Opinions on deli meat please


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I have chicken, turkey and s100% grass fed beef deli meat. All organic and the only other ingredient is sea salt. Nothing else and not a high sodium count.

They're so easy to just smash some avocado in and roll up. Very portable.

Is it still bad though better than most deli meats?

Please say no hahahhaha
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
I always wonder how they get the meat to hold together and stay moist.

Home cooked meat tends to be drier and crumbly.
Just think of slices of cold roast beef.

For ham I prefer a butcher who cures and roasts in house, then cuts slices from the bone.
Most ham seems to have been reformed from selected pieces of pork (as in - "that looks like pork, that'll do" I presume).

However apart from wondering, they should be O.K.
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It's the salt content that people have an issue with, but as your unlikely to be eating lots of high salt processed meals if your on here it should be ok. Maybe monitor your sodium intake for a few days and see how much your getting in total.


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No hahahahahah ;)

Seriously though @Kristin251 they sound okay to me!

THANKS!!! I do rinse them and then the texture feels more like the meat. I figure I'm rinsing some of the salt off I guess. Even though I add salt on the avocado I smash in.

I don't eat ham. Seems like a fake food for some reason and too salty even though I love salt.

I have just smashed my cooked chicken and turkey into some avocado but I prefer chunks dipped in mayo.

Arg....it's hard to eat healthy. Not a lot of convenience foods. Or foods that stay fresh ( veggies) Good thing I have loads of freezer room


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@Kristin251 . Sounds pretty good/healthy to me.
When are you going to publish a book " 1001 things to do with avocado " ? :):):):)
Seriously though, if it tastes good, you enjoy it and it doesn't send everything haywire then happy eating.


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@Kristin251 . Sounds pretty good/healthy to me.
When are you going to publish a book " 1001 things to do with avocado " ? :):):):)
Seriously though, if it tastes good, you enjoy it and it doesn't send everything haywire then happy eating.
Hahahhhahahahahha. Being released next month!!! Just kidding of course.

It tastes good, I completely enjoy it ( sometimes with lettuce wrapped around it too. It keeps everything rock steady in the right portions.
It's not as pure as fresh cooked but I get so tired of thinking about food and it's so convenient

Thanks. I'm going to have at it.

My mayo and those meats are my only processed foods and everything else is fresh so I guess not everything is perfect. Balance ....


Well-Known Member
I have chicken, turkey and s100% grass fed beef deli meat. All organic and the only other ingredient is sea salt. Nothing else and not a high sodium count.

They're so easy to just smash some avocado in and roll up. Very portable.

Is it still bad though better than most deli meats?

Please say no hahahhaha
@Kristin251, I say yes (eat organic deli meat) as I buy organic pastrami and turkey deli meats. Regular processed deli meat is scary when you read label. I started canning meat some years ago, to ensure family was eating organic. :)
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Because it would be too restrictive to make @Kristin251 limit herself to just 1001, @therower !

We need a falling off my chair laughing button. Funny doesn't cut it!!!
@Kristin251, I say yes (eat organic deli meat) as I buy organic pastrami and turkey deli meats. Regular processed deli meat is scary when you read label. I started canning meat some years ago, to ensure family was eating organic. :)
I'd have no idea how to can meat but I do bulk cook, put my serving size in baggies and seal-a- meal them to suck all the air out. I just keep a few bags of everything in just a baggie in my kitchen freezer.

Sometimes we just need a little convenience foods but don't want all the rubbish.

I forgot. I also have smoked salmon. Lunch time!!! Only 200 mg sodium per serving and so delishous.

As with everything. Don't eat canned food, don't drink out of plastic water bottles , don't use soap with sodium laurel sulfate, oh, and don't breath the air!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I always wonder how they get the meat to hold together and stay moist.

Home cooked meat tends to be drier and crumbly.
Just think of slices of cold roast beef.

For ham I prefer a butcher who cures and roasts in house, then cuts slices from the bone.
Most ham seems to have been reformed from selected pieces of pork (as in - "that looks like pork, that'll do" I presume).

However apart from wondering, they should be O.K.
Not all of us have a butchers we can got to most have closed down where I live so we only have the supermarkets to get our meat


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Not all of us have a butchers we can got to most have closed down where I live so we only have the supermarkets to get our meat

The best supermarket ham I have found is from M&S.

Even a lot of butchers buy in pre-processed ham instead of making their own.


Well-Known Member
@Kristin, My canning products are chemically, pesticide, and preservative free. I have an industrial size with several gauges. That way I don't blow the house up (at least that was what hubby was worried about). With extremely high temp, the food is preserved. I also use "The Amish Canning Cookbook" and "Ball Blue Book" back in the day I had extend gardens and canned all my veggies, and sold at the farmer's market. Last year I canned 3 organic turkeys and made bone broth from the carcass. It took about 4 days of prepping, and another 3 to can. Produced about 48 pints, not including broth (broth was another ordeal, as I cook carcass for a minimum of 3 days. lol Those will be good for several years. :)
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