Fasting blood glucose 6.7, do I eat or wait?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
My FBG has been 6.7 since I woke up and it won’t come down on its own. I try to only eat if I get a reading of below 6.0. Is this normal? Should I just eat anyway? I’m just worried that it will go up really high if I eat and not come down. I’m not on any medication and only considered pre-diabetic


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
For some of us, BG climbs from wake-up to whenever we eat. I'm one of those, though for me it does start to reduce again after about 20 hours of not eating. Some of us find it stops rising if we eat a very small morsel of protein.

I'd say eat and measure your BG to see if either of those circumstances apply to you. Then you can decide which course of action suits you best.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
My FBG has been 6.7 since I woke up and it won’t come down on its own. I try to only eat if I get a reading of below 6.0. Is this normal? Should I just eat anyway? I’m just worried that it will go up really high if I eat and not come down. I’m not on any medication and only considered pre-diabetic
My BG will continue rising slowly in the mornings until I eat something. This doesn't have to be much - 3 or 4 almonds will stop it. If I don't eat it will still be rising slowly at 2pm (which is where I gave up on the experiment).

If you eat, your BG won't rise anyway (I'm assuming you mean at the two hour point) unless you eat some quantity of carb, more than your system can cope with.

What's happening is that your BG level is being maintained and increased by your liver from its own stores. It holds these in case you don't manage to find anything to eat that day. The longer you don't eat, the more convinced your liver will be that it needs to be keeping adding glucose. Eating something/anything seems to switch this off.

If you fast for a longer period, the liver will eventually deplete its own stores and have to start manufacturing glucose from bodyfat - this is ketosis.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’m same as @KennyA, if I don’t eat I just continue to rise until I have something, my fasting BG in the mornings run around 6 if I don’t eat I get into the high 8s, but if I have a protein breakfast my 2 hr post reading is usually in the high 4s low 5s