If Every Day Was A Monday...


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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
I have decided that to stay within range every single day I need to:

Have a hysterectomy
Have my teeth extracted
Exercise continuously throughout the day
Eat the same thing at the same time every day
Remove all stress from my life
Stop working

As you can tell all of this is perfectly possible :)
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I have decided that to stay within range every single day I need to:

Have a hysterectomy
Have my teeth extracted
Exercise continuously throughout the day
Eat the same thing at the same time every day
Remove all stress from my life
Stop working

As you can tell all of this is perfectly possible :)
Absolutely achievable @Juicyj; it's clear that you're obviously not trying hard enough... I would have pulled my own teeth as part of step 1:hilarious:


Retired Moderator
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Feels like I am pulling my own teeth out some days @GrantGam !!!


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Hello guys!

If only everyday could be as good as Monday's example. I would be a very happy diabetic! All that got me thinking. What is it that makes your management as good as it can be? Is it routine, is it exercise, is it eating set meals at set times? We're all different and face individual problems; likewise we have tailor made ways round them. What is it that works best for you and gives you the best numbers?

Not overly sure where this rabble is going, I've already written too much - I guess I'm just looking to find out what makes your diabetes management easiest, most efficient and keeps your numbers good. There's nothing wrong with starting a thread just to share stories is there?:)


For me - my best days where it appears you can do no wrong usually coincide with my most physically active days. I find my food consumption drops and the exercise seems to keep my BGs steady - normal range. When I say exercise I'm talking fun endurance activities that last all day - whether it's something like beach walking (we have miles and miles of sandy beaches), a cycling day trip or a day out on the water (canoe or kayak). As a result my HA1Cs are best in the spring, summer and fall. During the winter months it's hard to do any outside activities as our weather is pretty harsh from January to April.

I sit in front of a computer all day - database programming - so getting exercise in during lunch - usually 5 K power walks makes it easier - other wise sedentary me = higher BGs.
Type of diabetes
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
What a nightmare, did you find them again?

No, but I did get a new Echo pen yesterday and the diabetic nurse gave me a Accu-chek Mobile machine, but after a lot of confusion and up and the stairs, from reception to the 2nd floor, back down again, back up again and so forth, they owe me a second pen too, a back up. It's all fun and games..................... :rolleyes:
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No, but I did get a new Echo pen yesterday and the diabetic nurse gave me a Accu-chek Mobile machine, but after a lot of confusion and up and the stairs, from reception to the 2nd floor, back down again, back up again and so forth, they owe me a second pen too, a back up. It's all fun and games..................... :rolleyes:
Glad to hear you got everything replaced at least @Robinredbreast:) There's nothing worse than losing stuff; especially when it's as important as pens and meters!


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So enjoyed this light hearted thread. Thanks GrantGam. I am on Libre hospital trial at the moment. Had a perfect day yesterday, that graph line was straight for nearly 24hrs. Today and the day before, well, we won't mention those!! Didn't do anything different. In fact I am finding all this extra info a little depressing. As my consultant said, diabetes is like herding cats. Today those cats have been Free willed!


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So enjoyed this light hearted thread. Thanks GrantGam. I am on Libre hospital trial at the moment. Had a perfect day yesterday, that graph line was straight for nearly 24hrs. Today and the day before, well, we won't mention those!! Didn't do anything different. In fact I am finding all this extra info a little depressing. As my consultant said, diabetes is like herding cats. Today those cats have been Free willed!
I'm glad you enjoyed the thread @becca59:D

Congratulations on your perfect day! I'm sure they'll become a lot more frequent with the extra insight the Libre system will give you. I understand what you mean about the extra information being a little depressing, you certainly beat yourself up a lot more when things aren't absolutely linear... I also find that it's easy to become obsessive, and what should be an occasional glance at the screen is more often than not absolute fixation.

By the way, you'll be very surprised to see the graphs of a non diabetic with a flash glucose monitor or CGM, it's nowhere near as 'flat' as you'd imagine and spikes are common. I saw it in the book Pumping Insulin and started to cut myself a bit of slack. So don't be too hard on yourself:)

If it's any consolation, as opposed to cats - I nominated a heard of goats to be my diabetes. They're a wee bit more docile and slightly easier to manage;)
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For me - my best days where it appears you can do no wrong usually coincide with my most physically active days. I find my food consumption drops and the exercise seems to keep my BGs steady - normal range. When I say exercise I'm talking fun endurance activities that last all day - whether it's something like beach walking (we have miles and miles of sandy beaches), a cycling day trip or a day out on the water (canoe or kayak). As a result my HA1Cs are best in the spring, summer and fall. During the winter months it's hard to do any outside activities as our weather is pretty harsh from January to April.

I sit in front of a computer all day - database programming - so getting exercise in during lunch - usually 5 K power walks makes it easier - other wise sedentary me = higher BGs.
Yes I agree, moderate activity levels do seem to help. I also find that if I've under-estimated a meal bolus, a good walk with the dug can bring it back down without the need for corrections. Saying that, sometimes even a wee stroll with the dog too soon after a meal can bring me low - especially after a few pints the prior evening...

I agree about the improved HbA1c's in the better weather. I've read a lot on here about basal doses and basal rates needing reduced for the warmer weather, but in relation to heat. Heat may well be a factor but in NE Scotland, not so much! Like you, my activity definitely increases during Spring/Summer and I do think that helps a lot.


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I understand what you mean about the extra information being a little depressing, you certainly beat yourself up a lot more when things aren't absolutely linear... I also find that it's easy to become obsessive, and what should be an occasional glance at the screen is more often than not absolute fixation.
And therein lies the rub!

@GrantGam you win today's prize for hitting the nail on the head. I salute you! I'm glad I'm not the only Libre user with exactly these feelings!

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I also find that it's easy to become obsessive, and what should be an occasional glance at the screen is more often than not absolute fixation.

Not long after the Libre came out there was a member who said they stopped using their's as they had become obsessive with scanning the sensor, they said they didn't want to be too obsessive about their condition and wanted to live a life, having used the libre myself (albeit only for a short while) I can see where they were coming from.

It's fine line between keeping good bg control and becoming too obsessive about the condition where it preoccupy's your everyday thoughts.


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Obsessive graph watching, this is my life as a Nightscout obsessed parent of a t1!