Statins - mass medicalisation.

sally and james

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Yesterday's Independent newspaper carried a piece on statins, "Doctors blocking use of statins 'are prejudiced'", in which Professor Peter Weissberg, cardiologist medical director of the British Heart Foundation, was quoted as saying,
"in terms of 'medicalising society', the use of statins in such a large group was no different to giving vaccinations to entire populations."

Does he think we all fell off a christmas tree!

Entire, or almost entire populations are given vaccinations to eradicate a disease (which most will get, if unprotected) from a society - permanently. Mass treatment with statins will eradicate nothing. At best, statins will protect a small proportion of those who actually take them. Those who take, but do not need, will neither protect themselves nor wider society. The two situations are entirely different and the amazing eradication of smallpox should never be taken as an argument for mass drug treatments for non-contagious disease.

Cross or what!

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forty six

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I wonder if Professor Peter Weissberg has shares in any of these companies, just like the majority of the decision and policy makers of NICE do! How can he compare the use of vaccines with statins, it is not a direct correlation and therefore not based on scientific evidence.
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Every time a professor speaks lately it sounds like he is from the University of Nutcases. Naming no names there is the one who assures everyone that mass medication of healthy people is a harmless pass time but won't let anyone examine the evidence and now this one saying it is like a vaccination. They seem determined.
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I'm convinced statins are responsible for my peripheral neuropathy.
The doctor prescribed them, on my diagnosis for T2.
At diagnosis I had no pain in my feet at all.
After 2 months I'd got hot sensations in my toes with pins and needles, it was extremely painful and I couldn't sleep at night or wear my normal shoes. I stopped the statins last year and the pain is 60% reduced after 12 months.

I'd suggest everyone read up on statins, the pharm companies, GP's, cholesterol etc and make their own judgement call.

When I told my GP about my decision and the reasons why I stopped my statins he didn't have any disagreement at all....

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Reads this with interest seeing as many say that Statins are good for you...been on them for maybe 5 years now and am convinced them and blood pressure tabs gave me diabetis...maybe wrong but cant help think I am not.


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I was warned that I'm a candidate to start using them soon. My Dr is first starting with my BP and BS, and want the under control.

Last visit she had me work out my risk score based on Framingham. I've been reviewing the way it calculated and at a certain age there is 100% certainty of being prescribed the drug.

I found the following book and have been reading it. It's a real eye opener, and were on a very scary path as a society.

Mud Island Dweller

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An awful lot.
For a start do all the nutcase professors take them.
For a second read Grain Brain Dr Pearlmutter you wont touch statins
I have gone high cholesterol and refuse statins am adjusting diet eating more fish and taking chis/flax/hemp seed over each meal.
Regards diabetes and statins there is class actions against companies whose statins have caused diabetes so l expect you are correct.

forty six

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Reads this with interest seeing as many say that Statins are good for you...been on them for maybe 5 years now and am convinced them and blood pressure tabs gave me diabetis...maybe wrong but cant help think I am not.

If you have been on Atorvastatin (hope that is correct spelling) then one of the side effects is an increase in BG's. Not that any medical professional would ever admit that to you even though it is listed on the box!

forty six

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Recently on the BBC website they listed the following stats:

If 1,000 people took statins for 3 years it would prevent;
7 non-fatal heart attacks
4 strokes
2 deaths

As upsetting as these stats are for the families of these people, if you set that against the possible side effects which may debilitate the lives of 1,000 people. Even if only 10% of them suffer side effects, it can ruin the lives of these people and their families. For them it may be a risk they are not willing to take.

Also it must costing the country a fortune as not everyone will be getting free prescriptions.

On another note I again raised the thorny issue of testing kits and strips with my DSN today. Told in no uncertain terms that the risk for type 2's is so small that providing them has no long term benefits and can cause 'testing obsession'. I asked how we are supposed to know what sends us high if we cannot test on a regular basis (I normally only test once every 3 days). She said we must rely on the HB1Ac test. We all know that this is just too long apart to have a significant impact when trying to control BG. They really don't want us be in control of this at all do they. The less we know the more we have to rely on them.

What do you regard as a risk too small, this is my life and I want to control this disease not the other way around.
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Recently on the BBC website they listed the following stats:

If 1,000 people took statins for 3 years it would prevent;
7 non-fatal heart attacks
4 strokes
2 deaths

As upsetting as these stats are for the families of these people, if you set that against the possible side effects which may debilitate the lives of 1,000 people. Even if only 10% of them suffer side effects, it can ruin the lives of these people and their families. For them it may be a risk they are not willing to take.

Also it must costing the country a fortune as not everyone will be getting free prescriptions.

On another note I again raised the thorny issue of testing kits and strips with my DSN today. Told in no uncertain terms that the risk for type 2's is so small that providing them has no long term benefits and can cause 'testing obsession'. I asked how we are supposed to know what sends us high if we cannot test on a regular basis (I normally only test once every 3 days). She said we must rely on the HB1Ac test. We all know that this is just too long apart to have a significant impact when trying to control BG. They really don't want us be in control of this at all do they. The less we know the more we have to rely on them.

What do you regard as a risk too small, this is my life and I want to control this disease not the other way around.

Seriously??? I am far too lackadaisical to summon up an obsession about anything.
To use that as an excuse for not testing is beyond ridiculous.
Besides - if the NHS control the supply of strips, as they think they do, then all they have to do is limit that supply, and the obsession dies an early death.

Re statins, I will refuse them if I am ever offered them.
But I would hate to speak for anyone else.


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Simvastatin is the name os the statins I am on and am considering stopping taking them to see if anything alters...


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I have been put on three different statins and on all three occasions have finished with severe aches and pains and have stopped taking the statins. it has taken some months to get back to somewhere near my normal self. Last year it was suggested that I used Ezetimibe when I saw my Endocronologist at my annual hospital appointment (I understand that this can be prescribed with a statin too). I was a bit wary about starting using Ezetimibe, but was persuaded to try it by my GP. After about two weeks use, I woke up in the night and it took me an hour to get into a position on the bed where I could attempt to get up. It was another 45 minutes before I could get up. I stopped the medication!!! The following night I slept on a reclining chair, as I was frightened of being in the same sort of situation (and excruciating pain) again! That was four months ago and I am improving and much better now, but still have good and bad days. I have no intention of using them again.

I do believe that STATINS CAN BE VERY GOOD FOR SOME PEOPLE, but not everyone reacts the same to all medications.
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Interesting that the poll here has over 60% having side effects and NICE stated under 10%...
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I can never understand why the subject of statins comes up on here time and time again There will always be the two camps those for and those why keep bringing it up just let people make up their own mind about them


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I can never understand why the subject of statins comes up on here time and time again There will always be the two camps those for and those why keep bringing it up just let people make up their own mind about them

It's called 'Debate'.
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And debate is a very good way for people to make up their own minds after hearing lots of different points of view, not just the official one from their GP
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