Over the moon - my first 6-month review.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I was diagnosed with T2 in late April with a HbA1c of 74 mmol/mol.

Today I had the results of my first 6-month review and it was 30 mmol/mol!

Also, my cholesterol is down - despite high fat eating (or because of it?)

Serum cholesterol was 9.9, now 6.9 mmol/L
Serum triglycerides were 8.5, now 2 mmol/L
Serum HDL was 1.4. now 1.5
Non-HDL cholesterol was 8.5, now 5.4
HDL ratio was 7.1, now 4.6
Serum LDL was "unable to calculate LDL-cholesterol as triglycerides >4.5 mmol/L" and is now 4.5.

I can't say I know what all that means exactly but it certainly aint bad news!!!!

For anyone interested here's my story:

The main thing that motivated me to change my life style was the fear of losing my sight. Before diagnosis, I'd had months of blurred vision; my eyesight prescription seemed to jump around on a daily basis - I hated that soooo bad! The good news is that after getting my blood glucose down, my eyesight cleared up and there is no sign of any permanent damage.

Immediately after diagnosis, I went onto an ultra-low calorie, low carb, high fat food plan (ULCLCHF????!!) loosely based on the book by Dr. Michael Mosley, what I extracted from the Newcastle research and subsequently modified based oncomments/experiences of people on this forum.

I followed the diet till my blood sugars came down into normal ranges - the last thing to stabilize was the fasting BG. I then did some experimenting to see what happened when I drank and ate carbs (even the really, really bad ones!!) and everything was normal.

I then lost a bit more weight and after this kept my weight stable over the summer by watching calories. Occasional binges of eating and drinking didn't affect my BGs (i.e. didn't take them outside of the "normal" ranges).

I've tried going Keto several times now but after the first week get to the point where I'm unable to speak coherently, am unsafe to drive and generally unable to think. This is probably a severe exacerbation of an existing mild dementia-like condition that I've had for years since having M.E./CFS so is not a criticism of Keto in any way. Doctors are sending me to (fobbing me off on?) a neurologist but there's not a great belief that they'll find a diagnosis or treatment.

I fast for at least 12 hours a day and try not to snack after tea (yeah right!!!)

I've also been able to get fit and am building muscle which had wasted away in the last 2 years to an alarming extent.

That's me, just one last thing to do and that is to thank everyone on the forum, I've read so much and while I might not always agree with everything the links, the experiences and the advice have all allowed me to become a bit of an expert and to plot my course so far.

I would like to extend a special "thank-you" to the regular contributors and the forums volunteers and to say that your support and commitment to this forum is amazing and greatly appreciated (but seriously: get a life!!!).

Diolch a phob lwc i chi i gyd.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Blimey, no wonder you are over the moon. Those results are more than terrific, they are superb. (HbA1c and cholesterol).

Have a little celebration, then concentrate on keeping up the good work. :)
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Very well done! Keep up the good work! I too wouldn’t be the healthy person I am now without the help from this forum. Just trying to pay back now :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fantastic result. We've just got back from my husband's first review with good news too. He should have gold stars according to the diabetes nurse! You deserve it after working so hard!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
That has to be one of the best set of results I've seen so far. Only diagnosed in April and you have already smashed it. Amazing. Well done.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Congratulations! What a superb set of results, early Christmas present methinks!
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Shem S

Well-Known Member
Love this and hoping I’ll be able to post sthg similar in 6 months time.

This forum has been a godsend for me. Do not know how I would have coped with the shock of my diagnosis without it x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I can't say I know what all that means exactly but it certainly aint bad news!!!!

It means you've greatly reduced your heart risk. Many consider the trigs/HDL ratio to be the best indicator of future heart risk, and the big reduction of your trigs has greatly reduced this ratio.
Hopefully your trigs will continue to fall.
Well done mate !

Dr Snoddy

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Absolutely excellent set of results! Have you stopped jumping up and down yet?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Absolutely excellent set of results! Have you stopped jumping up and down yet?

Almost! I'm trying not to get carried away, I know that there is a lot of work required, it's a marathon not a sprint. It's now a question of keeping going and developing those good habits.

But, I feel so lucky to have been diagnosed in time to reverse/control my diabetes, at this point in time after the Newcastle research came out and now I have a second chance to keep myself healthy.

To everyone who has commented, I would like to say a big "thank you" - I imagine that the support of this forum over the coming years will be very important to my staying on track and I hope to be able to "pay back" to the community as I continue my journey.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
It means you've greatly reduced your heart risk. Many consider the trigs/HDL ratio to be the best indicator of future heart risk, and the big reduction of your trigs has greatly reduced this ratio.
Hopefully your trigs will continue to fall.
Well done mate !
hi libra.
interesting info.

i don't suppose you would be able to point me towards anything that might explain in such layman terms all the bloods info we get sent...?

trying to keep a better track so i can check if the actions i'm taking are making the right changes happen.
a basic idea of what a 'normal' level SHOULD be for each segment (ie; is lower oir higher, what i should be aiming for)

if ya can't find... then no worries,
post was most helpful to me anyway..


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
hi libra.
interesting info.

i don't suppose you would be able to point me towards anything that might explain in such layman terms all the bloods info we get sent...?

trying to keep a better track so i can check if the actions i'm taking are making the right changes happen.
a basic idea of what a 'normal' level SHOULD be for each segment (ie; is lower oir higher, what i should be aiming for)

if ya can't find... then no worries,
post was most helpful to me anyway..
Are you after general statins cholesterol info?
I started a thread with much of the stuff I have found..


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
i don't suppose you would be able to point me towards anything that might explain in such layman terms all the bloods info we get sent...?

If only I could share all the bookmarks on my laptop under HEALTH, and then under a growing number of sub-folders.
If you have a specific area of interest simply start a thread, and someone should get back to you.
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