Is type 2 reversible with Prof Roy Taylor

cold ethyl

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Diet only
@Monty010467 Prof Taylor did say that weight loss may not be enough and that around 1/3 rd won't see a reversal and it does depend on length of time diagnosed with best results under 6 yrs or so. It maybe that you still have visceral fat but short of an MRI scan you'll never know that for sure. You might need to drop your BMI further?

If you are seeing spikes of 14 , what are you eating to get there? It maybe that it is your diet not your weight that is the issue.


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lol talking about ranges and body reactions then here you go
0.0 - 3.8 never been so don't know
3.8 - 4.8 sharp pains in my toes (like a long needle) and ice cold hands and feet
4.8 - 5.6 fingers and toes go progressively cold from the tips to the base
5.6 - 6.5 just nothing
6.5 - 8.1 warm hands and feet
8.1 - 8.5 I yawn
8.5 - 10 my eyes dry out and become sore

I normally live in the 4.8 to 5.6 region between meals and will normally peak up to around 7.5 to 8.1 on a heavy/fast carb meal. I don't like to go over 8.1 as that seems to be a reaction point for my body and I just wished I never got anything below 5.6 but that is probably my punishment for poisoning myself with carbs. I really do not need to buy strips

That's interesting Andrew .My eyes have been hellishly sore the last couple of weeks but I'd put it down to an increase in my water tablets .Mostly I just feel very very tired .


Active Member
I have nippy eyes in the morning

Thank you very much for posting the lecture of Prof. Roy Taylor. It really was very enlightening.

This is not to contradict anything that Prof. Taylor said about type 2 diabetes. I very well know that all of us type 2s are different: we think differently, we do things differently, and foods and physical activities affect us differently.

I was diagnosed a type 2 diabetic in July 1991 based on a fasting blood glucose reading of 468 mg/dl (roughly equivalent to 15% A1c). I was required to be on several anti-diabetes pills, but I refused to take them. I explained to our family physician then that I wanted to do the opposite of what caused my diabetes - excess intake of unhealthy foods for me and lack of exercise.

Long story short, for more than 23 years, daily exercise (stair-running, power-walking, modified push-ups, and/or jogging in place), and heart-healthy, natural, fresh (raw or cooked), unprocessed, and whole foods (mostly carbohydrates) have been keeping me healthy, strong, happy, feeling young, and having a long I have no diabetes.

Because of my heavy carby food intake, my fasting and after-meal blood sugar levels (4x/day) are consistently high. Why have they not been harmful to me? I don't know. Maybe because of the beneficial effect of my 4 daily exercise sessions.

I eat only 3x/day, no snacks (only water between meals). I exercise immediately before each meal and before bedtime.

I have never had any hypoglycemic problems. I don't have any diabetes complications yet.

My past A1c's were between 5,2% and 6.3%, the one I got on October 1, 2014, was 6%.

Thank you again.

Bonny Damocles
Male, 79 years old
Height: 5'7", Weight: 137 lbs
Type 2: 23 years and 4 months


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I personally think it is more about diet than weight. What do eat in a typical day?

Thanks for the replies Cold Ethyl/This is too difficult more info below.

I don't calorie count but generally exercise for 6 to 9 hours a week burning on average between 6000Kcal and 9000cal, my weight drifts around 11st 10 +/- 3lbs. I also have really good awareness of high and low sugar reliably able to tell whether I am Hypo or Hyper.

My diet is basically low GI but I still eat carbs however they are brown rice brown pasta, new potatoes etc I have the occasional "naughty meal" but my spikes seem to have no rhyme or reason to them, sometimes I might have an Atkins type meal of chicken breast with salad and no carbs and I will be high (12+) 3 hours later, sometimes I will have a high carb meal and be suffering a Hypo around 3%, 4 hours later. Its almost like my Pancreas fires properly sometimes and not at others?

Hba1C is around 6% consistently, my glucose before bed last night (10.00pm) was 5.2 my Glucose this morning (06:45) was 5.3

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3.7 is not a hypo and could just be your normal lower level. if you just leave it does your liver top you back up or do you go lower still and if so where do you stop. This sounds a little like reactive hypoglycemia @nosher8355 @Brunneria any comments?


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PS. I am now at 4.2, 2 hours after a wholemeal muesli breakfast!

Well muesli is not a bad breakfast for a diabetic. It depends on what else is mixed in with the oats of course but as the flakes are uncooked, they don't release starch that quickly and what there is is turned into sugar slowly. Boiled new potatoes, left slightly hard are much better for BG levels than mashed potatoes for example. All that pounding and liquifying, turning the spuds into a puree, is the first stage of creating your own fast food and that, for a diabetic, can be like rocket fuel if it is carby..


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
3.7 is not a hypo and could just be your normal lower level. if you just leave it does your liver top you back up or do you go lower still and if so where do you stop. This sounds a little like reactive hypoglycemia @nosher8355 @Brunneria any comments?

that's an interesting comment, 3.7 "feels" like a hypo for me, its the start of that sweaty shaking and a funny feeling in the middle of my stomach, for that reason I have never allowed it to go lower to see what happens!

Reactive Hpoglycemia? not heard of that one before.


Retired Moderator
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3.7 is not a hypo and could just be your normal lower level. if you just leave it does your liver top you back up or do you go lower still and if so where do you stop. This sounds a little like reactive hypoglycemia @nosher8355 @Brunneria any comments?
that's an interesting comment, 3.7 "feels" like a hypo for me, its the start of that sweaty shaking and a funny feeling in the middle of my stomach, for that reason I have never allowed it to go lower to see what happens!

Reactive Hpoglycemia? not heard of that one before.

Hi guys,
RH is a condition on the glucose intolerance spectrum, which may also combine with diabetes.

We've had some threads recently, giving lots of info, so try reading these, and see if any of it matches your symptoms:

If your symptoms look likely, ask any questions you like
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Hi guys,
RH is a condition on the glucose intolerance spectrum, which may also combine with diabetes.

We've had some threads recently, giving lots of info, so try reading these, and see if any of it matches your symptoms:

If your symptoms look likely, ask any questions you like

Thanks all
I should have come back here way before now, I forgot what a superb bunch of helpful people you all are!

Many many thanks!

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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Now having a Hypo 3.7!
Hi monty
I have RH . Which after a meal you flush too much insulin and you hyper then hypo.
Your post is descriptive of this condition unless you are on meds. I haven't read through the posts on this thread, so I apologise.
You need to low carb and control your BSLs. Aim for not going above 6.0mmols after 2 hours.
Your fasting BSLs should be in the normal range.
Have a read of the information on RH on this site especially the threads that @Brunneria have answered posts.
If you want to be certain. Eat to your meter and eat regularly say every three hours (low carb) and test test test!
If you have a hypo don't use glucose, lucozade etc. eat something very low carb and have a hot drink like tea and be patient with them rising to normal level.
Let us know how you are doing. I will answer any questions.
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Diet only
So basically lose weight and move about more is the Holy Grail? I read some scam advertisement yesterday about a guy who stated he'd reversed his Type 2 by following a diet devised by Joseph Borden, anyone heard of him? This guy, Ricky Everett, who claims to be a professional marathon runner, says that within weeks of eating normal foods and supplements designed to destroy Free Fatty Acids he was "cured". The fact that his head was photoshopped onto a marathon runner was enough to make me suspicious.
I tend to agree, but why has no one reponded to this post, after all it has prominent advertising on many search engines. Has anyone actually bothered to pay up and read the advice given by the above mentioned in "diabetics destroyed"


Well-Known Member
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I reversed my Type 2
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I do not have diabetes
But you don't need to pay for basic diet advice and to buy his expensive foods. Normal foods reduced quantities or low carb will do better as is testiment from the people on this forum and the advice is free.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi monty
I have RH . Which after a meal you flush too much insulin and you hyper then hypo.
Your post is descriptive of this condition unless you are on meds. I haven't read through the posts on this thread, so I apologise.
You need to low carb and control your BSLs. Aim for not going above 6.0mmols after 2 hours.
Your fasting BSLs should be in the normal range.
Have a read of the information on RH on this site especially the threads that @Brunneria have answered posts.
If you want to be certain. Eat to your meter and eat regularly say every three hours (low carb) and test test test!
If you have a hypo don't use glucose, lucozade etc. eat something very low carb and have a hot drink like tea and be patient with them rising to normal level.
Let us know how you are doing. I will answer any questions.
Nosher thank you! After 2 years of insane excercise and not a little worry I feel like I might be finally understanding my condition, we are all unique!
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