Type 1 Mania


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi, I'm not the one with Diabetes it's my partner. He's been diabetic for many years and is Type 1. Over the years he's had the usual mood swings and so on but in the last six months everything has escalated to a point where he is in a manic state, the doctor is going to arrange for him to see adult mental health people. However, I work full time, am having to walk on egg shells all the time around him the slightest thing can set him off into an irrational rant which can be about anything. He's also taken to phoning businesses he takes exception to writing screeds on nonsense on facebook and has revealed some things from his past to me which I can never in-hear. I'm at a point where I'm trying to be as invisible and noiseless as possible indoors in order not to set him off. He won't let me keep an eye on his meds so I'm not sure half the time what he's taking etc When we visited the doctor his readings were within the norm for him but he did spout a load of nonsense in the Doctor's presence hence the diagnosis of manic state. I'm afraid to leave him on his own as he is becoming weak (not eating properly either) the Mental Health appointment has to be sorted out don't know how soon that will happen, and he's already said to me if it's just a 30 minute appointment with a young 20 year old there's no way he'll discuss his deepest most intimate and personal feelings so it will be pointless if that happens I really don't know what to do!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi picklepuss. Didnt want to read and run even tho I have no real advice. I dont have t1 but dont think it would cause symptoms like this.

Some personal questions, if you dont mind? You have no need to answer, of course. Are you afraid for your personal safety? I am sure that your partner would never want to harm anyone, but in a manic state this sometimes cannot be taken for granted.

Have you oticed any mental health symptoms before the mania started? Memory problems, getting lost, change in personality that others noticed?

Have you been given a phone number for your local mental health team?

How old is your partner?

Do you have anyone that you can depend on for support near you? This must be very difficult to deal with on your own. Dont be afraid to ring he gp surgery if you feel you cannot cope. That is what they are there for and they will have to log each call.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hi @Picklepuss

I am also worried about your welfare - first and foremost are you safe ?

Having type 1 could trigger an underlying mental condition that could otherwise remain under the radar, more so if his control is not great and also if he is also suffering anxiety related to uncontrolled blood glucose levels. Getting him support from a mental health team is vital so he can be assessed properly but as you say 30 minutes is not going to be enough to really delve into this, can you get him to see his diabetic nurse/consultant and go along with him for the appointment, a good starting point would be to assess his control and see what's going on there, not eating properly or taking correct insulin amounts at correct times will affect his moods, so if this can be stabilised then his moods will stablise also.

Aside to all of this is the fact he may be living in denial of his condition which would trigger his moods which his diabetic team could help with, being there with him shows you support him so it may help you both to see what's really going on here, i'm no medical expert but have lived with depression and anxiety as a result of my t1 so understand how it can play it self out in day to day life, good luck please keep in touch.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi @Picklepuss

I am also worried about your welfare - first and foremost are you safe ?

Having type 1 could trigger an underlying mental condition that could otherwise remain under the radar, more so if his control is not great and also if he is also suffering anxiety related to uncontrolled blood glucose levels. Getting him support from a mental health team is vital so he can be assessed properly but as you say 30 minutes is not going to be enough to really delve into this, can you get him to see his diabetic nurse/consultant and go along with him for the appointment, a good starting point would be to assess his control and see what's going on there, not eating properly or taking correct insulin amounts and correct times will affect his moods, so if this can be stabilised then his moods will stablise also.

Aside to all of this is the fact he may be living in denial of his condition which would trigger his moods which his diabetic team could help with, being there with him shows you support him so it may help you both to see what's really going on here, i'm no medical expert but have lived with depression and anxiety as a result of my t1 so understand how it can play it self out in day to day life, good luck please keep in touch.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi thanks for your comments, I suspect a lot of what you've said is correct for him, I've been in touch with the mental health team and they are going to organise a home visit, which is a relief just hope it can be today. They've also given me emergency numbers to call if the situation gets completely out of control. I'm grateful that you took the time to respond to me.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi picklepuss. Didnt want to read and run even tho I have no real advice. I dont have t1 but dont think it would cause symptoms like this.

Some personal questions, if you dont mind? You have no need to answer, of course. Are you afraid for your personal safety? I am sure that your partner would never want to harm anyone, but in a manic state this sometimes cannot be taken for granted.

Have you oticed any mental health symptoms before the mania started? Memory problems, getting lost, change in personality that others noticed?

Have you been given a phone number for your local mental health team?

How old is your partner?

Do you have anyone that you can depend on for support near you? This must be very difficult to deal with on your own. Dont be afraid to ring he gp surgery if you feel you cannot cope. That is what they are there for and they will have to log each call.


I dearly wish that I could offer you some advice for a situation in which nobody could blame you for feeling desperate. The thing is though I cannot add anything more than what @Juicyj has posted. I empathise completely with your situation and hope you are able to reach an outcome that works for both of you. Please take care


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I dearly wish that I could offer you some advice for a situation in which nobody could blame you for feeling desperate. The thing is though I cannot add anything more than what @Juicyj has posted. I empathise completely with your situation and hope you are able to reach an outcome that works for both of you. Please take care


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thank you for your kind thoughts and concern, I think sometimes in the midst of what seems an overwhelming situation having someone just sympathise can be enough to help you carry on and I believe with help there is an end and a good outcome just got to persevere!:)
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Heya @Picklepuss It might be a blessing in disguise for him that at least he's on the radar and whatever is triggering his moods can be looked at, ultimately it will boil down to how he's controlling his diabetes so getting to the bottom of this and seeing what's really going on. Also well done for doing something so positive and showing concern, I hope this appointment can be brought forward and you get to the bottom of this soon :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Heya @Picklepuss It might be a blessing in disguise for him that at least he's on the radar and whatever is triggering his moods can be looked at, ultimately it will boil down to how he's controlling his diabetes so getting to the bottom of this and seeing what's really going on. Also well done for doing something so positive and showing concern, I hope this appointment can be brought forward and you get to the bottom of this soon :)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Doc from Mental Health team calling round this morning. I'll let you all know how things go.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. It's good the Mental health team are taking action. If you have a branch of Mind in your local area do get him to self-refer or the GP can do it. I do (IT) support for my local Mind and I know how good the counselling is together with group sessions covering many aspects of mental health.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
That's good to hear :)
Hi just to let you know Mental Health Doc been round witnessed some of the behaviour has now gone off to discuss with his Doc some kind of strategy. In the meantime I've had 30 minutes of him telling me he won't take meds that'll slow him down won't be hospitalised and so on. So deep breath - glad someone else is now involved and I just hope the medical profession can get something sorted out that will turn this manic truck around!
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi. It's good the Mental health team are taking action. If you have a branch of Mind in your local area do get him to self-refer or the GP can do it. I do (IT) support for my local Mind and I know how good the counselling is together with group sessions covering many aspects of mental health.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
It's fortunate that they have been able to experience the behaviour first hand, however he needs to realise he has a problem so that he can understand he needs help, if as I said before, if it's denial then it will be difficult to get this message home. Hopefully something can be done, but he needs to do this for you too and not just for himself, I hope he realises this.