Lowest reading so far of 5 after being told I was off the scale and needed insulin


Active Member
Radford, Worcester
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi Everyone, I was told a month ago that my sugars were off the scale but was not told what they were. I got a meter recently and have had my lowest reading today before my evening meal of 5.0 so I am really chuffed. Doctor told me that I may need to go on Insulin in May after further tests, but after going on a diet and taking 1000mg twice a day metformin, my level has gone from 12/14 to 5/6 for 2 weeks now. Does this mean I could be back on track and if I keep it up, the tablets should be enough, or is it too early to know ? Thank you in advance :)
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That certainly sounds like a success to me - very well done! Your current numbers are pretty much perfect and if you're managing to achieve those with modifications to diet, supplemented by Metformin, I can't see why a doctor would want to change anything.

Did the doc just say that to scare you or something, as insulin for a T2 is only really considered when everything else has failed to work for them. I'm on insulin, but I managed with diet alone for over 18 years, then only deteriorated after an unrelated illness than I didn't bounce back from as well as I'd been before. I battled with assorted ineffective meds for a further 4 years or so before I succumbed and took up their suggestion to start insulin and it turned out to be great for me (at least for a while, it's gone a bit odd lately).

But I've never heard of a doc suggesting insulin to a T2early on - unless he thought that you might be a late onset T1, but that wouldn't be easily fixed with diet. Even at 12/14 you wouldn't initially consider insulin, I was in the upper 20s - after a long period of individual effort and max doses of meds - before I started with it.

Well done, that sounds like fabulous progress, keep up the good work!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Very well done! Yes I would say you are definitely back on track. :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@jziggy well done, you are definitely on the right track.

You've done the hard part, which is getting your BG down, so now you just need to keep doing what is working for you.


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sunny north wales
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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
brilliant work @jziggy !!
really pleased for you hitting those 5/6's.

from my experience of speaking with T2's in real life you may be able to ditch medication altogether if you carry on like this till May. ( no promises mind , but know a couple that have ):)
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Active Member
Radford, Worcester
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
That certainly sounds like a success to me - very well done! Your current numbers are pretty much perfect and if you're managing to achieve those with modifications to diet, supplemented by Metformin, I can't see why a doctor would want to change anything.

Did the doc just say that to scare you or something, as insulin for a T2 is only really considered when everything else has failed to work for them. I'm on insulin, but I managed with diet alone for over 18 years, then only deteriorated after an unrelated illness than I didn't bounce back from as well as I'd been before. I battled with assorted ineffective meds for a further 4 years or so before I succumbed and took up their suggestion to start insulin and it turned out to be great for me (at least for a while, it's gone a bit odd lately).

But I've never heard of a doc suggesting insulin to a T2early on - unless he thought that you might be a late onset T1, but that wouldn't be easily fixed with diet. Even at 12/14 you wouldn't initially consider insulin, I was in the upper 20s - after a long period of individual effort and max doses of meds - before I started with it.

Well done, that sounds like fabulous progress, keep up the good work!
Thank you for your thoughts...It was a huge shock to me as the doctor showed me a graph and the reading was his screen. I was so shocked that I didn't ask any questions, however, I had to admit that I had not started the tablets that had been given to me a month previously as I was told I should take them as a precaution as my numbers were increasing. I stopped all sugar immediately and as it took me over a week to get a meter, I am not sure how high my sugars were but after cutting out everything for a week, my first reading was still 14 and has slowly come down over the last 3 weeks. I have to admit that I drank lots of Cappuccinos, Latte's and my diet was awful prior to my visit. I will be asking lots of questions next time I go :)
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Active Member
Radford, Worcester
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
brilliant work @jziggy !!
really pleased for you hitting those 5/6's.

from my experience of speaking with T2's in real life you may be able to ditch medication altogether if you carry on like this till May. ( no promises mind , but know a couple that have ):)
Oh I do hope so...I have lost almost a stone in weight since my visit. Fingers crossed and thank you !
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
@jziggy It sounds as if you have definitely turned things around. Well done. Ring up and speak to the receptionist at your health clinic. They should (once they have confirmed it is you on the phone) be able to tell you exactly what your results were. Its not just obvious sugar you have to avoid, its those evil carbs.....