Type 1'stars R Us



Impressed with your ability to be last post out and first post in. Have a good day.

Nar, she has an private army of pigmies that sit on her computer waiting till everyone is gone then they type a "Night all...." and as they work shifts the first ones in the morning type "Morning...….." before the rest of us are up :hilarious::hilarious:

Morning all.

Cafeteria now fixed, just, all things normal :)
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Morning and a Happy Tuesday to you all. I love Vinyl and still have some and I was bought a record player last year, it's lovely to play the 'records'( love that word and it brings back happy memories in the 1970's going into Woolworths music department upstairs and listening to a record that me and my friends were mad about, we felt so cool.
I still have my Jungle book LP from the 1960's(it's the original soundtrack, but a little scratched) Alexandra O'Neil, Bangles, some 45's, a variety really. Love, love music :happy::joyful:
My daughter was left her dad's Beatles albums wen she was 11( he wanted to pass them on to her) and they worth some money I was told, but, another family member of my daughter's has been 'looking' after them and we were told she could have them when she was 18, a responsible age, but my daughter didn't get them when she turned 18 in October last year, she was quite upset and angry too and I don't blame her. So, I just hope she will get them, as there was no will !
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Stupid people
Good morning one and all
Vinyl.....when I was married I had a load of white label Jamaican Reggae albums, worth a fortune.....Got divorced and the ex gave them away!!! Still got a few albums left, they are up in a friends attic.....will have to dig them out. Good and bad memories lol


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black jelly beans
Nar, she has an private army of pigmies that sit on her computer waiting till everyone is gone then they type a "Night all...." and as they work shifts the first ones in the morning type "Morning...….." before the rest of us are up :hilarious::hilarious:

Morning all.

Cafeteria now fixed, just, all things normal :)
We have a rooster up the road who lets us all know when dawn has arrived and Mrs Kitedoc hunts me off to bed when it is past my beauty sleep though I bargain that down by 6 hours or so.
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Vinyl? Thats a bit new age.............Bakelite now we're talking.....:rolleyes::hilarious: Ok I'll admit it I never really bought any records growing up and still don't, but as a young lad I use to love listening to my sisters Kiss album at full blast on our high fidelity all in one radio/tape deck and record player, it might have been an Amstrad! I was made for Lovin' you, ha brilliant!

Edit to add pic of said hifi - that brings back memories.
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Colin of Kent

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Nice to see so many peeps here using vinyl. I have plenty, but alas can't afford to buy it any more. My favourites are the ones from Soul Jazz Records; they're big proponents of vinyl.


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Still trying to sort out my vinyl, still haven't hooked up my turntable to see if it's all playable. Realistically, think I'll probably sell them and replace with CDs (fingers in ears so I can't hear the cries of horror); after too many rock concerts some time ago ;) not sure my hearing's good enough to appreciate the difference now :grumpy:
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Retired Moderator
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
I didn’t always have a record player, but never got rid of my vinyl!

Went to a yoga class this evening and went a bit low. So that was fun.

Sorry to hear that Mel - I gave up on yoga as I went once and because I hadn't been to this class before the teacher kept coming over to walk me through stuff which left me feeling self conscious and also went hypo so ended up sitting out for a good chunk of the class, then got worried it would happen again so didn't go back, i've done yoga before t1 and loved it, so was quite disheartening. I am sure i'd try it again though with a CGM on me to try and catch any potential drops.
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Nar, she has an private army of pigmies that sit on her computer waiting till everyone is gone then they type a "Night all...." and as they work shifts the first ones in the morning type "Morning...….." before the rest of us are up :hilarious::hilarious:

Morning all.

Cafeteria now fixed, just, all things normal :)
you have sussed me out knikki ;)
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Sorry to hear that Mel - I gave up on yoga as I went once and because I hadn't been to this class before the teacher kept coming over to walk me through stuff which left me feeling self conscious and also went hypo so ended up sitting out for a good chunk of the class, then got worried it would happen again so didn't go back, i've done yoga before t1 and loved it, so was quite disheartening. I am sure i'd try it again though with a CGM on me to try and catch any potential drops.
The instructor is one of my best mates, so she just sends me a “you ok?” eyebrow twitch. And if I need to suspend the pump and chug a few dextrose tabs, it’s easy enough to deal with. I have my phone by my mat with Spike in full screen mode so I can monitor it as I go (I use my watch to track the session), and just need to keep an eye on things out of the corner of my eye.

Went to the podiatrist this morning, and she cut away the bruised nail, as the new one is growing in underneath and was making it buckle up. So now I have no big toenail. But she said I have fabulous feet, apparently they’re perfect even for a non diabetic :)

After that I went to the ambulance station for jabs - just had my first Hep B today, but not MMR - having that next month. Big weekend away this weekend and I didn’t want to risk the possible measles and mumps symptoms you often get with the MMR, as it’s a live vaccine. Not what I need when I’ve got gigs four nights running!

And as for vinyl, although I love the sound, for me it’s all about the ritual.
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Afternoon peeps hope you are all doing well.

Now using my Android phone as my Libre reader and woke up to a delightful BG of 2.4 this morning at 6.30. Got up and through biscuits and coffee with some sugar to bring me back to land of living. Mid morning was sitting at 12.1 but a wee correction and now back at a more civilized 7.2.

On the plus side my football team have finally let our manager go, "by mutual consent". Only about 3 years too late
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Afternoon, went to the hospital. HbA1c of 43 or 6.1, which will do. Got told off about hypos, but she gave me an echo pen, for Novorapid corrections, while saying she'd tell the doctor to continue with the disposable pens, that was sort of a compromise.


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black jelly beans
I didn’t always have a record player, but never got rid of my vinyl!

Went to a yoga class this evening and went a bit low. So that was fun.
Yoga --> less stress = less adrenaline and cortisol --> lower BSLs ? i went hypo in the barbers chair once, it was so relaxing. Unlike in Tosca I did not get my throat cut , but received a second cup of coffee, this one well sugared !!
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Buenos dias
@smc4761 it is annoying waking with a hypo. Unfortunately Libre has a tendency to under read when our BG is low or when we put pressure on it such as when lying down. Therefore I try to avoid treating a Libre hypo until I have confirmed it with a finger prick.
I am spending most of this week on an exhibition stand during the day and the nights in bars. Whilst on the stand, I have jeans pockets to keep my phone and business cards and my bag is in a cupboard.
Lunchtime are very busy so eating takes second place to talking to customers and giving them demos.
During lunch time today, I felt hypo (probably caused by last night's bar visits). I tested with my Libre and phone and it said my bg was low. I could not get to the cupboard to get to my bag containing my meter and GlucoTabs to confirm so ambled over to busy coffee station and helped myself to a couple of sachets of sugar. Unfortunately this did not help so, seeing an opening to the cupboard, I dived in to realise the cupboard had been rearranged and my bag was missing. At this point irrational hypo brain was trying to take control and customers were demanding a branded football and all my colleagues who could help were busy. Eventually I found my bag in another cupboard and walked away. This is a no no on at an exhibition during busy time but irrational hypo brain was not in the right state to explain.
Hypo is treated now, my diabetes paraphernalia is still laid out in front of me and one colleague has had the sense to check I am OK. Which I am.
Next step is to return to the stand (which is now quiet) and rationally explain why moving my bag is a very very bad idea.
Sorry it happened. You must be fuming !! ? A judicious drink later !!??!!For future: can you keep a meter/strips and gluco -tabs in your pockets? The Abbots Optimum Neo is nice and flat and the strips are in individual foiled packets so nice 'n' flat too. And there are ketone strips as well, if needed.. I used to wear cargo pants with the extra pocket on the side of the leg.
Got caught out once when it rained and the gluco-tabs got wet !!
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Active Member
Afternoon everyone!

Going to see my DSN tonight which should be interesting as I think they’re going to tell me off for having too many lows....6 hypos in the last 24 hours and 15 in the last 7 days, 96 in the last 90 days think my basal needs adjusting but whenever I do this I end up shooting the other way to 15!
The frustrating life of a diabetic I guess, also I’m potentially thinking about having children in the next year or so (once the blood clot has gone!) so from my understanding my Hba1C needs to be as low as possible! Oh the joys!
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Yoga --> less stress = less adrenaline and cortisol --> lower BSLs ? i went hypo in the barbers chair once, it was so relaxing. Unlike in Tosca I did you get my throat cut , but received a second cup of coffee, this one well sugared !!
I suspect it's unaccustomed exercise, tbh! First session I went high, second one I went low. Third one I turned the pump off for an hour before and was ok; this time I forgot. We shall see what happens next time!


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black jelly beans
Afternoon everyone!

Going to see my DSN tonight which should be interesting as I think they’re going to tell me off for having too many lows....6 hypos in the last 24 hours and 15 in the last 7 days, 96 in the last 90 days think my basal needs adjusting but whenever I do this I end up shooting the other way to 15!
The frustrating life of a diabetic I guess, also I’m potentially thinking about having children in the next year or so (once the blood clot has gone!) so from my understanding my Hba1C needs to be as low as possible! Oh the joys!
Are half units an option for adjustment?
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