Cauli Rice


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Bullies & Cauliflower cheese
Good evening has anyone tried Cauli Rice and is it suitable as a rice replacement,I am given to understand that it is only 3 carbs:)

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You can make your own cauliflower rice its cheaper and yes very low in carbs ..I find if you mix it with a small amount of whole grain rice ( 20g ) or so it helps bulk out 'real' rice and does the trick :)


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I tried this when it was first available - thought it would be a good standby to keep in desk at work, I didnt like the taste after cooking in microwave and found it quite disgusting. Others on forum reported it was better if fried.
Making my own cauli rice is easy and tastes so much better, I bulk buy cauls when they are on offer and blitz into 'rice' before freezeing in portions sealed in ziplock bags. Quick fry in butter and its ready!
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We're having curry tonight, and I've just made this (serves 2) out of 500g Essential Waitrose frozen cauli. Microwaved on full power for 10 minutes, drained, then whizzed in my mini food processor in 2 batches (I HATE the big processor with a passion - too much washing up).

Sometimes I add coriander leaves. Yummy. Oh, and lots of salt and pepper.

I have (once) tried commercial cauliflower rice - now, Snapsy eats pretty much everything, but oh boy that really wasn't nice AT ALL.

A portion of my homemade version is 7.5g carbohydrate. And it's scrummy. I have it with curry, chilli, stroganoff etc. With stew and bolognese etc I have caulimash (750g cauliflower for 2 portions, microwaved for 20 minutes, drained, whizzed with my stick blender with tonnes of salt and pepper, maybe some cheese, definitely some butter).

I don't miss rice, or potatoes. And I buy 4-6kg frozen cauliflower a week.

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Good evening has anyone tried Cauli Rice and is it suitable as a rice replacement,I am given to understand that it is only 3 carbs:)

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I tried that exact brand and it was vile - very synthetic. So bad I removed it from my plate and didn't eat it! I love cauliflower but this put me right off cauliflower rice. Think you'd be better off making your own.


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I make my own from fresh cauliflower. I've only got a little blender/processor but it's very quick. I add a little turmeric for that pilau colour and salt and black pepper. I cook mine in the microwave for 3 minutes but I see others have fried theirs ... I'll try that with garlic and butter next time :)


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I whizz up fresh florets and stalk in the food processor and fry in butter.
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I tried it once, I'm not a fan of cauliflower at the best of times but this was particularly bad. I make my own cauli rice and make sure it is smothered in sauce so that it is palatable.


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Good evening has anyone tried Cauli Rice and is it suitable as a rice replacement,I am given to understand that it is only 3 carbs:)

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I have not seen that brand for sale, but some supermarkets have their own versions.
Like others, I prefer to make my own by grating or whizzing in food processor, sometimes with other veg added, then fry in cocnut oil, for Thai curry, or butter and garlic. My family actually prefer it to rice.


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People who think they know everything.
Good evening has anyone tried Cauli Rice and is it suitable as a rice replacement,I am given to understand that it is only 3 carbs:)

View attachment 22655

Yes, I've had that one although I prefer the one with the Indian spices. I've got a cupboard full (bought when on special offer) because Mr C takes a packet to work with some home made curry which he zaps in the canteen microwave. Somehow the home made cauliflower rice, once cooked and cooled, doesn't do so well warmed up in the microwave - its best eaten freshly cooked.

I use the Asda packets of cauliflower - available in the fresh / prepared veg section. On the pack it says don't freeze but it freezes fine and when it defrosts it loses a lot of liquid so I defrost it in a colander over a bowl. Tastes great.



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Bullies & Cauliflower cheese
Good afternoon all my friends and thank you for all your replies,they are very much appreciated and most welcome:)

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We saw some packaged cauli rice for the first time in the fruit and veggie section at Woolies yesterday. It was about $3.00 for a 250 gram pack.

They also had spiralled zucchini spaghetti for about the same price.

Did not buy any though.