Does eating more fat increase weight loss?


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Hi, I've cut carbs to say 50g, but still trying to get clear in my head, does eating more fat directly help you loose weight, so you eat fat to loose fat, or is it that it fills you up, helps you avoid eating too many carbs or too much protein, and so control bs levels and as a consequence loose weight? I am going to try eating more fat as been feeling hungry and don't want to slip back into eating more carbs, so guess I'll find out what happens soon, but interested to hear anyone's thoughts on this. Thanks


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Ah now that's exactly what I'm trying to work out. Unfortunately I haven't been feeling too well for a while, but as soon as I'm back on my feet properly I intend to test this out. My intention is to eat more fat than I have before and see where there takes me. Sorry I don't know the answer yet. :) I suppose it may be different for different people anyway?
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What I've found is that increased fat and protein reduces hunger. Due to the exercise programme I am doing, I'm consuming more protein than typical lchf, but I can't say I'm hungry, and I lost a lot of weight and body fat by eating like that in combination with three times a week resistance training.
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Hi @zand, sorry to hear you've been feeling under the weather, take care.

I think Dr john briffa quotes a study where people eat nuts on top of calorie controlled diet, and lost more weight than control group on same cals, but was just one study and you are so right, we are all different. Would love to hear how your experiment goes. Your weight loss is great so what you have been eating thus far is working
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What I've found is that increased fat and protein reduces hunger. Due to the exercise programme I am doing, I'm consuming more protein than typical lchf, but I can't say I'm hungry, and I lost a lot of weight and body fat by eating like that in combination with three times a week resistance training.

Thanks @Tim, resistance training sounds good. I have focussed on walking a lot more but maybe I should think about more serious exercise....hmmmm!


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It didn't for me, i had to watch my fat too, I don't eat dairy or fat on meat or butter etc, I get my fats from nuts cold olive oil oily fish advacado etc but still had to be careful I eat about 80 -90g carb a day so it may be different for extreme low carb but I find that however I get my calories whether it's from carbs fat or protein I still have to go no higher than 1400 cals or the weight creeps back on.

I did try it after Christmas as I want to lose some weight that I had put on before Christmas after a very stressful time- I cut my carbs to 60g and upped my fats a bit and put on another 8lb so I have gone back to doing what I have done for the last few years to get my weight loss and lost 3lb this week.

This is just my experience - I know others have had great success with the high fat method
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Meant to add that my numbers actually crept up a little with the higher fat diet! Not by a lot and still very acceptable and I have no explanation for this other than maybe my carbs were still to high or the pizza effect or maybe I was going low and having liver dumps - who knows


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Thanks so much @lovinglife for this, very interesting. I guess though I may try and up my fat, my gut instinct is this is what will happen with me too!


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It didn't for me, i had to watch my fat too, I don't eat dairy or fat on meat or butter etc, I get my fats from nuts cold olive oil oily fish advacado etc but still had to be careful I eat about 80 -90g carb a day so it may be different for extreme low carb but I find that however I get my calories whether it's from carbs fat or protein I still have to go no higher than 1400 cals or the weight creeps back on.

I did try it after Christmas as I want to lose some weight that I had put on before Christmas after a very stressful time- I cut my carbs to 60g and upped my fats a bit and put on another 8lb so I have gone back to doing what I have done for the last few years to get my weight loss and lost 3lb this week.

This is just my experience - I know others have had great success with the high fat method
Meant to say,congrats on the 3 lbs, that's v encouraging.


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It is all a question of balance between carbs and fats. It is a fine balance and not always easy to find that balance. When you cut carbs you lose calories (energy), so you lose weight. You do have to replace this lost energy (calories) or you will quickly become tired and off colour. You can only replace this lost energy (calories) by increasing fats and/or protein. If you want to lose weight you have to watch that you aren't replacing your lost energy (calories) by too much, or you will not lose weight. Find the right balance for you personally.

I was lucky. I found the right balance straight away and lost 31% of my weight without any effort. My problems started when I reached target weight because I just kept losing. I had to really up my fats to stop this, and it took a few months of trial and error to find a new balance..

So to answer your question, eating more fats won't make you lose more weight. Eating the right amount of fats for your personal energy requirements will. In other words, a bit of calorie counting might be necessary in addition to carb counting.
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Hi @bluetit, thanks, I'm going to bookmark this very helpful explanation somehow and hang onto it!

I got a bit lost in it all this week as didn't loose any weight and also feeling more tired/lethargic,msh icy got me thinking about fat consumption. But I guess those kind of weeks come along whatever, irrespective of carbs, fat and calories. Back to that its a marathon not a sprint mantra for next week

All the best.
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
Quote from Trudi Deakin's new book (same information is elsewhere) - my bold:

"(On LCHF) initially glycogen (carbohydrate storage) is reduced, this process also releases water. Excess water is also excreted from the body when insulin levels fall." (This is why you need to drink a lot of water and increase slightly your salt consumption).

"Once the body has adapted to the lifestyle, it becomes efficient at burning body fat instead of storing it. Lower levels of glucose and insulin mean that the switch to convert carbohydrate into fat is turned off and the fat burning switch is turned on. Fat then becomes the preferred fuel for energy ..."

"Another benefit shown in clinical studies is that (LCHF) is very effective at reducing the harmful abdominal fat that causes insulin resistance ...).
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Hi @bluetit, thanks, I'm going to bookmark this very helpful explanation somehow and hang onto it!

I got a bit lost in it all this week as didn't loose any weight and also feeling more tired/lethargic,msh icy got me thinking about fat consumption. But I guess those kind of weeks come along whatever, irrespective of carbs, fat and calories. Back to that its a marathon not a sprint mantra for next week

All the best.

It's trial and error until you find the right balance that suits you. Keep those carbs down and eat enough fat to keep you feeling well, keep you losing weight, and stop you being hungry and tired. You will get there.
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Quote from Trudi Deakin's new book (same information is elsewhere) - my bold:

"(On LCHF) initially glycogen (carbohydrate storage) is reduced, this process also releases water. Excess water is also excreted from the body when insulin levels fall." (This is why you need to drink a lot of water and increase slightly your salt consumption).

"Once the body has adapted to the lifestyle, it becomes efficient at burning body fat instead of storing it. Lower levels of glucose and insulin mean that the switch to convert carbohydrate into fat is turned off and the fat burning switch is turned on. Fat then becomes the preferred fuel for energy ..."

"Another benefit shown in clinical studies is that (LCHF) is very effective at reducing the harmful abdominal fat that causes insulin resistance ...).
Thanks @sanguine, v interesting. Maybe I should get and read that book.
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
LCHF 3st gone over six month period.
Down from 18 to 15 stone.
I'm just under six foot three so never grossly overweight.
Never been a sugar junkie or a binge eater.
Went from 14st to eighteen stone soon as I started taking Gabapentin.
I have gone up a bit now to fifteen and a half and seem to be staying there.
I'm happy with that at my hight 61 years old and being diabetic and no longer able to exercise due to spinal problems.
I'm told that ideally I should be fourteen and half stone but I don't live in an ideal world have far from ideal health so am quite content .... even pleased with where I'm at and not fretting.
Any of you after perfection I wish you all the best.
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You might consider lowering your carbs further. Knowing I'm a very low low carber, but it might do to get down to 20/30 grams of carb per day and upping the fat intake, whether diary (fullfat), butter, coconut oil, fatty meat cuts, avocado, nuts or nut oils is a matter of choice. Note that coconut oil is if not magical but a great help losing body fat.
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Low and or good fats for me ...not high fats ...
But all means different levels to different people ......
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You might consider lowering your carbs further. Knowing I'm a very low low carber, but it might do to get down to 20/30 grams of carb per day and upping the fat intake, whether diary (fullfat), butter, coconut oil, fatty meat cuts, avocado, nuts or nut oils is a matter of choice. Note that coconut oil is if not magical but a great help losing body fat.

Thanks for this @modesty, will definitely look up coconut oil.
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Thanks for this @modesty, will definitely look up coconut oil.
Tesco five or six quid and worth it.
First I bought was in China town in Liverpool by a company who's label name is KTC.
It's a bit iffy.
I emailed them to ask if it was safe to ingest they said yes but said nothing else.
All over the internet there are people it seems who have questioned the quality of this product.
It's good for external use.
The one in Tesco is triple filtered and tastes and smells like coconut.
The one in this picture is cheaper and like I say a bit suspect for internal use ....

KTC OIL.jpeg
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Tesco five or six quid and worth it.
First I bought was in China town in Liverpool by a company who's label name is KTC.
It's a bit iffy.
I emailed them to ask if it was safe to ingest they said yes but said nothing else.
All over the internet there are people it seems who have questioned the quality of this product.
It's good for external use.
The one in Tesco is triple filtered and tastes and smells like coconut.
The one in this picture is cheaper and like I say a bit suspect for internal use ....

View attachment 11872

Hi, that's v good to know, @JACKTHELAD, thanks v much.