

My wife was diagnosed about 6 months ago with T2D with a score of 56. She has faithfully followed LCHF, has lost about 4.5 stones in weight, walks every night and her last test was 28. Two different GP's have told her how well she has done. My wife is just back from her second visit to the dietician. They've said not much point in her coming back as she isn't eating properly and they will go over the same ground. She was also told that because she's not eating nutritionally she will have health problems later on in life. Also if she continues on with this her liver will start producing glucose and her BS will shoot up. She shouldn't be testing with our own meter because she hasn't been properly trained.
She makes all her own meals from scratch with lots of veg and meat.
I'm a little concerned. Is there any truth in what we've been told and should we start introducing more carbs?
I'm very interested in what others think.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
As far as I am concerned all dietitians live in Lala land. They have no evidence for any of their advice and who needs training to use a meter?
As to the not eating properly. If you eat as they dictate then you are also told that diabetes is progressive and you will end up on insulin and having amputations.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
My wife was diagnosed about 6 months ago with T2D with a score of 56. She has faithfully followed LCHF, has lost about 4.5 stones in weight, walks every night and her last test was 28. Two different GP's have told her how well she has done. My wife is just back from her second visit to the dietician. They've said not much point in her coming back as she isn't eating properly and they will go over the same ground. She was also told that because she's not eating nutritionally she will have health problems later on in life. Also if she continues on with this her liver will start producing glucose and her BS will shoot up. She shouldn't be testing with our own meter because she hasn't been properly trained.
She makes all her own meals from scratch with lots of veg and meat.
I'm a little concerned. Is there any truth in what we've been told and should we start introducing more carbs?
I'm very interested in what others think.
Your wife has effectively made the dietician redundant... She has lost weight, brought her errant blood sugars back into line and probably feels quite amazing with it.. She's doing everything right.. By the sounds of it her dietician should be avoided.
As for the meter and not being trained.. seriously? what a load of old cobblers.. Personally I would be tempted to put in a formal complaint about the dietician and their attitude.


Well-Known Member
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I'd just agree it's not worth seeing the dietician again; they seem to be offering that as an option; grab it with both hands.

There are some good dieticians, but this one is obviously not.

Those 'worries' from the dietician are jibber-jabber. Ignore them. The liver produces glycogen formed from glucose and everyone's liver does that so the dietician's point is what? If your wife's 'un-nutritious' diet has improved all her markers, made her lose weight and dropped her blood sugars what part of it exactly is 'un-nutritious'? The increase more carbs bit is the most worrying thing and I hope you have the confidence to see that for the catastrophically bad advice it is.

It sounds like your wife has got this in hand!


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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Not eating nutritionally - I'll have to make a note of that one.
Please do not be concerned - the good stuff is not in the heavy starches, it is in the fresh green and growing things which your wife is probably picking out for herself.
Bread flour needs to have things added to it to try to give it any true nutritional value - most dense white carbs are regarded as pretty deadly. Only potatoes can sustain life - but only if eaten with the skin and after being stored properly - they can be poisonous if green.
There are no essential carbs, and some people such as the Inuit lived for generations in an environment devoid of anything but fish and meat, and were, it is recorded, far healthier than today when there are shops selling carbs to them.
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Nutritionally what are 'the more carbs' going to bring to the table?

Obviously make sure the wife is getting all the right nutrients just with out the carbs and sugar. The only BS going up is the dietitians and it's the kind you can smell!
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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
They've said not much point in her coming back as she isn't eating properly and they will go over the same ground. She was also told that because she's not eating nutritionally she will have health problems later on in life. Also if she continues on with this her liver will start producing glucose and her BS will shoot up. She shouldn't be testing with our own meter because she hasn't been properly trained.

That is what many of us did...and looked what happened to our glucose/insulin levels...normal again. :D
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I saw a dietician once after I was diagnosed. In the course of the appointment I asked her what effect sunflower seeds would have on sugars - she finally admitted that she didn't know what sunflower seeds were. Nuff said!


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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Dunno about NHS, but it's possible to choose another dietitian, even if eventually this mean a trip in another city still being covered by NHS?
In Italy with SSN I could choose with specialist or hospital to go for my exams, and in most cases to ask for a specific doctor, with the only downside that the booking could be really later than the default first choice and that normally you have to phone directly the hospital for the reservation instead to used the unified call centre.
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I think I have been T2 for about 11 or 12yrs now and have never even seen a dietician, for which mercy I am truly grateful! I have always been looked after by my GP and the 2 practice nurses, none of whom suggested LCHF but all of whom were very supportive when they saw the results. And yes, I know I have been very lucky. As has already been said, there are NO essential carbs and there are most certainly no essential dieticians. Very well done for what you have achieved despite their "help and advice". As for training to use a bg meter.............words fail me!:banghead:.


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Diet only
The worrying part is that this trained medical professional, paid by the NHS is giving this advice to others who will be believing her/him. How can anyone say that losing weight and getting your blood glucose to normal will not improve your health long term. I don't know about making a complaint but I would be asking them to refer me to the scientific evidence on which their advice is based so that I can read it for myself. That might make them think about what they are saying. Those of us with the confidence to challenge medical advice should be asking questions whenever we get the chance in order to help those who feel they have to follow the disastrous diabetes advice given to so many people.

Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
Difficulty is with growing increases in the number of people with diabetes, more dieticians with little or no knowledge will be brought into the ranks and do more harm than good

One shadow walks in front of the other when both need to see the light


Well-Known Member
The good news is that there is a growing body of evidence - and on-going research - demonstrating the health benefits of LCHF from both the UK and the US. The following are from UCSF - an academic and clinical institution in the US:

How Ketogenic Diets Curb Inflammation in the Brain:
UCSF: DELISH Study: Diabetes Education to Lower Insulin, Sugars and Hunger:
Low Carbohydrate Diet for Cancer Prevention:


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
My friends 12 month old baby learnt how my cgm worked 5 years ago... and that at the time was far more complicated than a meter.

Can't believe the **** that people are being told!!

Welldone on excellent results... fantastic and should be very proud, not told that this will bring other health probs- which arent accurate!


Many thanks to all of you. We had been doubting ourselves even though she has done so well. Forgot to say there was a student in the session as well so these ideas will be perpetuated. Watched a programme about ageing and the radical new approach was to go on an 800 calorie/day diet which miraculously brought the lady's BS down to normal/reversal level.
Thank goodness for this forum and all of you. Can't say how much you've helped us with advice and confidence.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I was sacked by a dietician cos I didn't need to lose weight but needed to gain some!!
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
sprouts, evil things
NHS dietitians have a strict remit to follow. poor bastards.

We do need carbs, just not wheat or rice which is the NHS standard.

Go private and you will see what a difference this will make. We all know you can live a fantastic and healthy life away from the NICE plate, just look at what your wife has done so far. She is awesome for doing what she has done.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
It is the official guidelines that are wrong or narrow minded