Type 1 Pulling out eyelashes


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I reversed my Type 2
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Yeah I told her it didn't work like that and the eyelash had to fall out on it's own but she's carried on doing it I think it's become a habit now, it's just hard to understand because she truely is a happy little thing

It's difficult at seven. Even if you're told it won't work you still don't believe it. It's difficult as an adult.
(How often do you still ask God if you can swop places with her?)
It's a condition she has to come to terms with, (as well as you, and your partner).
Distraction is good, but then you can risk straying into making her feel something is really different now by too much attention.
But the substitution for her hands, (rather than for the idea) is good advice.
Because in some gentle way, she does need to (eventually) know the wish won't happen.
(Medical science will give her a good life, and advancements every day are impressive, but it won't be magic, it'll be reality)
Possibly meeting others her age, and older, who live with T1 would reassure her she's still normal, and give her a peer group to play with as suggested above.


It's difficult at seven. Even if you're told it won't work you still don't believe it. It's difficult as an adult.
(How often do you still ask God if you can swop places with her?)
It's a condition she has to come to terms with, (as well as you, and your partner).
Distraction is good, but then you can risk straying into making her feel something is really different now by too much attention.
But the substitution for her hands, (rather than for the idea) is good advice.
Because in some gentle way, she does need to (eventually) know the wish won't happen.
(Medical science will give her a good life, and advancements every day are impressive, but it won't be magic, it'll be reality)
Possibly meeting others her age, and older, who live with T1 would reassure her she's still normal, and give her a peer group to play with as suggested above.
Yeah il try some new stuff to take her mind away from the habit she's developed and luckily for us she has made friends with another type1 child who's in the same school in the year above which has been great for her it really helped at the start when she really struggled and felt she was on her own with it all and in return she's helped her too I deep down feel it's nothing to do with her struggle with it and I'm hoping it's just a habit were currently exploring the option of a pump which I know is putting more stress on her ( a decision which has been made after the eyelashes started coming out) but I know that once it's over life will be a lot better for her and she'll be happy with it


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Hi. I did this thru my child and early adult hood for no obvious reason; it's just a very bad habit like nail-biting. I can't offer any advice but for me it subsided many years ago.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Dishonesty, selfishness and lack of empathy.
Hi Daniella. My adult daughter (26) has a rare syndrome and also has T2 and has been on insulin for 10 yrs. She has been doing this with her eyelashes for about 15 yrs, although her syndrome presents with severe psychological issues, it has been agreed that the eyelash pulling is a form of OCD, an obsessive compulsive disorder.
Although the situations are very different (my daughters condition is caused by a chromosome issue), I really would advise that you see your GP about the eyelash pulling. Reason being, lashes help stop dust, grit and **** getting into the eyes, no lashes means a regular risk of infection - my daughter has conjunctivitis regularly, it's very sore and schools can request kids are kept at home until the infection clears. Discuss it with your doc x

PS. Also the eyes can tear easily and tears running under the outer corners of the eyes can burn the skin and make it red.
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