Forgive me...I have sinned. On fat!!


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The funny thing is, your body can NOT store fat (unlike carbs) and fat will NOT increase you blood sugar (unlike carbs) so you should be okay. I binged on roasts one day eating all the fatty skin and my blood sugars remained normal (6.3) and STILL lost weight. It's just further proof that LCHF is the way to go:)

So, if you can't actually store anything from fat, you'll die, if you don't continually eat?


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I do not have diabetes


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Tablets (oral)
Greedy Humans.....greedy animals I don't mind. I do like meat and fish but choose not to eat it!
Love the title of your post! :)


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Diet only
Political Correctness
Er....This isn't actually true. Your body CAN and DOES store fat - I assume you mean from dietary fat. Actually easier than it does carbs. However, it won't in the short term increase your blood sugar.
From all the LCHF literature from books and Mr Google (gotta be careful of certain sources) eating fat wont make you fat and wont increase your bsl long and short term. Otherwise, those people on LCHF will NOT be losing weight or will NOT be able to control their blood sugars. Bottom line, my blood tests, whether it's a pin prick test or a fasting HBA1C, and the humble bathroom scales is proof that it works. Well it does for me, anyway;)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Eating fat per se won't necessarily male you fat - but just explain what you think happens when you eat more fat than you actually need? The surplus-to-immediate-requirements fat has to go somewhere and I can't imagine nature has been so stupid as to prevent us from storing this particular form of fuel for future times of need?? The ability to call on reserves of stored fat is how ketogenic endurance athletes can keep going while their carb scoffing counterparts need to refuel en route.

I actually gain weight occasionally and I eat a pretty low carb diet, and its certainly not excess fluid that causes this as I can wee for England. :D


And PS @marathonmona - try being old and relatively toothless - it makes eating too many nuts of any kind a real challenge! :p


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
Eating fat per se won't necessarily male you fat - but just explain what you think happens when you eat more fat than you actually need? The surplus-to-immediate-requirements fat has to go somewhere and I can't imagine nature has been so stupid as to prevent us from storing this particular form of fuel for future times of need?? The ability to call on reserves of stored fat is how ketogenic endurance athletes can keep going while their carb scoffing counterparts need to refuel en route.

I actually gain weight occasionally and I eat a pretty low carb diet, and its certainly not excess fluid that causes this as I can wee for England. :D


And PS @marathonmona - try being old and relatively toothless - it makes eating too many nuts of any kind a real challenge! :p

I'd find a way


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I have no teeth at all and I love nuts, or I am nuts :woot: not sure which. I just have to wait til it's my turn for the teeth :D Just kidding. I have a like button, why are peoples like buttons missing?? we all like to be liked and people can't like each other without a like button.:sour:


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In the ABSENSE of carbs fat will not make you fat. However fat + carbs = weight gain. Of course over eating any food can cause weight gain.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
UKIP, royalty, football, gin, goat's cheese.
From all the LCHF literature from books and Mr Google (gotta be careful of certain sources) eating fat wont make you fat and wont increase your bsl long and short term. Otherwise, those people on LCHF will NOT be losing weight or will NOT be able to control their blood sugars. Bottom line, my blood tests, whether it's a pin prick test or a fasting HBA1C, and the humble bathroom scales is proof that it works. Well it does for me, anyway;)
Not arguing with the blood sugar effects, nor that you can lose weight on a LCHF diet - I can personally attest to that, I'm just arguing with the statement that you can't store dietary fat as body fat. You're storing and using fat all the time, if you're on a totally carb free diet, how else can you survive? You could certainly gain weight on a an LCHF diet if you ate enough fat, however, there's clearly more to it than just calories in/calories out - there are theories that your metabolism increases, or that it's about how full you feel, so eat less.