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ok lets try this, ill ignore you and see if that works

Why ... I like a good argument.... shame this isn't that....

Cmon then, ... promise I won't use any big words......
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Avocado Sevenfold

Thank you for your reply. Most of us are in the same boat in the UK, except the 1% who have most of the wealth.
In Scotland, predominantly the haves voted NO and the havenots voted YES. What does that tell you?

I feel it necessary to leave the forum for several reasons:
  • it seems to be populated with people who don't have enquiring minds.
  • The posters on this thread give no thought to those on the receiving end of their xenophobia.
  • My mistake was in assuming that this forum welcomed ALL diabetics who needed support - not just those who don't reside in Scotland.
  • The xenophobia against Scots in the UK, as well as this forum is so institutionalised and pervasive that it goes unnoticed. It's the norm.
  • The moderators on the forum fail regularly to maintain balance whether it be this thread or the low-carb arguments.
  • I can do without the aggro.
Hi @Weens12 I am sorry you are thinking of leaving, but can understand why as I felt the same myself last week.

I live in the biggest yes voting city, as i suspect you might, and I found last week incredibly stressful. I had a knot in my stomach most of the week in anticipation of the vote. I found some of the posts on this forum flippant and some hateful. I didn't need that to add to my stress, so put the thread on ignore and stepped away for a few days until it calmed down a bit. I think the people who peed me off just didn't understand the importance of the vote. I don't come on to a health support forum be be made to feel like *****. Kind of defeats the purpose.

All the best with whatever you decide to do.


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Hi @Weens12 I am sorry you are thinking of leaving, but can understand why as I felt the same myself last week.

I live in the biggest yes voting city, as i suspect you might, and I found last week incredibly stressful. I had a knot in my stomach most of the week in anticipation of the vote. I found some of the posts on this forum flippant and some hateful. I didn't need that to add to my stress, so put the thread on ignore and stepped away for a few days until it calmed down a bit. I think the people who peed me off just didn't understand the importance of the vote. I don't come on to a health support forum be be made to feel like *****. Kind of defeats the purpose.

All the best with whatever you decide to do.

Thanks, Avocado... yes I live in Glasgow. I agree with everything you say. especially about being made to feel like ***** on a health forum.
No wonder some people in Scotland wanted to break away, when institutional racism pervades everything... even this forum.

I was sick of being bomarded in the media with hateful propaganda... and to find it here too.... some of the posters on here could do with walking a mile in our shoes.

It's such a disappointment that people with the same health problem have to divide and conquer like this... and anyone who doesn't share their world view is to be abused. This is against the spirit of a forum such as this, and that is why I'm leaving ... I definitely don't need the aggro... when I thought that this would be a haven from all of that. There is clearly more that divides us than unites us.


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What does football have to do with this topic?
Further, all I've heard on this side of the border is moaning about Scots.... where does that leave us...?

It was just one example of how some Scottish people don't always appear to like the English. I'm not moaning about Scots. Generally I love the Scottish people. (apart from Alex Ferguson, but like you said what has football got to do with this) I'm moaning about Scots who moan about the English. This is what happened in my case. I have heard so much of this, and I don't think you realise that when a Scottish person slags me off for being English it hurts me. Why wouldn't it? Some Welsh people have done it too. That hurts as well. Yet if I so much as mention here that I too have been hurt by xenophobia, I'm in the wrong. How does that work, only xenophobia by the English is hurtful? You don't think we get hurt too? I was mentioning it in reply to your anti-English post. So in my case I have been at the receiving end of xenophobia too. So Weens12 I apologize on behalf of myself and my English compatriots for anything you and your fellow Scots have found distasteful and xenophobic against yourself and the Scottish people. Maybe you could apologize to me too because my feelings have been similarly hurt over this? It would be good to be friends.:)

@Avocado Sevenfold I understood the importance of the vote and I'm sorry you were hurt by this thread.:sorry:
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Avocado Sevenfold

@zand I'm not ignoring you honest. I just popped out to bring the washing in. I don't like to discuss politics on here, but will just point out that the vote was not a vote against England, it was a vote for independence :)

*backs out of the thread again*
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@zand I'm not ignoring you honest. I just popped out to bring the washing in. I don't like to discuss politics on here, but will just point out that the vote was not a vote against England, it was a vote for independence :)

*backs out of the thread again*
Yes it was. :) That's why I would like only English MP's voting on issues which only affect England. :) Can I come to Glasgow again?:)
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It was just one example of how some Scottish people don't always appear to like the English. I'm not moaning about Scots. Generally I love the Scottish people. (apart from Alex Ferguson, but like you said what has football got to do with this) I'm moaning about Scots who moan about the English. This is what happened in my case. I have heard so much of this, and I don't think you realise that when a Scottish person slags me off for being English it hurts me. Why wouldn't it? Some Welsh people have done it too. That hurts as well. Yet if I so much as mention here that I too have been hurt by xenophobia, I'm in the wrong. How does that work, only xenophobia by the English is hurtful? You don't think we get hurt too? I was mentioning it in reply to your anti-English post. So in my case I have been at the receiving end of xenophobia too. So Weens12 I apologize on behalf of myself and my English compatriots for anything you and your fellow Scots have found distasteful and xenophobic against yourself and the Scottish people. Maybe you could apologize to me too because my feelings have been similarly hurt over this? It would be good to be friends.:)

@Avocado Sevenfold I understood the importance of the vote and I'm sorry you were hurt by this thread.:sorry:


Thanks for bringing some sanity into this discussion. I think the football thing might be a bad example of the Scots-English thing. There's always rivalry in these things, and unfortunately it gets out of hand on occasion.

I'm sorry to hear that you've been on the receiving end of racism for being English, but you won't get it from me. However, if you feel that I have hurt you, it was not my intention, and you have my sincerest apologies. You're not in the wrong for bringing it up, and I do realise it hurts - but please don't think this is indicative of all Scots people. We have nutters on both sides of the border, although we might have the edge :) - this is the cross we both have to bear. I don't see how you think my post was anti-English - it was anti-racism. I will call out any racism I see - regardless of which "side" perpetrates it - it is something I will not tolerate. And like you, I don't like being slagged off just for being Scottish - for something I've done or said - but not for an accident of birth.

I love English people - most of my friends are English, as are some of my family. What I don't like, is those who abuse one another over their nationalities or football affilitions, or anything else for that matter. (This is one of the reasons I don't like football - and the whole Rangers/Celtic thing which exists in Glasgow) - I don't like Alex Ferguson much either, but that's a personal thing - I don't like shouty people - although I do seem to have become one today.:eek:

I like people who are open-minded and honest, and there are many on both sides of this argument. There should also be room for discussion of important issues without bringing nationality into it. Especially if it's used as a stick to beat the other person with.

But, I repeat, this is not the forum for this type of discussion.

I objected to the flippant remarks on this thread, which are particularly unwelcome at this time for what I would have hoped was obvious reasons. It's not sour grapes, as some might call it, but the fact that we've all in Scotland had to put up with all the negative propaganda for months over the independence issue, and it can get to you after a while. The whole fried mars-bars, haggis-eating, kilt wearing thing is trotted out every time someone wants to denigrate Scots. We need to reunite now... not stoke the fire.

I don't go around calling English people limeys or any other derogatory term because it's just plain wrong, and I know those sort of things can hurt - although sometimes I'd like to :mad: There's a time and place for the jocular kidding-on/slagging off of one another.. this is neither.
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Yes it was. :) That's why I would like only English MP's voting on issues which only affect England. :) Can I come to Glasgow again?:)

I agree ... and for the record... I've always agreed ....you do know that this only benefits the Labour Party? - that's why they're against changing it.

The SNP is the only political party in Scotland whose Westminster MPs do not vote on English matters, or take seats in the House of Lords. The rest of the lacklustre bunch don't have such scruples. For the record - I'm not a member of the SNP.

And you're very welcome to come to Glasgow.... I'll show you around personally.
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Scottish cringe? I don't think so

Welcome back.... yep ... I call it how it looks..

How's it playing out? .. haha

You don't seem to have a good word to say about Glaswegians either.. tsk tsk.
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@weens thank you. lol No one has ever said that I brought sanity to anything before! Quite the opposite in fact. So do you reckon we can all put this thread behind us and carry on fighting diabetes not each other now? :)

Oh, I know you can't see it right now but Andy12345 is quite a nice guy really, I think he's just proud to be half Scottish and half English, that must be confusing, eh?;)
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@weens thank you. lol No one has ever said that I brought sanity to anything before! Quite the opposite in fact. So do you reckon we can all put this thread behind us and carry on fighting diabetes not each other now? :)

Oh, I know you can't see it right now but Andy12345 is quite a nice guy really, I think he's just proud to be half Scottish and half English, that must be confusing, eh?;)

Well you restored my sanity, (temporarily at least - so long as I keep taking the pills!) and my faith in at least one other person on this forum, as well as Avocado - thanks! :) I think this thread should be locked or deleted as it doesn't serve any useful purpose. It only served to create divisions which weren't needed. I wasn't going to wade in, but it was a very unbalanced discussion, and I was unable to stop myself.

I agree... Andy can be a nice guy, but he can also be intolerant of people who don't share his particular hobby horse which is v low carbing.
He rants about it, and attacks those who don't agree with him about it 100%, which can be unhelpful, especially to new members.
He is entitled to his opinion, and his passion is admirable. Further, I would defend his right to voice his opinion, but maybe he could be a bit more measured in how expresses it? It would be more constructive.

He needs to allow others to hold a different view without throwing a tantrum or abusing them for it. He was the same with this subject. So he has two sides - maybe that reflects his Scottish/English sides - maybe it's his Scottish side that is the nutter :playful:


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If a complete outsider may offer a humble suggestion:

The UK and Scotland in particular has just gone through a highly divisive and polarizing referendum on independence, a subject that must incite strong feelings on both sides of the argument.

The 45 per cent of the Scottish population that ended up on the losing side must be allowed a period of grief for their shuttered dreams.

Perhaps it is best if during this period when tempers and feelings are still running high certain debates and arguments are avoided and postponed to a later date when matters may be considered from a more removed and objective standpoint.

Please forgive me this interference

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@weens thank you. lol No one has ever said that I brought sanity to anything before! Quite the opposite in fact. So do you reckon we can all put this thread behind us and carry on fighting diabetes not each other now? :)

Oh, I know you can't see it right now but Andy12345 is quite a nice guy really, I think he's just proud to be half Scottish and half English, that must be confusing, eh?;)

Well done @zand for your peacemaking efforts.

I have to say I feel a bit foolish, as I really believed @Weens12 had been upset and offended by the thread, and did not want to think I could have contributed to that distress, or the loss of a forum member.

I have always hated stereo-typing and prejudice. Have got myself in trouble on forum in the past for objecting to it. So if my comments on here have in any way been taken that way I apologise unreservedly.

However, for someone purporting to not wanting the sort of discussion that has been the theme of this thread, @Weens12 has made a good job of using insults and stereotypes. Particularly as @Weens12 was meant to be leaving.

I do hope that we can all acknowledge that we do have a common interest, diabetes UK. As the OP pointed out. Also that we can unite and recognise that disagreement with another's point of view does not have to turn into an argument.


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@Weens12 We are going to have to agree to differ here then. I see Andy as someone who is passionate about helping others and also about low carbing because it saved his life. He wants to share it with others. I see that as a good thing. Like him I get frustrated by the 'eat what you like' messages posted by some. I think what confuses newbies is the animosity we low carbers get from the rest and the advice given to them by their HCP's. We're passionate because we know it's a healthy food plan for life for anyone not just diabetics.

I think it would be good if this thread was closed and deleted. We don't need to be divided and squabbling between ourselves.

Time for me to find my pills now too:)
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Well done @zand for your peacemaking efforts.

I have to say I feel a bit foolish, as I really believed @Weens12 had been upset and offended by the thread, and did not want to think I could have contributed to that distress, or the loss of a forum member.

I have always hated stereo-typing and prejudice. Have got myself in trouble on forum in the past for objecting to it. So if my comments on here have in any way been taken that way I apologise unreservedly.

However, for someone purporting to not wanting the sort of discussion that has been the theme of this thread, @Weens12 has made a good job of using insults and stereotypes. Particularly as @Weens12 was meant to be leaving.

I do hope that we can all acknowledge that we do have a common interest, diabetes UK. As the OP pointed out. Also that we can unite and recognise that disagreement with another's point of view does not have to turn into an argument.


I have also always hated stereo-typing and prejudice, which is why I was turning it round on some of those who posted the offensive statements. Turns out they didn't like it anymore than I did.

I came on the forum as I had some great news about my diabetic review and wanted to share it, only to find that there was a thread which, in my opinion, if not yours, was offensive and racist - and you can believe that I was upset and distressed by it, as it seems others have been too.

So excuse me for dishing some of it back to those who I considered deserved it. Their silence since speaks volumes about whether I was, if not justified, then accurate in my assessment of their attitude. Are you advocating that people should turn the other cheek to rampant racism?

Yes I am leaving, but I hung around for a bit to see if any of the people who posted the offensive things would be in any way contrite, or would come out and try to defend the indefensible.

They aren't, and they didn't, so my conclusion is that that is their true attitude. This is not just a simple disagreement about anothers point of view. It goes far beyond that. And Andy12345 has form in going beyond the pale when someone disagrees with him, but in this instance he wasn't the only one.

If someone is prepared to utter such offensive things, then they should be prepared for others to call them on it, and disagree with them strongly.

Since I am going.... I might as well say some other things too.... There's a cosy little cabal on this forum who are happy to sit around and agree how wonderful they all are, and how their way is the only way. They come out and abuse anyone who disagrees with their world view. Well it might work for them, it doesn't work for me, so it really is time for me to go.

It's safe to come out now.
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ENOUGH, this thread is being locked. Yet again another thread has been used as a catapult for personal insults, sarcastic remarks, derailing of OP's thread and so often, playground childish behaviour, this will not be tolerated,
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