I've lost the plot!!


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I haven't been on the forum for a little while, that is probably because I've been ignoring my diabetes!! I lost my beloved dog of ten years this year and my sugar levels rocketed!! Understandable I'd just lost my best mate! by accident or fate I've taken on a puppy whom is lovely but soooo much hard work!! I am so stressed that all rhyme or reason with my diabetes has gone out the window!!! I have two quite serious complications that I am having to contend with:,regular Eyelea injections for Diabetic Macular Oedema and problems with my joints Diabetic chiroaropathy! I am so DOWN I can't describe it! The more high readings I see the more I worry!! I have had diabetes a long time and know that the highs usually calm down when I do, but I can't seem to calm down!! I can't seem to get the lows down (although dry white wine seems to work!) Not sure that is the answer long term! I tend to chase my tail a lot and inject more and more and then crash over night! I'm still on Humalin S so it lasts much longer, hence the crash! I'm typing this thinking 'what do I expect anybody to say?' and I usually like to help others on this forum but hey I just needed a vent.....Nina x i guess what I'm asking is just how do we deal with stress? At least I don't feel like eating LOL :grumpy:
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
I don't feel I have enough experience to offer any advice but I'm sending calming hugs x


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Thanks that's all I need! x
you get a hug from me too.... dont know what to suggest you.... except from asking for more professional help... you should not be having it so bad like you do without getting help


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello @NinaB73 your going through a tough time. I think we all have times when we try to ignore our diabetes . I've had a couple of months of that myself this year and just got back on track at the beginning of October . I think you know that you need to decide on a plan of action to get back in control. It's hard climbing back on the wagon.


Retired Moderator
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The smell of cigars
How about a nice walk with the puppy tomorrow if joints allow? take snacks in case of a low and try deep breathing of fresh air while out. might calm things down a little.
But Yes, we all lose it sometimes and getting back on track is hard. Hugs.


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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
Hey @NinaB73
you've been doing this a long while --- and I know you know you will bounce back -- It is really tough when you are struggling for whatever reason-- been through a patch of it myself recently.............. all I can say is to try and do what you gotta do to get the Bg's down --- I sometimes skip a meal or test every 1/2 hour ( and correct where appropriate )
don't let the D win --

separate query -- how is the eyelea helping on the macular front ?



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Sometimes we all lose the plot and need a reassuring hug, I hope your puppy will lift your mood x
yes, you are right and she is lovely, I just can't see the wood for the trees at the moment!


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Diet only
Cruelty. I am kind.
Well, I take st Johns Wort and passionflower extract. Seem to stave off panic attacks.but you need to run St. John's wort past your doctor, as it affects some drugs.
Nothing helps grief but time.
Try to remember how many other people need you, it may keep you steady


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Hey @NinaB73
you've been doing this a long while --- and I know you know you will bounce back -- It is really tough when you are struggling for whatever reason-- been through a patch of it myself recently.............. all I can say is to try and do what you gotta do to get the Bg's down --- I sometimes skip a meal or test every 1/2 hour ( and correct where appropriate )
don't let the D win --

separate query -- how is the eyelea helping on the macular front ?

Yes @himtoo it is probably more than a puppy issue!! So much going on....as you know it is hard, and your words are always a comfort! It just sucks sometimes when you sugars are in the 20's and you can't get them down and you know you have complications that won't do any good by that!! I'm hungry for not eating!!!! Does that mean 'D' wins? it seems that way sometimes! I know you have had a tough time too as many on here....Kind thoughts x


Retired Moderator
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Diet only
Another hug from here too.

And puppies are exhausting! What breed? - cos some are EVEN MORE exhausting than others. :)


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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
Yes @himtoo it is probably more than a puppy issue!! So much going on....as you know it is hard, and your words are always a comfort! It just sucks sometimes when you sugars are in the 20's and you can't get them down and you know you have complications that won't do any good by that!! I'm hungry for not eating!!!! Does that mean 'D' wins? it seems that way sometimes! I know you have had a tough time too as many on here....Kind thoughts x
No -- D never wins -- we keep fighting the good fight -- I would treat myself as though I were sick ( sick day rules ) -- more effort but could help break the current cycle you are in


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Well, I take st Johns Wort and passionflower extract. Seem to stave off panic attacks.but you need to run St. John's wort past your doctor, as it affects some drugs.
Nothing helps grief but time.
Try to remember how many other people need you, it may keep you steady
I'm a holistic therapist and love all things 'natural' so thank you for your input! I've had a lovely bath tonight and feel much better but I am a 'stressy' person and worry about the world and everyone in it!! Including myself!! I have the worse case scenario congured up! I always think of everyone else, probably to my detriment! Not good for the sugar levels but I don't seem to be able to stop being a worrier!!! Thank you for your kind words x



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Another hug from here too.

And puppies are exhausting! What breed? - cos some are EVEN MORE exhausting than others. :)
A Collie!!!!!! And terribly exhausting!!!! and naughty! Our old beloved was a collie so we thought we knew them......


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Oh my dear! A collie!!!
You need extra extra hugging. :D
I am soooo jealous.

It will be absolutely horrendous. And in 2 years time, every time you remember all the antics, you will grin with (retrospective) joy.

Come here and vent, please. With pics.

(Please don't think I am glossing over you blood glucose issues - I'm not - but I can promise you that the puppy will give you back so much more than you expect. Have another hug)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi, your collie will be great for you, will need loads of exercise which will be great for you, from experience he/she will need at least an hour a day, collies are great companions, very loving and faithful, they never run out of energy, your gonna have a great pal for many years.
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Sending hugs to you and the puppy xx
I know if you're a worrier you will find it hard to stop. I always look at it as ... if I can't change it by worrying , then why worry ?
I love this quote:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
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Retired Moderator
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I haven't been on the forum for a little while, that is probably because I've been ignoring my diabetes!! I lost my beloved dog of ten years this year and my sugar levels rocketed!! Understandable I'd just lost my best mate! by accident or fate I've taken on a puppy whom is lovely but soooo much hard work!! I am so stressed that all rhyme or reason with my diabetes has gone out the window!!! I have two quite serious complications that I am having to contend with:,regular Eyelea injections for Diabetic Macular Oedema and problems with my joints Diabetic chiroaropathy! I am so DOWN I can't describe it! The more high readings I see the more I worry!! I have had diabetes a long time and know that the highs usually calm down when I do, but I can't seem to calm down!! I can't seem to get the lows down (although dry white wine seems to work!) Not sure that is the answer long term! I tend to chase my tail a lot and inject more and more and then crash over night! I'm still on Humalin S so it lasts much longer, hence the crash! I'm typing this thinking 'what do I expect anybody to say?' and I usually like to help others on this forum but hey I just needed a vent.....Nina x i guess what I'm asking is just how do we deal with stress? At least I don't feel like eating LOL :grumpy:

Hi, I'm not 100%.. But it's lazer treatment for diabetic macular oedema.. Where as the injections are for AMD "age-related macular degeneration." Which is a swelling of fluid.. Distorting as opposed to retinopathy bleeding with the aforementioned, which blocks the vision regarding the light hitting the retina..? I think..
I have a similar course of injections in my right eye.. Of course they blame it on the "boogie". But strangely no retinopathy...

Funny enough.. i acquired a dog full time about a year ago when my elderly mum lost the plot.. (I did promise he'd have a home if anything happened.)

I got the best end of the deal.. My mum now resides with my sister.. The eye thing, however it turns out? The left one is still good! But so far. Regarding the right. It has some pretty good periods. But doesn't seem to get worse when they decide I need it treated after the monthly scans.... In all, so far. I've had a course of 6 monthly injections in the eyeball. Then about 4 every other month.. I see em again next week.. The odds are I should get away with it with the jab...

The "plot" does seem to thicken the old one gets..


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Tablets (oral)
Hugs and hope you fell better soon. When I was seriously depressed some years ago I found one thing I could do that helped was breathing exercises. When I was stressed and would count the breath in for 5, hold for 5, let out for 5 and wait for 5. I knew my stress levels because some days I could only manage 1's and 2's. but with perseverance it does help. Try it and see if it works for you. xxx
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