Newcastle diet starting Monday, done it once who gonna join me on my journey??


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Hi Telandy

I still don't think its an exact science - in that we are all built differently. But if 81kg on the New BMI is normal for you - then you can decide if that is a realistic target. You seem to be well on your way and 19kg down from 100 is reachable according to what others have been recording on the ND.
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Thanks for that link @Steve50. It does help a little. Using that version my former BMI was 33.2, currently 29.5 and with a 14 stone target it will be 27.4. There's no reason why I can't revise my target weight of 14st down to 12st 11lbs which will take me to 24.9, but my wife says I will look too skinny (my excuse has always been "I am big-boned" :cool:).

I'll keep my ND target of 14stone I think (1 stone and 4 weeks to go), but then go on to LCHF eating for the remaining weight loss as a longer-term lifestyle change pattern.
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Thanks for that link @Steve50. It does help a little. Using that version my former BMI was 33.2, currently 29.5 and with a 14 stone target it will be 27.4. There's no reason why I can't revise my target weight of 14st down to 12st 11lbs which will take me to 24.9, but my wife says I will look too skinny (my excuse has always been "I am big-boned" :cool:).

I'll keep my ND target of 14stone I think (1 stone and 4 weeks to go), but then go on to LCHF eating for the remaining weight loss as a longer-term lifestyle change pattern.
Hi Rob

Just to let you know weight loss gets more and more difficult and slows down as you progress into ND.
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My partner is also banging on about me losing too much weight. It adds a little extra pressure to the ordeal. I know she means well. I guess she is just used to seeing me large. That - and the idea that rapid weight loss is often associated with illness - which we have discussed before. I guess the loose skin, poorly fitting clothes and disappearing ass don't help! :wideyed:
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Hi Rob

Just to let you know weight loss gets more and more difficult and slows down as you progress into ND.
From what I've read and experienced myself in the past I am expecting that to be so. In fact I am surprised how the loss is still quite significant currently. I fully expected a slow up after the first two weeks. This week, on the Exante guidance, I am am adding an extra 200 cals or so to 800 per day. Once I have finished one more home-made soup on Thursday I will be reverting to the pure 600 cals per day. Nevertheless, approaching 13kgs lost compared to my pre-Easter weight, I am almost 2/3rds of the way to my target 20kg loss with half the weeks remaining.

I can but try.
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You seem to be doing really well Rob. Keep us informed - especially if the weight stops falling off like Bretzza suggests it will. It was my experience too. While I still have 12 days to go the 'rapid' weight loss is now more like 'sporadic' weight loss!
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My partner is also banging on about me losing too much weight. It adds a little extra pressure to the ordeal. I know she means well. I guess she is just used to seeing me large. That - and the idea that rapid weight loss is often associated with illness - which we have discussed before. I guess the loose skin, poorly fitting clothes and disappearing ass don't help! :wideyed:


My disappearing ass found its way into a pair of jeans I've not worn in 20+ years. Both are in excellent shape (as in my ass & my jeans) though :)! I've not been doing the ND but just sloowly loosing weight. Its taken me a year to lose 55lbs and by the old BMI I am now 23.9 . My last fasting bg was 6.8. Although I have only now just gotten a meter 2 days ago. At the moment I am doing the IF essentially 16/8. Last night I had cauliflower and broccoli roasted with drizzled olive oil. I'll prick myself later.

I am going to have a lunch salad & then workout at the gym with weights to work off any sugar spikes. & I'll do the same again tonigth for dinner with cauliflower and broccoli again with an apple, & lots of water.

I've focused on just losing weight and not on BGs. The focus needs to be, and should be on both weight loss and BG s! I've added this paragraph to anyone that is thinking about extreme weight loss to go into diabetic remission

This is one rocking support group!

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I had to take all of my old jeans to the Opp Shop!!!!! Shame they are no longer in fashion!
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My partner is also banging on about me losing too much weight. It adds a little extra pressure to the ordeal. I know she means well. I guess she is just used to seeing me large. That - and the idea that rapid weight loss is often associated with illness - which we have discussed before. I guess the loose skin, poorly fitting clothes and disappearing ass don't help! :wideyed:

Yet soon @Steve50 your partner will think you're "Banging" good looking too.. Don't forget the weights workouts too..
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What apps are you using if you have a smartphone to track your BG readings. I am using but not the paid version. It does everything I want it to do.


I'm currently using just a spread sheet. I may pull that data into @Andrew Colvin 's app which is free. See this link for his current version of his diabetes application.. It written in Java so if you have a Kindle it may not work but a PC or a MAC and you should be good to go.. I am not sure if Android platform is supported either.. Check with @Andrew Colvin
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Day 45 - no stats to report - away with work. But feeling great, wide awake, alert and fit.
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End of week 4.
22lbs (10kgs) lost. BP significantly reduced to regular <120/<75 compared to regular >145/>85 even with medication before starting the ND. BP meds reduced to half after 1 week and now none at all.
BG averages have risen a little over the past week (I've increased daily calorie intake for the past week, but Metformin is reduced) Calories will revert to 600 again after tomorrow. Ranges are still good though and nothing excessive, even after pre-planned afternoon tea binge last Saturday.
Another 10kgs to reach target before migrating to LCHF as a long-term control.

EDIT: It's actually only 7.8kgs remaining - even better :D
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End of week 4.
22lbs (10kgs) lost. BP significantly reduced to regular <120/<75 compared to regular >145/>85 even with medication before starting the ND. BP meds reduced to half after 1 week and now none at all.
BG averages have risen a little over the past week (I've increased daily calorie intake for the past week, but Metformin is reduced) Calories will revert to 600 again after tomorrow. Ranges are still good though and nothing excessive, even after pre-planned afternoon tea binge last Saturday.
Another 10kgs to reach target before migrating to LCHF as a long-term control.
Well done Rob
10 kilos is not a lot on ND so you will get there.
LCHF will help you reduce the remaining weight if you are left with a few kilos more to loose.
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Well done Rob
10 kilos is not a lot on ND so you will get there.
LCHF will help you reduce the remaining weight if you are left with a few kilos more to loose.
Actually, I've just realised I did my sums wrong and it's only 7.8kgs to reach target...even better :D

Thanks for the supportive comments @brettsza. That was my plan with LCHF to take me down to a BMI of just under 25, dropping me from "overweight" to the top end of "normal".
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