How well are you maintaining your ideal weight?


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Weird. That's higher than me on more carbs than I usually have. I've not been in double figures for a long time, and if I spike high at an hour I'm back down to acceptable levels at 2hrs. And I'm not cured LOL


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Diet only
I'm similar - I can't eat much above 10g at breakfast or over 25g with other meals as I'll go over my target BG range. Some of you have been lucky in having caught your diabetes early enough so that weight loss and exercise have been enough to bring your BG down to acceptable levels. Some of us haven't been so lucky and have ended up with compromised pancreases. One solution does not fit all sizes when it comes to diabetes, unfortunately.

I also plateaued with weight loss and no matter what I eat, I can't seem to go any lower - and according to my BMI, I could do with losing another 7kg or so. But my body has decided to defend the weight I'm at now. I even tried alternate day fasting, eating more, eating less and ended up gaining weight. So I'm giving up the fight and letting my body decide what it wants to do with my weight, while maintaining my current level of carbs. I'm more worried about my BG than I am about what the scale says anyway.
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Cruelty. I am kind.
Remember guys, as far as carbohydrates go, YMMV (your mileage may vary)

Most people can lose and maintain about 20% of their original body weight, after that it's a struggle. I lost that couple of stones and it left me with a BMI of 28, so I do not fight any more as I am comfortable at that weight. I am too old to care about my figure and I look 10 years older with every 10lbs after that anyway.
For me 40g per day is the magic number.
If I up the carbs I gain weight. The I have to drop them below 40g per day to lose it. I still grind to a halt at that magic 20% off my original weight mark.
So there's my answer. I can maintain my weight - but it ain't ideal by any means.
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Well everyone, reading through this thread just confirms everything I thought. We are all different.

Have lost nearly 3stone since June, from 15st to current 12st 3lbs intend to ease of when I reach 12st and hopefully in transition get to 11st 7.

Wish I could say I feel better, but didn't feel unwell when diagnosed.

Next step for me is the cigs, ceasing today.

BG currently in non diabetic range.

Downward & downward.


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Sunday is weigh in day for me, 12st 2lbs. Happy with that, was going to stabilise at 12st but have had a rethink and will go a further 1/2stone.

Into normal BMI range which for me is between 9st3lb & 12st 7lbs.

Bloods all in non diabetic range, but fasting a not quite were I would like them, although last weeks are showing an improvement.

Exercise has been iffy last week due to work so perhaps I will have to make the time for a little more.

Still pleased overall, Weight down from 15st beginning of June, BG down from 80 12.5 on diagnosis mid May, have been drug assisted 2 x 500 Met per day. would like to get of the Met but we will see.

Hopefully next blood tests with the Doctors will reflect this.

Onward and downward, keep,we'll all. Off to the football now, COME ON YOU REDS
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Sunday is weigh in day for me, 12st 2lbs. Happy with that, was going to stabilise at 12st but have had a rethink and will go a further 1/2stone.

Into normal BMI range which for me is between 9st3lb & 12st 7lbs.

Bloods all in non diabetic range, but fasting a not quite were I would like them, although last weeks are showing an improvement.

Exercise has been iffy last week due to work so perhaps I will have to make the time for a little more.

Still pleased overall, Weight down from 15st beginning of June, BG down from 80 12.5 on diagnosis mid May, have been drug assisted 2 x 500 Met per day. would like to get of the Met but we will see.

Hopefully next blood tests with the Doctors will reflect this.

Onward and downward, keep,we'll all. Off to the football now, COME ON YOU REDS
Depends which reds you're talking about :).
I too have had a problem with exercise this last few weeks. I had an injury, preventing me doing much and that meant I lost the momentum. I bought a stepper for inside work during the winter but I've neglected the walking. Since starting back to work I've been so busy I haven't had time to draw breath. So tired too. Surviving on about 4 hours sleep each night. Anyway, I've walked 5k today so I just need to keep it up during the week.
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Depends which reds you're talking about :).
I too have had a problem with exercise this last few weeks. I had an injury, preventing me doing much and that meant I lost the momentum. I bought a stepper for inside work during the winter but I've neglected the walking. Since starting back to work I've been so busy I haven't had time to draw breath. So tired too. Surviving on about 4 hours sleep each night. Anyway, I've walked 5k today so I just need to keep it up during the week.
There is only one lot of red for me and that's Man U reds, apart from the odd glass of course.
I am hoping to get back in the routine of additional exercise this week, fingers crossed.


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Not been on here for a while due to personal problems, however did remember to weigh myself this morning and it's still going down, 11st 12lbs now, getting near to my personal goal weight of 11st 7lbs, will have to start seriously thinking about maintenance instead of loss from my goal.

Any advice appreciated.

Not done my BG properly but just checked last general readings and have
7 days 5.7
14 days 5.8
30 days 5.7

So pretty happy with those numbers.
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Yes @JohnD54 you must in fact start now - don't wait. The likelihood is you will continue to lose for a few weeks as it really is quite difficult if you don't want to increase your carbs too much. You may have to do a lot of experimenting with foods to keep an eye on your BS levels if you raise your carbs. I ended up, after trial and error, with more fats in the form of cheese. I hadn't had any cheese whilst losing weight, and I don't eat cream. I had to add quite a lot of calories to stop losing, about 400 to 500 extra a day, which is a lot! Cheese is quite calorific, so that did help but not enough. Extra eggs got added, and I also have a glass of red wine with my evening meals most days, which also helps, but need to be careful I stick to under the weekly guidelines for alcohol units. It is a fine balancing act and doesn't happen over night. I am 5lbs lighter than originally intended, but happy with that and stable for about 3 weeks now.
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.

I'm just in the process of putting the brakes on and seemingly managing to stabilise around 71 kg (BMI 24.5) at the moment, but it's early days. I'm not getting obsessive about it, just weighing once a week and making small adjustments, which are almost subconscious, and reviewing again the next week. Some of the adjustments are 'active', e.g. eat more nuts or have another glass of wine (that one is popular for some reason), others are less in my control, such as work getting in the way of exercise time. It's a continuous experiment, but as Bluetit says you need to start now, I suspect it's easier to make a soft landing than to overshoot and have to come back.
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I reversed my Type 2
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I'm just in the process of putting the brakes on and seemingly managing to stabilise around 71 kg (BMI 24.5) at the moment, but it's early days. I'm not getting obsessive about it, just weighing once a week and making small adjustments, which are almost subconscious, and reviewing again the next week. Some of the adjustments are 'active', e.g. eat more nuts or have another glass of wine (that one is popular for some reason), others are less in my control, such as work getting in the way of exercise time. It's a continuous experiment, but as Bluetit says you need to start now, I suspect it's easier to make a soft landing than to overshoot and have to come back.

Or overshoot and have the dilemma of retreat or stay............

Not that I might know anyone in that space.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Loving this discussion.

I shouldn't really be chipping in, because I am still waaayyy over what the NHS and any BMI calc would say is a healthy weight.

But interestingly (for me!) I am very wary of going anywhere near that 'ideal' weight. I don't mind being fat, fit and healthy. I do not want to be a so called 'healthy BMI'. I would look like a deflated hot air balloon. Nor to I think that my variety of type 2 can be cured by weight loss. So now the physical unpleasantness of being too high carb has gone, I am happy to stick here, or a bit lower, using carb craving as the tipping point for carb intake. A couple of stone more loss would be too much, I think. I realise that probably sounds very odd to most of you! :D

The amount I am currently eating is impressive, and frankly, the thought of eating more to slow weightloss is flabberghasting.

Maybe, I will naturally shrink to hit a point where the hugely delicious and satisfying food I am currently eating is enough to stabilise.

I hope so, cos I really don't think I can eat more...:happy:
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I'm just approaching my goal.weight. just 3 lbs to go .so I'm starting to think about what I'm going to do to maintain. The speed that this 2 stone has frankly surprised me with the amounts I've been I guess its going to be hard to not lose more. I've upped my carbs to 40g a day and I'm still in ketosis so I guess maybe to up them a little more and find my level...cheese nuts and wine will be most welcome
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