test just over 2 hrs after eating it. Or I might just leave it in the bowl! I know know the meaning of the phrase 'forbidden Craig's
FORBIDDEN CRAIGS........ WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? Predictive text! Forbidden FRUIT :)

Deleted member 308541

I hate that when it happens on my Android phone, I found out how to turn it off.

Wish there was a setting for Windows. :(


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I can eat them now. Not in the early stages of getting control but having lost all the weight I needed to and getting my HbA1c down to normal levels. I would suggest trying one and making sure you test afterwards. Even if it doesn't work now it could well work later when you have more control.
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I can eat a small satsuma or a small plum,half an apple, a slice of pineapple - it's all about testing - I sickened myself to death with berries and apart from blackberries in season I don't eat them now - if I never ate another I wouldn't care less - maybe after a few months off them but not at the moment - eat savour and enjoy followed by testing you may be pleasantly surprised:)


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Cruelty, bigotry
I managed to eat one clementine a day over Christmas and tolerated them quite well. Go for it!
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I do miss my fruit. I saw a lady eat an apple yesterday and when she crunched into it I could feel my taste buds go wild! So today I shall have an apple for lunch together with some cheese and see what that does to my BS.
I did try a clem over Christmas but unfortunately it spiked
But like everybody else says, try and test and see what happens with your blood sugars. Good luck x
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When people who know nothing about the LCHF diet tell me I'm killing myself being on it. I was killing myself not being on it!
Well the problem was solved...... I forgot to take it to work with me!


Retired Moderator
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Seriously though, eat one and test. You may be fine. Or you may not. And if you aren't, then don't give up. Just try eating one after a meal, or before exercise, or eat half of one, then the other half two hours later. Just test, test, test, so you know what is happening.

There will be a way you can make it work.

(I LOVE cherries. You know the sweet ripe ones that only turn up for about a month each summer. Not those horrible hard tasteless ones you can get before and after. Well, I can eat a whole 300g of the little darlings in a single day. I just eat one every 20 mins, rather than eating the whole punnet in 15 mins, which is what I used to do when the Cherry Obsession hit. And having tested exhaustively, I know that my blood glucose stays rock solid, all day, providing I spread the enjoyment through the day... :D)


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Bullies & Cauliflower cheese
Good morning I have one small satsuma and one small apple every day,raspberries and blueberries with porridge funny enough its only pears and banana's that make my BG rise but only for a short while,:)
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When people who know nothing about the LCHF diet tell me I'm killing myself being on it. I was killing myself not being on it!
Thanks for moving thread to the right place! I realised after I'd posted that it was in the wrong bit.

Anyway, after work and the funeral I came home grabbed a espresso coffee with 3 tsp of double cream and headed off to aqua zumba. I was 7.6 when I arrived at the pool and now 6.3 after walking home. So I'm glad I missed the satsuma! Once I've got my BS levels down properly I'll do the satsuma test. My fav fruit is the british plum. I have one a day when they are in season. I was without my testing machine then, so no idea what they did to me, maybe just as well!


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Thanks for moving thread to the right place! I realised after I'd posted that it was in the wrong bit.

Anyway, after work and the funeral I came home grabbed a espresso coffee with 3 tsp of double cream and headed off to aqua zumba. I was 7.6 when I arrived at the pool and now 6.3 after walking home. So I'm glad I missed the satsuma! Once I've got my BS levels down properly I'll do the satsuma test. My fav fruit is the british plum. I have one a day when they are in season. I was without my testing machine then, so no idea what they did to me, maybe just as well!

There is nothing at all wrong with either of those numbers with regards to your day.
7.6 and 6.3.
The 7.6 is probably because of a liver dump after no food, and you certainly burnt that off with the Zumba.

LInk to BG figures here