So, Back on the Wagon for 2020


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I fell off the wagon a few months ago, getting lots of injuries in the hard fall ;) Various reasons led to this, including depression, the annual issues relating to an emotionally traumatic Christmas a few years ago, as well as other issues.

So, while all of this issues are still relevant, apart from those relating to Christmas (now that is over for another year) I am going to jump back onto the wagon as from midnight tonight. It's going to be tough but I will be thinking of how well @lucylocket61 has managed, in spite of all her recent issues, and if I can manage half as well, I'll be doing well (Congratulations for your progress and determination Lucylocket :) )

It's going to be tough for me as the 'wagon' does seem to be very high to jump up on to but I have to get there and stay there!!!

Who else, who's fallen off, is getting back on the wagon tonight, for 2020???

Happy New Year to all


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Just wanted to give you a hug and wish you all the best for 2020.
It’s behind you and tomorrow is the start of a new decade I’m sure you’ll climb back up there - this forum can help provide the supporting step ladder back up on to the wagon.
Thinking of you we all have bumps in the road just keep going happy new year


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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The smell of cigars
The new year is here and the wagon is waiting for you. You can do it.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Good luck with it all. I m with you.
I m back on the wagon.

Had the terrible eye opener of weighing myself for first time since June 2019. Have put on 11 kgs. Blood sugars all over the place. Massive kick up the backside.
Its simple right? Eat less move more. Just not easy, but now feel like i ve got my mojo back to attack this with real determination.

Good luck and Happy new year everyone.

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Type 2
I'm back on the wagon with you - I stopped taking low carb seriously last year, and the weight has come back on, and my back's started hurting again, so I'm going to make a serious effort from now on! Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Snap! I haven’t been brave enough to weigh myself or tested my blood for a few weeks .... given myself a bit of a talking to and determined to climb back on that wagon. Anyone got a stepladder I can borrow?!
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Type 2
I had to have two injections of steroids for a dodgy knee and finger about two and a half weeks ago, so have been trying to convince myself that my still raised blood sugars are down to that, but deep down I know that they're not!
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Another one climbing back on the wagon after the usual (inevitable?) Christmas indulgence.
I am currently wearing a Libre and it is a very effective voice of my conscience.

Put on half a stone in the run up to Christmas and waiting to get back to my scales to see if I've managed to drop any weight over the last few days.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Thanks everyone for your support. It's really appreciated. I've just put a box of Dairy Box and a box of Turkish Delight on a shelf, ready to donate to a charity for a Tombola prize ;)

Yesterday, my 'last' day before climbing on the wagon, I decided I'd go out on a 'high' and eat a Garlic Bagette which was a part-baked one I'd put in the freezer. I really enjoyed the first half, managing, with great difficulty, to leave the other half for later, so wrapped it up in plastic bag. However, clearly eating it later just wasn't meant to be!!! Now, this is poetic justice for you and, yes, you are allowed to laugh ;)

So, this is how I found it, later :eek: :wideyed: o_O

[url=] [/URL]

One of my cats had been up on the worktop and, having eaten though the plastic bag, then had proceded to nibble the garlic bread!!! :arghh: I have to admit, I wasn't going to be done out of what I'd so looked forward to, so I cut around the nibbled bits ... and, with lots of Lurpak, ATE what was left :( :eek: :D LOL


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
On New Years Eve we went out for a meal in Blackpool, as a family. It was an all you can eat type of restaurant that laid on Chinese, Indian, Tex Mex, sushi, and traditional british roast simultaneously. What was so beneficial about this restaurant for us was that it was totally buffet style which meant each family member’s wants, whims and needs could be easily catered for simultaneously. Needless to say I kept the carbs low with the exception of the various sauces and some panecotta pudding. Managing to cling on to the wagon...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I would have done exactly the same!!
Thanks everyone for your support. It's really appreciated. I've just put a box of Dairy Box and a box of Turkish Delight on a shelf, ready to donate to a charity for a Tombola prize ;)

Yesterday, my 'last' day before climbing on the wagon, I decided I'd go out on a 'high' and eat a Garlic Bagette which was a part-baked one I'd put in the freezer. I really enjoyed the first half, managing, with great difficulty, to leave the other half for later, so wrapped it up in plastic bag. However, clearly eating it later just wasn't meant to be!!! Now, this is poetic justice for you and, yes, you are allowed to laugh ;)

So, this is how I found it, later :eek: :wideyed: o_O

[url=] [/URL]

One of my cats had been up on the worktop and, having eaten though the plastic bag, then had proceded to nibble the garlic bread!!! :arghh: I have to admit, I wasn't going to be done out of what I'd so looked forward to, so I cut around the nibbled bits ... and, with lots of Lurpak, ATE what was left :( :eek: :D LOL


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I'm still struggling to climb back on the wagon, and we're into February already. I have had some 'good' days but then I can't resist a very strong tempation to drive down to the local *Express and bring back a few 'things'. I just can't resist.

I'm still not feeling very good and have no energy so preparing/cooking a decent (low carb) meal is something I just don't do much of at the moment. I have seen various doctors and now I'm waiting for a hospital appt and hoping for a particular medication to be granted. This is the last ditch attempt to get a life back, including some long lost energy, and which should also improve my mood and activity level so fingers crossed / a lot of prayer please

Hopefully, then I'll be able to resist more, especially if i can prepare and cook some decent meals again. ;)
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hello All, just came across this thread. Happy to see I'm not alone in climbing back on the wagon!

I am back on it "big time"

I blithely posted my success story a couple of years ago! (HbA1C 35, T2 reversed, 3 stone weight loss, meds returned to chemist for safe disposal) I was euphoric! I felt amazing! But.........................

Here I am with the weight back and HbA1C of 52.

So best wishes to all of us, getting our carb demons back in their cages in 2020. Looking forward to seeing those lovely reductions in numbers - BS, stones/lbs, HbA1C.............. This lifestyle DOES work (for me, anyway) Keep in touch
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