Fed up with feeling so tired all the time


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Guys,
I've posted on this forum before but never the reactive hypoglycemia part as it didn't exist when I was posting around a yr or so ago, so happy there is this section now!

@Brunneria and @nosher8355 may not remember me but gave me some great support and advice when I first got my diagnosis a few years back.

A bit about me;
I have suffered RH since I was a child but only got a diagnosis at age 31, before this all checks for diabetes were done and came back normal, I had to have GTT's during both my pregnancies but again normal. A GP finally took me seriously after my bs went down to 2.3, I had only recently got a glucose monitor at that point so had probably has these levels several times before over the years but never knew it.

A 5hr GTT finally got me my diagnosis of reactive hypoglycemia.

However nobody seems to know much about this condition so don't get any support from my GP. They recently done an annual check for diabetes after I went to the doc for something else and they realised I should of been having them every year..useless.
A dietician gave me the same advice for a diabetic as she had never heard of RH and told me to eat 30%carbs with every meal including snacks, she saw me twice and discharged me. Haven't seen any professionals about this since and that was about 2yrs ago. I've been trying to cope on my own ever since...

Im also pre-diabetic.

I'm here because Ive been trying to follow a low carb diet, this is helping and I dont really have hypos anymore. I have also suffered with acne since I was a teenager and I found low carb to be the only thing that controls it and it makes sense that its related to my blood sugar control, this is what pushes me on to try and get to grips with this lifestyle. I am struggling with this though and will be reading through the low carb section to try and get some more ideas.

I have a little more energy but still really struggle in the afternoons around 3-5 o'clock. Im a single working mum so that plays a part but I still don't think I should be as tired as I am, and Im very unmotivated to get stuff done. I also suffer anxiety, what I would consider mild depression and my self-esteem is very low. These things could possibly be related to my RH I dont know.

A friend at work recently said I dont eat enough carbs and should add some more complex carbs into my diet..maybe I was going too low?
I did have some wholewheat pasta for the first time in ages and had no adverse affects, the next day I had a few slices of wholegrain toast with some cheese for my lunch and felt fine up until about 5pm when I felt a hypo coming on..now I also had skipped my usual mid afternoon snack as was out so don't know if this would of happened anyway.

Should I be adding back in some complex carbs? I'm convinced all carbs are bad apart from vegetables! But also get the conflicting advice that we need whole grains!
Im also gluten free which complicates things even more!
It might just be that I'm not eating enough fat but I find this hard also.

I then thought I would try a bit more fruit so had a banana and some nuts for an afternoon snack, I felt more energy in the afternoon and thought great!, had half a banana with some nuts the next day also..but then my skin completely broke out!! The only different thing I had eaten was the bananas so I put it down to this and won't be eating them again.
I've often wondered how much fruit to eat and how it affects me and have considered cutting it out completely, but this would be another whole food group gone, plus I really like my berries in my yoghurt and a satsuma every now and again. these are all I eat at the moment

My typical day is;
Breakfast - scrambled eggs with butter and either bacon or smoked salmon
Mid Morn Snack- Full Fat Greek Yog, walnuts, a few berries, chia/flax
Lunch- Left over dinner, or scrambled eggs again, or broccoli and cauliflower with tuna mayo
Mid Afternoon Snack- More yoghurt or a satsuma with nuts
Dinner- Meat(pork/lamb/chicken) with veg, usually broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, I usually add some butter to this aswell.

I use coconut oil instead of other oils to cook and sometimes add some double cream in with my yoghurt to up the fat, how could I add more?

My diet is pretty samey samey and boring and I don't think its gonna be sustainable, don't get me started on what I eat when its not a regular day and I might go out for the evening or something!!

Im trying to keep a food journal and trying to get some snacks prepped and stuff as I have the motivation, but my motivation doesn't tend to last long...Ive learnt lots over the past few years but still lack energy to carry on.

Anyway if anyone has got any advice, great.

I look forward to reading through this forum and speaking to people like me!!! Nobody I know has ever even heard of RH so I feel pretty alone.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

My instant reaction is don't add in more carbs!
I get away with it once too, then the second day... goodness I pay for it.

Obviously, if you want, you can test this for yourself, but you've already done this by the examples you've given. I realise it is very tempting to follow 'orthodox' advice, but... we RHers just aren't orthodox, are we? :)

A couple of things jumped out at me as I read your post, so bear with me.

Firstly, if you have your blood glucose under control, which you seem to do most of the time (setting aside banana experiments, lol), and you are STILL endlessly tired, I am wondering if you may need to be checked for Vit D deficiency and hypothyroid. Just for elimination purposes.

I had the Vit D test done privately (on the assumption that my doc wouldn't test me, cos he never does what I want ROFL), it cost £28 and proved that I was most definitely deficient. So I supplemented Vit D3 and Vit K2 (the K helps the D to work) and my goodness what a difference it has made. My mood is better and my energy levels are better, and I sleep better and wake fresher. Vit D may help with the acne too. It is great for the skin.

Might be worth you getting checked?

Re your mid-afternoon slump, do you go sleepy and yawny and have difficulty keeping your eyes open and just want to slump down and sleep? Because for me, that is either too high carbs (after lunch), or my bg is dropping into the hypozone, and I want to sleep it off. The only other suggestion I have is a food intolerance. For me, milk makes me sleepy, so too much yog or similar at lunch, even milk in tea, will make me yawn. It is a pain. Not suggesting that you have an issue with milk, but if there is something you have eaten regularly, every time you feel sleepy, then maybe have something different for a few days, and see if it changes.

If you want more food variety and menu inspiration, try these two threads.



Did I mention it is good to see you again? :D

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi Guys,
I've posted on this forum before but never the reactive hypoglycemia part as it didn't exist when I was posting around a yr or so ago, so happy there is this section now!

@Brunneria and @nosher8355 may not remember me but gave me some great support and advice when I first got my diagnosis a few years back.

A bit about me;
I have suffered RH since I was a child but only got a diagnosis at age 31, before this all checks for diabetes were done and came back normal, I had to have GTT's during both my pregnancies but again normal. A GP finally took me seriously after my bs went down to 2.3, I had only recently got a glucose monitor at that point so had probably has these levels several times before over the years but never knew it.

A 5hr GTT finally got me my diagnosis of reactive hypoglycemia.

However nobody seems to know much about this condition so don't get any support from my GP. They recently done an annual check for diabetes after I went to the doc for something else and they realised I should of been having them every year..useless.
A dietician gave me the same advice for a diabetic as she had never heard of RH and told me to eat 30%carbs with every meal including snacks, she saw me twice and discharged me. Haven't seen any professionals about this since and that was about 2yrs ago. I've been trying to cope on my own ever since...

Im also pre-diabetic.

I'm here because Ive been trying to follow a low carb diet, this is helping and I dont really have hypos anymore. I have also suffered with acne since I was a teenager and I found low carb to be the only thing that controls it and it makes sense that its related to my blood sugar control, this is what pushes me on to try and get to grips with this lifestyle. I am struggling with this though and will be reading through the low carb section to try and get some more ideas.

I have a little more energy but still really struggle in the afternoons around 3-5 o'clock. Im a single working mum so that plays a part but I still don't think I should be as tired as I am, and Im very unmotivated to get stuff done. I also suffer anxiety, what I would consider mild depression and my self-esteem is very low. These things could possibly be related to my RH I dont know.

A friend at work recently said I dont eat enough carbs and should add some more complex carbs into my diet..maybe I was going too low?
I did have some wholewheat pasta for the first time in ages and had no adverse affects, the next day I had a few slices of wholegrain toast with some cheese for my lunch and felt fine up until about 5pm when I felt a hypo coming on..now I also had skipped my usual mid afternoon snack as was out so don't know if this would of happened anyway.

Should I be adding back in some complex carbs? I'm convinced all carbs are bad apart from vegetables! But also get the conflicting advice that we need whole grains!
Im also gluten free which complicates things even more!
It might just be that I'm not eating enough fat but I find this hard also.

I then thought I would try a bit more fruit so had a banana and some nuts for an afternoon snack, I felt more energy in the afternoon and thought great!, had half a banana with some nuts the next day also..but then my skin completely broke out!! The only different thing I had eaten was the bananas so I put it down to this and won't be eating them again.
I've often wondered how much fruit to eat and how it affects me and have considered cutting it out completely, but this would be another whole food group gone, plus I really like my berries in my yoghurt and a satsuma every now and again. these are all I eat at the moment

My typical day is;
Breakfast - scrambled eggs with butter and either bacon or smoked salmon
Mid Morn Snack- Full Fat Greek Yog, walnuts, a few berries, chia/flax
Lunch- Left over dinner, or scrambled eggs again, or broccoli and cauliflower with tuna mayo
Mid Afternoon Snack- More yoghurt or a satsuma with nuts
Dinner- Meat(pork/lamb/chicken) with veg, usually broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, I usually add some butter to this aswell.

I use coconut oil instead of other oils to cook and sometimes add some double cream in with my yoghurt to up the fat, how could I add more?

My diet is pretty samey samey and boring and I don't think its gonna be sustainable, don't get me started on what I eat when its not a regular day and I might go out for the evening or something!!

Im trying to keep a food journal and trying to get some snacks prepped and stuff as I have the motivation, but my motivation doesn't tend to last long...Ive learnt lots over the past few years but still lack energy to carry on.

Anyway if anyone has got any advice, great.

I look forward to reading through this forum and speaking to people like me!!! Nobody I know has ever even heard of RH so I feel pretty alone.
First of all, welcome back to the forum and to our own forum that has welcomed so many others that thought they were on their own.
You're not!
Everything you have wrote is so RH!
Everything you eat and do as in chores and looking after the kids is definitely RH!
Anxiety is such a big symptom and the way you have phrased your post, I can see its there, it gives you such pause asto what goes on all around you, hopefully, now that you have had the courage to get it out in black and white, you should feel better about yourself.
Your usual dietary list is great and you are eating the right things, have no doubt, that needing other nasties (carbs of any sorts) is not necessary, we have a way of dealing with everyday life with the few carbs we have, maybe a tweak here, there different salad vegetables or as is very fashionable at the moment avocado may help,
You have had the same barriers with GPs as I did, if you read my first blog, you will see what I had to go through to get my diagnosis.
Luckily my endocrinologist is very good and is now doing research into RH. With backing from a pharmaceutical company and his NHS trust in greater Manchester.
Do please read everything that's on here. I will be around as will Brun.
Ask away, it's really good knowledge you have, and while it seems as though this forum is not as busy as it has been. All the knowledge and more is here.
Best wishes.



Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Guys,
I've posted on this forum before but never the reactive hypoglycemia part as it didn't exist when I was posting around a yr or so ago, so happy there is this section now!

@Brunneria and @nosher8355 may not remember me but gave me some great support and advice when I first got my diagnosis a few years back.

A bit about me;
I have suffered RH since I was a child but only got a diagnosis at age 31, before this all checks for diabetes were done and came back normal, I had to have GTT's during both my pregnancies but again normal. A GP finally took me seriously after my bs went down to 2.3, I had only recently got a glucose monitor at that point so had probably has these levels several times before over the years but never knew it.

A 5hr GTT finally got me my diagnosis of reactive hypoglycemia.

However nobody seems to know much about this condition so don't get any support from my GP. They recently done an annual check for diabetes after I went to the doc for something else and they realised I should of been having them every year..useless.
A dietician gave me the same advice for a diabetic as she had never heard of RH and told me to eat 30%carbs with every meal including snacks, she saw me twice and discharged me. Haven't seen any professionals about this since and that was about 2yrs ago. I've been trying to cope on my own ever since...

Im also pre-diabetic.

I'm here because Ive been trying to follow a low carb diet, this is helping and I dont really have hypos anymore. I have also suffered with acne since I was a teenager and I found low carb to be the only thing that controls it and it makes sense that its related to my blood sugar control, this is what pushes me on to try and get to grips with this lifestyle. I am struggling with this though and will be reading through the low carb section to try and get some more ideas.

I have a little more energy but still really struggle in the afternoons around 3-5 o'clock. Im a single working mum so that plays a part but I still don't think I should be as tired as I am, and Im very unmotivated to get stuff done. I also suffer anxiety, what I would consider mild depression and my self-esteem is very low. These things could possibly be related to my RH I dont know.

A friend at work recently said I dont eat enough carbs and should add some more complex carbs into my diet..maybe I was going too low?
I did have some wholewheat pasta for the first time in ages and had no adverse affects, the next day I had a few slices of wholegrain toast with some cheese for my lunch and felt fine up until about 5pm when I felt a hypo coming on..now I also had skipped my usual mid afternoon snack as was out so don't know if this would of happened anyway.

Should I be adding back in some complex carbs? I'm convinced all carbs are bad apart from vegetables! But also get the conflicting advice that we need whole grains!
Im also gluten free which complicates things even more!
It might just be that I'm not eating enough fat but I find this hard also.

I then thought I would try a bit more fruit so had a banana and some nuts for an afternoon snack, I felt more energy in the afternoon and thought great!, had half a banana with some nuts the next day also..but then my skin completely broke out!! The only different thing I had eaten was the bananas so I put it down to this and won't be eating them again.
I've often wondered how much fruit to eat and how it affects me and have considered cutting it out completely, but this would be another whole food group gone, plus I really like my berries in my yoghurt and a satsuma every now and again. these are all I eat at the moment

My typical day is;
Breakfast - scrambled eggs with butter and either bacon or smoked salmon
Mid Morn Snack- Full Fat Greek Yog, walnuts, a few berries, chia/flax
Lunch- Left over dinner, or scrambled eggs again, or broccoli and cauliflower with tuna mayo
Mid Afternoon Snack- More yoghurt or a satsuma with nuts
Dinner- Meat(pork/lamb/chicken) with veg, usually broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, I usually add some butter to this aswell.

I use coconut oil instead of other oils to cook and sometimes add some double cream in with my yoghurt to up the fat, how could I add more?

My diet is pretty samey samey and boring and I don't think its gonna be sustainable, don't get me started on what I eat when its not a regular day and I might go out for the evening or something!!

Im trying to keep a food journal and trying to get some snacks prepped and stuff as I have the motivation, but my motivation doesn't tend to last long...Ive learnt lots over the past few years but still lack energy to carry on.

Anyway if anyone has got any advice, great.

I look forward to reading through this forum and speaking to people like me!!! Nobody I know has ever even heard of RH so I feel pretty alone.

I don't suffer from RH, and I've never knowingly had a hypo, so I can only comment generally.

My first thought when you outlined your food would be to enquire if the fatigue is worse on same days than others? If it is, is it linked to anything in particular you eat? A food intolerance doesn't necessarily impact on your blood glucose.

What are your bloods like when you feel the fatigue? Is your weight stable and are you trim or trying to lose or gain weight?

Do you have to have between meal snacks to keep your numbers stable?

I'm also sort of wondering if you could feel better if you simply ate a bit more at lunchtime or having another snack at around lunchtime, but upping your afternoon snack to fuel you through the dip.

I know those are a lot of questions, and I'm not necessarily asking you to answer them all, just sort of emptying my brain of all the things I'd be pondering if I were in your shoes. Personally, I wouldn't be adding more carbs though.


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks for the welcome back :)

The GP did actually pick up on low vitamin D levels a few years ago, not long before I was diagnosed I think. It was very low and I was prescribed tablets, I do remember feeling better and seeing improved skin, but it didn't seem to last. I haven't taken the tablets for a long while,, I cant remember whether that was because they wouldn't give me any more and I didn't bother to go back. I currently take a Vit D3 supplement everyday though but just one from holland and barrett, which does nothing really. I have a dr's appointment in a couple of weeks so will ask for another test. I'm sure I've read somewhere there is a link to RH and Vitamin D deficiency.

I eat pretty much the same thing everyday and I'm tired everyday, sometimes I will have an extra snack after lunch but it doesn't make any difference. I limit my dairy intake to full fat cream, yoghurt and cheese and butter. I have almond milk in my tea. Im probably eating too much yoghurt but its the easy go to snack, and its snacks I find hardest I suppose.

Im wondering what role exercise plays in all this, I do find if I come home and sit down, within a few mins Im struggling to stay awake, however if I go straight out I find I can keep going for a few more hours before I start feeling flaky and thats usually cos I may not of eaten at my normal time.
If I go out on a saturday for example I find I have alot more energy when I get back. I think lack of exercise might be having an effect but I also am in that vicious circle of being too tired to exercise!

I don't have any weight to lose and have never been overweight, which is why I get funny looks when I tell people I have to be careful what I eat. I'd rather have a little weight to lose than still dealing with acne at my age!!
I haven't tested my blood sugars for a while as I've run out of test strips and also haven't felt the need to, from experience though I can usually feel symptoms between 4-5.

In terms of having more carbs I dont think I will go down that route, someone told me if I dont eat wholegrains I'm destroying my insides, and to not believe what I read on the internet, as unfortunately thats the only place I can gain any advice on low carbing, but I know its working for me, I still have issues yes but Im in a much better place than I was a few years ago. Plus I dont get headaches and belly aches like I used to, so I think I'll carry on the way I am.

I'm going to cut fruit completely this week and see what happens..though I'll be told its a terrible idea.

Ive made some fat bombs and some low carb biscuits today to keep me going for a few snacks this week as Ive had a little bit of energy and motivation today...knackered now though and still have kids lunches to sort for tomorrow, washing up and a form to fill out..just want to sleep :(
Luckily I cooked enough dinner to have some leftovers for my lunch tomorrow so dont have to worry about that.
I had chicken breast stuffed with pesto and cream cheese with some broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and a small amount of peas and sweetcorn. ;)

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I do think that exercise is better than just sitting around and falling asleep even if you are really knackered. It must mess up your sleep patterns.
I think sleep is so important to give you your energy for the day ahead.

Carbs are carbs, and if carbs do trigger the reaction then you can't eat them.
I've had that sort of advice for well over fifteen years and they are so wrong.
If you have a fructose trigger, then there are other ways to get the nutrients that you are missing, there are always alternatives.
My foods are slightly more diverse than what you have stated and the only way you know what you can eat is by testing, so a blood glucose monitor is paramount in getting the control we need.
I would revisit your GP and also get a referral to see an endocrinologist who deals with hypoglycaemia and particularly RH. Mine is great and understands all the problems we face. Get your GP to make an exception for you to get your testing strips. You need them.
There is nothing obvious in your diet that I can see is causing, unless your insulin resistance and insulin is more than you need in your blood.

Have you ever tried fasting!
This helps me to give my pancreas a rest and clears my head after a week in work.
And it gives you a time not to keep eating the same things.

Keep asking, someone will come up with something.


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks Nosher, no I haven't tried fasting, not sure it's something I'll be able to do, keeps cropping up on the diet doctor website and I keep meaning to look into it a bit more but haven't got round to it.

So I've done well this week and had lots of snacks on hand, I've also not eaten any fruit at all. I've felt alot better this week and haven't felt as tired as normal. Not sure if this is because I've added a bit more fat to my diet with some fat bombs to snack on or whether its because fruit has been cut, so I'll try and carry on as I am and see what happens in the coming weeks!
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
That's good that you are feeling better.
We have to discover what our triggers are and the only way we can do it is by trying different foods and eliminating the ones that affect our blood glucose levels.

Fasting isn't everybody's cuppa. It is a way of keeping my bloods in control and getting rid of the excess insulin that I may have produced. It keeps my brain clear and as I've just discovering, I can work and fast, when I didn't think I would be able to.
With this condition you find things that defy normal thinking.
Once you do get good control and you don't get the symptoms of hunger or wanting to eat the fridge, and even just eating very small meals throughout the day, you would be surprised that eating doesn't become an obsession that drives you mad, as it could do. The likes of the fat bombs that you've tried, is a small meal in itself.
My fasting is just till lunchtime from about 9pm the previous night.
So it's not more than twelve hours.
You can do fasting to suit your lifestyle or work.

My colleagues don't believe me, that once I start eating in the morning, I have to keep eating through the day every two to three hours, but if I don't start eating, I don't have to eat! It's something worth considering anyway.

Keep letting us know how you are doing.

Best wishes.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi SugarSpike, I've not been around for a while but as I had a few spare minutes I'm having a little catch up. I don't think I can give you much advice, as you've lived with RH and its many symptoms far longer than me (I was only diagnosed officially last Oct), but I can sympathise. I too have young children and rewind as little as 4/5 months ago I was feeling exhausted, particularly mid to late afternoon. I also suffered with terrible anxiety, lacked any motivation or energy, avoided days out and I also now suffer with acne (which I never had before RH. Well not since my teenage years anyway!).

Thanks to the guys on this forum I reduced my carbs (I don't do very low carb as I find it doesn't provide me with enough energy -we are all different), I tested lots and I now know what I can tolerate. I don't always get it right, but I'm pleased to say that I haven't had a hypo for 4 months. On the whole I have loads more energy, I certainly have more confidence and I'm not as irritable.

Aside from changing my diet, the second most beneficial thing for me was dealing with anxiety. My GP referred me to a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and it has been invaluable. I was very sceptical, but it has changed my life! I now go out, don't check my bs hardly at all and don't give RH any more thought than is necessary. I even went on holiday for a week and forgot to take my monitor! I was previously permanently attached to it!

I'm quite lucky in as much I can tolerate a small amount of carbs with each meal, which include wholegrain basmati rice, wholewheat pasta, one thin slice of low GI bread, a very small jacket potato etc. Mostly I fill up on salad, veg and meat.

Good snacks for me are a very small Apple, a small handful of dry roasted peanuts (if I need a few carbs), other nuts, 2/3 small grapes, peanut butter, mini babybel cheese, a couple of cocktail sausages or a peanut protein bar. Nature Valley do one with peanuts and sunflower seeds that barely affects my bs but keeps me stable for 2-3 hours if I need it.

Lunch on the go is my problem. If I see another salad I might go crazy! Ideas for alternatives gratefully received!

If you can afford to fund the Freestyle Libra for a couple of weeks now and again, they give you a brilliant insight into what your bs is doing 24/7. It enabled me to see that not all of my symptoms were RH. Some were caused by my anxiety about RH. I had a few shocks, with food I thought was ok actually spiked me more than I realised, but also had a few pleasant surprises. I can eat a little ice cream with no ill effects!

Life can be good once you gain control. Good luck and I hope you start to feel the benefits of your efforts very soon as I know how disheartening it can be.

Best wishes

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Nice to hear from you again Kaz.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thanks Nosher. Hope all is well with you. Are you still working hard? Apparently there's a heatwave on the way so don't overdo it!

Yes, too hard, really busy, heatwave? It was like Siberia today!
Never known a summer like it, cold, wet and windy!
Yes, I'm fine, really good!
Control really good.

Have you got good control and those anxious fears, have they abated yet?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
I know what you mean about the weather! I gave in and put a jumper on this afternoon!

I'm doing really well too thanks. Barely need to check my bs these days, been on loads of days out, weekends away and holidays. Anxiety? What's that?!

I'm going to fit a libra sensor this weekend though, just to make sure I'm not going off the rails a bit. I feel good most of the time and no real sign of a hypo for months, so I'm sure all will be good.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
That's brilliant Kaz, so pleased for you!

I still test religiously, gotta make my GP happy, cos I fought so hard to get them!

But, I get it! Other than research and working, there ain't nowt to report!
The number of RH ers is steadily growing but because, once you get control, there's nowt to ask, especially as you know, if you very low carb and have control, what is there? Once you have found your personal choice of food to not spike, what else is there?
Keep coming back, as sometimes me and Brun and the regulars like lindisfel, are a bit busy!
Really glad you're doing well!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
That's brilliant Kaz, so pleased for you!

I still test religiously, gotta make my GP happy, cos I fought so hard to get them!

But, I get it! Other than research and working, there ain't nowt to report!
The number of RH ers is steadily growing but because, once you get control, there's nowt to ask, especially as you know, if you very low carb and have control, what is there? Once you have found your personal choice of food to not spike, what else is there?
Keep coming back, as sometimes me and Brun and the regulars like lindisfel, are a bit busy!
Really glad you're doing well!

Thanks Nosher and I'll certainly keep checking in. Once the kids are back at school I'll have a bit more time. One of the main reasons I'm feeling as good as I am is the help and advice from you, Brun, Derek and other regulars. If I can help any other newbies, even in a small way then I'm more than happy to do so.
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Type of diabetes
Hi Guys,
I've posted on this forum before but never the reactive hypoglycemia part as it didn't exist when I was posting around a yr or so ago, so happy there is this section now!

@Brunneria and @nosher8355 may not remember me but gave me some great support and advice when I first got my diagnosis a few years back.

A bit about me;
I have suffered RH since I was a child but only got a diagnosis at age 31, before this all checks for diabetes were done and came back normal, I had to have GTT's during both my pregnancies but again normal. A GP finally took me seriously after my bs went down to 2.3, I had only recently got a glucose monitor at that point so had probably has these levels several times before over the years but never knew it.

A 5hr GTT finally got me my diagnosis of reactive hypoglycemia.

However nobody seems to know much about this condition so don't get any support from my GP. They recently done an annual check for diabetes after I went to the doc for something else and they realised I should of been having them every year..useless.
A dietician gave me the same advice for a diabetic as she had never heard of RH and told me to eat 30%carbs with every meal including snacks, she saw me twice and discharged me. Haven't seen any professionals about this since and that was about 2yrs ago. I've been trying to cope on my own ever since...

Im also pre-diabetic.

I'm here because Ive been trying to follow a low carb diet, this is helping and I dont really have hypos anymore. I have also suffered with acne since I was a teenager and I found low carb to be the only thing that controls it and it makes sense that its related to my blood sugar control, this is what pushes me on to try and get to grips with this lifestyle. I am struggling with this though and will be reading through the low carb section to try and get some more ideas.

I have a little more energy but still really struggle in the afternoons around 3-5 o'clock. Im a single working mum so that plays a part but I still don't think I should be as tired as I am, and Im very unmotivated to get stuff done. I also suffer anxiety, what I would consider mild depression and my self-esteem is very low. These things could possibly be related to my RH I dont know.

A friend at work recently said I dont eat enough carbs and should add some more complex carbs into my diet..maybe I was going too low?
I did have some wholewheat pasta for the first time in ages and had no adverse affects, the next day I had a few slices of wholegrain toast with some cheese for my lunch and felt fine up until about 5pm when I felt a hypo coming on..now I also had skipped my usual mid afternoon snack as was out so don't know if this would of happened anyway.

Should I be adding back in some complex carbs? I'm convinced all carbs are bad apart from vegetables! But also get the conflicting advice that we need whole grains!
Im also gluten free which complicates things even more!
It might just be that I'm not eating enough fat but I find this hard also.

I then thought I would try a bit more fruit so had a banana and some nuts for an afternoon snack, I felt more energy in the afternoon and thought great!, had half a banana with some nuts the next day also..but then my skin completely broke out!! The only different thing I had eaten was the bananas so I put it down to this and won't be eating them again.
I've often wondered how much fruit to eat and how it affects me and have considered cutting it out completely, but this would be another whole food group gone, plus I really like my berries in my yoghurt and a satsuma every now and again. these are all I eat at the moment

My typical day is;
Breakfast - scrambled eggs with butter and either bacon or smoked salmon
Mid Morn Snack- Full Fat Greek Yog, walnuts, a few berries, chia/flax
Lunch- Left over dinner, or scrambled eggs again, or broccoli and cauliflower with tuna mayo
Mid Afternoon Snack- More yoghurt or a satsuma with nuts
Dinner- Meat(pork/lamb/chicken) with veg, usually broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, I usually add some butter to this aswell.

I use coconut oil instead of other oils to cook and sometimes add some double cream in with my yoghurt to up the fat, how could I add more?

My diet is pretty samey samey and boring and I don't think its gonna be sustainable, don't get me started on what I eat when its not a regular day and I might go out for the evening or something!!

Im trying to keep a food journal and trying to get some snacks prepped and stuff as I have the motivation, but my motivation doesn't tend to last long...Ive learnt lots over the past few years but still lack energy to carry on.

Anyway if anyone has got any advice, great.

I look forward to reading through this forum and speaking to people like me!!! Nobody I know has ever even heard of RH so I feel pretty alone.
Wow. I'm am very similar to you I'm so fed up. Don't know what to do and how to get help! :(


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Wow. I'm am very similar to you I'm so fed up. Don't know what to do and how to get help! :(
Hi @Rach164 and welcome to the forum

Don'5 worry - we ALL started out feeling the way you do, and we've all helped each other to much better places.

Have a good read of the various RH threads, and ask anything you like. :)

You've come to the right place.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Wow. I'm am very similar to you I'm so fed up. Don't know what to do and how to get help! :(

Hi Rachel, welcome to our forum,

Reactive hypoglycaemia is all about what your body reacts to and what you eat.
If you can give us a run down on what you eat, how often, then maybe we can help you.
We have all been in that place, where no matter what your doctors tell you it doesn't help.
This condition can be controlled, we have found a way through our own experiences and eating healthy for you, will work.
Don't give up.
Ask questions, we will help you.
It's horrible to be where you are.
Best wishes.


Type of diabetes
Hi @Rach164 and welcome to the forum

Don'5 worry - we ALL started out feeling the way you do, and we've all helped each other to much better places.

Have a good read of the various RH threads, and ask anything you like. :)

You've come to the right place.
I just don't know where to start. I had my diagnosis in 2003. I'm 39 now. I was told to. Follow a low GI diet. It did work quite well. Now it doesn't. Need to find an endocrinologist who gets it !


Type of diabetes

If I walk I feel bad really quickly...have two little girlies 3 and 7. Can't work full time due to hypos
Trialling at the moment.

Breakfast egg with protein powder with yog and berries. Feel good
Snack Apple
Lunch children salad
Snake cottage cheese and pear
Dinner sweet potatoes , fish veg
Snack humour and carrots

Been eating like this for 5 days. Usually had GF bread , one slice, half a JP can't tolerate either of these anymore.
My body retains fluid, I get blurred vision, mood swings when I'm going hypo

Thank you for taking the time to reply.