Liver function Ultra sound


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@SunnyExpat after tomorrow that may be a definate as I am not going to be pulling any punches. It's time to get all of this lack of support out in the open and either put right or reported to the relevant authorities to protect other patients that are being let down
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What a worry for you, hope you get answer soon for peace of mind.

As for being thin and fatty liver, I'm reminded of this article, which links in with SunnyExpat

I'm very encouraged by this article. I'm not overweight (BMI of 22) but that doesn't mean I don't have too much visceral fat. Following an 800 calorie diet for two months would see me waste away to nothing, but if good results can be achieved in even a few days then it's certainly worth a goal.
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I'm very encouraged by this article. I'm not overweight (BMI of 22) but that doesn't mean I don't have too much visceral fat. Following an 800 calorie diet for two months would see me waste away to nothing, but if good results can be achieved in even a few days then it's certainly worth a goal.

There was someone in the news who wasn't overweight, started the diet, but achieved good results, (ie diabetes into remission) before the eight weeks, but how or why he decided to stop early wasn't fully explained.
I guess you'll know the point when you haven't any fat left anywhere anymore!
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Yes....the rolls are lovely BUT the high soya content may certainly be responsible for the hormonal problems I am having. Add that to the scan, the results tomorrow and the dentist on Thursday...along with high bg today and I am one stressed out bunny :bigtears: Hopefully tomorrow will bring some better news to cheer me up a bit cos right now I am losing the will to live

Awwwww... sorry to hear that :(, to be honest... it happens to all of us anyway... at least you are a bunny :), that's cute.
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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
Don't worry too much Gezzabelle. I've had a kidney US, a heart US and a liver US due to blood results. Nothing showed up even in my kidneys that are wonky lol
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I had an abnormal LFT in a blood test early on and was scheduled to have another blood test two weeks later. In between getting result and second blood test I went organic for unconnected reason.

Second test showed completely normal LFT. GP was surprised as was I, but my theory is that even if my liver is fatty (I don't know) greatly reducing pesticide residues and additives must help.

Organic food can be expensive, but reading labels and choosing the cottage cheese or yogurt without the additives, for example, can be same price or cheaper.
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I had an abnormal LFT in a blood test early on and was scheduled to have another blood test two weeks later. In between getting result and second blood test I went organic for unconnected reason.

Second test showed completely normal LFT. GP was surprised as was I, but my theory is that even if my liver is fatty (I don't know) greatly reducing pesticide residues and additives must help.

Organic food can be expensive, but reading labels and choosing the cottage cheese or yogurt without the additives, for example, can be same price or cheaper.
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Could it be meds causing the problem?
My GGT went from 35 to 143 after two years
on Warfarin.
I kept being asked if I was a drinker, which I am not.
Diet controlled t2 hba1c 45
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Could it be meds causing the problem?
My GGT went from 35 to 143 after two years
on Warfarin.
I kept being asked if I was a drinker, which I am not.
Diet controlled t2 hba1c 45
I am not on any medication at all. I was asked if I am taking any kind of supplements or vitamins and the answer is no . It's a bit of a mystery the way it has gone up considerably since I changed my diet


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@lindisfel The one thing that stands out for me is that since I changed my diet to low carb and more meat, fish etc I noticed that my bg was always higher after a meal of say pork loin or chicken breast with veg and I actually asked here why protein made it go up so much. Something like a pork loin steak or chicken breast always makes it go up much higher than say eggs or cheese. It is always meat that makes it go up higher than it usually is whereas fish like salmon or tuna doesn't. Similarly eggs don't have any bad effects either. It seems to be only meat affects the bg so I am wondering if it is meat that is annoying my ferritin levels? I didn't eat much meat at all prior to changing my diet to low carb...I always ate Quorn products by choice so eating meat is really a new thing for my body to deal with. The higher bg levels always take much longer to come down too...up to 4 or 5 hours


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Iron overload takes a long time to develop, like years not months. I'm not sure there is any link between iron and BG, but I could be wrong. Red meat and offal has the highest iron. Pork and chicken are lower in iron than red meat. Iron absorption is higher when you eat high-iron food at the same time as high vitamin C food. This is why if someone with iron overload is taking supplements, they are best to take iron and vitamin C at least 2 hours apart. Protein gets converted to carbs at some stage, according to what I read in this forum recently. Sorry I don't know exactly how that works but others here will.
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Iron overload takes a long time to develop, like years not months. I'm not sure there is any link between iron and BG, but I could be wrong. Red meat and offal has the highest iron. Pork and chicken are lower in iron than red meat. Iron absorption is higher when you eat high-iron food at the same time as high vitamin C food. This is why if someone with iron overload is taking supplements, they are best to take iron and vitamin C at least 2 hours apart. Protein gets converted to carbs at some stage, according to what I read in this forum recently. Sorry I don't know exactly how that works but others here will.
It's all baffling to me.....I can only say that I have never really had a problem with high ferritin,...and that it has only shown up and gone up even higher since the HbA1c came back 3 months ago at 48.5.My feritin level then was 167 and 3 months later it is now 225. The only thing that has changed in that 3 months is my diet to include meat and also that I now eat low carb. Hopefully it will be nothing to worry about


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It's all baffling to me.....I can only say that I have never really had a problem with high ferritin,...and that it has only shown up and gone up even higher since the HbA1c came back 3 months ago at 48.5.My feritin level then was 167 and 3 months later it is now 225. The only thing that has changed in that 3 months is my diet to include meat and also that I now eat low carb. Hopefully it will be nothing to worry about
Yeah, high ferritin is actually not dangerous unless it's over 300 (if I recall correctly), so I wouldn't be too concerned at this point, but I would get it tested annually to monitor it. What I think is more important is to get the genetic testing for haemo, in case family members have it, and have it worse.
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Lamont D

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Hi, @Gezzabelle

As you know, I've had a prolonged history of medical problems due to misdiagnosis and constantly putting on weight and insulin problems.

Well myself and the wife have in the past both had non fatty liver disease.

Most health care practitioners insist that it is alcoholic related but we have both been alcohol free for more than 10 years and the wife over 25 years.

We have both had the scans and our liver function and fatty liver have improved, mine back to normal and the wife's slightly fatty! Because of low carbing! And of course time!
Both liver and kidney function are normal for me and slightly raised for the wife.

@Southport GP has been doing a lot of research into this area, please read his threads, someone can give you the link thingimybob!

Whatever your tests show! It can be controlled and brought back to normal.

Hope it goes well for you!
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@lindisfel The one thing that stands out for me is that since I changed my diet to low carb and more meat, fish etc I noticed that my bg was always higher after a meal of say pork loin or chicken breast with veg and I actually asked here why protein made it go up so much. Something like a pork loin steak or chicken breast always makes it go up much higher than say eggs or cheese. It is always meat that makes it go up higher than it usually is whereas fish like salmon or tuna doesn't. Similarly eggs don't have any bad effects either. It seems to be only meat affects the bg so I am wondering if it is meat that is annoying my ferritin levels? I didn't eat much meat at all prior to changing my diet to low carb...I always ate Quorn products by choice so eating meat is really a new thing for my body to deal with. The higher bg levels always take much longer to come down too...up to 4 or 5 hours

Don't eat red meat.
You don't need to eat it on a LC diet.


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Hi, @Gezzabelle

As you know, I've had a prolonged history of medical problems due to misdiagnosis and constantly putting on weight and insulin problems.

Well myself and the wife have in the past both had non fatty liver disease.

Most health care practitioners insist that it is alcoholic related but we have both been alcohol free for more than 10 years and the wife over 25 years.

We have both had the scans and our liver function and fatty liver have improved, mine back to normal and the wife's slightly fatty! Because of low carbing! And of course time!
Both liver and kidney function are normal for me and slightly raised for the wife.

@Southport GP has been doing a lot of research into this area, please read his threads, someone can give you the link thingimybob!

Whatever your tests show! It can be controlled and brought back to normal.

Hope it goes well for you!
@nosher8355 The first test was okay and not of real concern but it is the fact it has gone up quite a bit since the end of April that has caused the concern.....from 167 to 225. I am not worrying too much....hopefully it is nothing to fret about and will sort itself out. I have to have a retest on it in 3 months regardless of if I have had the scan or not
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Lamont D

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Reactive hypoglycemia
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The first test was okay and not of real concern but it is the fact it has gone up quite a bit since the end of April that has caused the concern.....from 167 to 225. I am not worrying too much....hopefully it is nothing to fret about and will sort itself out. I have to have a retest on it in 3 months regardless of if I have had the scan or not
I would think that your liver hasn't reacted as yet to the low carbing, as it does take time to get rid of the higher readings. I think and hope you will be ok!
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Hi Eddie I've had an ultrasound on my liver 3 times, fingers crossed everything will be fine. Had too fast & had p.m appointments, needless to say I was a wee bit on the hungry side.
Sometimes I think my kidneys & pancreas are having a party.
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Hi Eddie I've had an ultrasound on my liver 3 times, fingers crossed everything will be fine. Had too fast & had p.m appointments, needless to say I was a wee bit on the hungry side.
Sometimes I think my kidneys & pancreas are having a party.
Hi sro004 and welcome to the forum. It's good that you mentioned needing to fast for the ultrasound because it reminded me of when I had to fast for surgery and there was a delay, I went into a hypo and was miserable. So Gezzabelle, if they need you to fast for much more than 6 hours, ask for a IV line with glucose to keep your BG up. You'll feel much better for it.
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