Just diagnosed with diabetes


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Hi I have never thought of cheese and redcurrants, but a chocoholic will always find a way, the 85% way. isnt it just "effing wonderful"
That was a quote from up the page a bit.
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Hi I have never thought of cheese and redcurrants, but a chocoholic will always find a way, the 85% way. isnt it just "effing wonderful"
That was a quote from up the page a bit.

It took me a couple of years to really get a taste for the dark stuff.
But when I got it, I GOT IT.

Milk chocolate is just so... utterly bland nowadays.

I have become a twue connossier, you know! ;)


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I only eat 2 squares and I could swear that I have had a lot more .
Milk chocolate would be frightfully boreing and tacky dont ya think,:wacky:
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People who interrupt you when you're talking and people who won't listen.
One of the cheapest meters and strips is the SD Codefree available on-line. Many people on here use it.

You don't need to cut anything out altogether at this moment in time, just greatly reduce the portions. Then decide on a sustainable diet once you get a meter. The emphasis is on sustainable, because this isn't a temporary diet, this is for life.
I've just got this one - the test strips are 30% of the price of my old ones! Now I can experiment and test to my heart's content...allbeit at the expense of my finger tips LOL
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I have got my blood test machine today, but I am sorry to ask such a stupid question, how often should I change the needle, is it after every test or after few tests.


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Thanks a lot, will post the readings tonight or tomorrow if there has been any improvement from 16 to what, I really hope there is some improvement as otherwise I will get really disheartened but if it is good I will be motivated to do better.

Just wondering, should I be seeing improvements or is it not so quick?

All the best to me for tonight.
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Just got a reading of 13.8 after 2 hours of dinner.

Really need to get this down. Will check again at 7 in morning now.


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Just had loads of salad and two slices of bread.
Salad was cucumber tomatoes and spinach leaves with cheese some sauted muahrooms and peas
Did it now first thing in morning and its 9.2 from 16.2 exactly a week ago today.


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People who interrupt you when you're talking and people who won't listen.
I have got my blood test machine today, but I am sorry to ask such a stupid question, how often should I change the needle, is it after every test or after few tests.
I've been doing mine once a week or so. I find it gets more painful after a while and starts to leave a small bruise, which I believe may be because it's getting blunt. Your tolerance for blunt needles may be better then mine, or your budget may be tighter, in which case I do know people have got much longer out of them. Also depends how often you're testing. I'm new to testing myself, so I'm testing more often right now to understand what foods are making my BG rise. So far, I've discovered bread, even lower carb breads (Burgen) make it rise as high as high 8's and 9's if I have more than 1 slice. I haven't tried rice or pasta yet. I tried a small portion of chips last night though and my BG never rose above 7.4, so that was better than expected.
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People who interrupt you when you're talking and people who won't listen.
Just got a reading of 13.8 after 2 hours of dinner.

Really need to get this down. Will check again at 7 in morning now.
If your fasting BG was 16 not long ago, and it's now 13 after food, I'd say that's a good reduction. Wouldn't you agree? It's still got some way to go, but it's moving in the right direction :)

I second @Bluetit1802's question though, what did you eat? The answer to your "13" probably lies there.


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People who interrupt you when you're talking and people who won't listen.
Just had loads of salad and two slices of bread.
Salad was cucumber tomatoes and spinach leaves with cheese some sauted muahrooms and peas
Did it now first thing in morning and its 9.2 from 16.2 exactly a week ago today.
Ah...it's the bread! I'd say so anyway. What type of bread was it? Even lower carb (if more than 1 slice) makes my BG soar. Try a smaller portion size, a different bread, or leaving the bread out. It can be done, trust me, I was a breadaholic LOL
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I just had 2 slices will cut that to one and see how it goes but if i see on fasting as that was the only result i had till now it has dropped from 16 to 9 hopefully soon i will get it to 5 i am dreading the thought of trabvelling next week lets see how ot goes


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People who interrupt you when you're talking and people who won't listen.
I just had 2 slices will cut that to one and see how it goes but if i see on fasting as that was the only result i had till now it has dropped from 16 to 9 hopefully soon i will get it to 5 i am dreading the thought of trabvelling next week lets see how ot goes
you've had a great reduction in such a short space of time. It's just a matter of experimenting and seeing what happens to YOUR body with these foods as what works for one person, may/may not work for you. You'll get there...
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
If you cut the bread out or fry the bread in olive oil I'm betting it will drop further and faster.


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When I was diagnosed a week ago I was 16.2 on fasting
I did it today first thing in morning it was 9.2
After breakfast which was 2 slices of bread and an egg its 9.5
this is after two hours of breakfast


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
That breakfast was fine then. Your spike at 2 hours was negligible. You are also getting there with your fasting, so well done!