Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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What about a green smoothie with some whey protein in it?
Sorry, don't think I could. But I do appric
grrr don't anyone go to boots to have their prescription filled out, not unless you have a couple hrs to kill. Had to pick up my mums antibiotics on saturday, after waiting in a queue for 30 minutes (honestly) I then had to wait for the pharmacist to finish with a consultation so that she could sign off the prescription. when I got them back to my mums we found she was 6 tablets short. so this morning off I trundled again, (if anyone knows the potteries they will understand when I say I hate going to Hanley) only to wait in another long queue this time for 40 minutes (yes, I was timing it) when I eventually got to the desk I was told I would have to wait until the pharmacist came back in around 20 minutes.:banghead: Stomped off to have a coffee and a moan with my uncle, returned 30 minutes later to wait another 20 minutes in another queue, this time got the pharmacist who just shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't know how that happened as it wasn't him on duty on saturday. no apology, nothing. My little chemist across the road, which gets inundated at times, is far more efficient than the very large Boots store in Hanley. I never wait more than 5 or 10 minutes at their busiest. Only went to that Boots because we had taken mum to the walk in centre which was just down the road. next time I will go to the local one. :mad::mad: by the way uncle not only bought me a coffee but a plate of sausage and chips, 2hrs later bs 8.1, will I never learn?????
OK moan over now:happy:

I know this doesn't help as its miles from Hanley.
I use Asda pharmacy, I can not praise them enough. All the staff are excellent !!!
One time they didn't have the tablets that my husband had been prescribed, they apologised, and then phoned all the chemists in the local area, no one had them, they then ordered them and phoned me to say they had arrived.
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Tablets (oral)
Good day, to those of you that have been taking interest in my saga of getting my bloods taken and then the results, I have at last received confirmation of my HB1ac results from test last Wednesday, under IFCC standards 34, in our terms 5.8.

Rather pleased with that, actually rather delighted, in fact if I could sing or dance I would.

It thanks to everyone on here who has offered advice and on occasions sympathy that I have managed this, so to all who are struggling and indeed those that don't, Many, Many thanks, I my wife and my family truly thank you.

I will not be taking my foot off the pedal I know its a long road, but a road made easier because of the people on this site.

Well done John... Excellent results. I love it when you see someone's hard work paying off.
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Diet only
How are your readings now on the new tub BT
@aylalke is on 44 I think from previous post

They seem OK on this new batch. So far so good. Just the odd outlier, but so ridiculous I know it's the strip and not me, so a couple of re-tests sort it. However, I do think the Codefree in general reads higher than my Accu Chek (loads of examples), but who is to say which is the correct one? I'd rather have too high than too low.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Good day, to those of you that have been taking interest in my saga of getting my bloods taken and then the results, I have at last received confirmation of my HB1ac results from test last Wednesday, under IFCC standards 34, in our terms 5.8
Rather pleased with that, actually rather delighted, in fact if I could sing or dance I would.

It thanks to everyone on here who has offered advice and on occasions sympathy that I have managed this, so to all who are struggling and indeed those that don't, Many, Many thanks, I my wife and my family truly thank you.

I will not be taking my foot off the pedal I know its a long road, but a road made easier because of the people on this site.

Excellent result John! Hope you ARE having a dance around!! You certainly deserve it :)
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Tablets (oral)
Oh I did. I had steak and salad just like I said,I also may have had a small spoonful of cheesecake, well maybe more of a desert spoonful. Ok maybe more than one......alright it was a full portion with strawberries, double cream and a raspberry coule. :oops: You would have hated it.
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
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idiots who will not learn
5.3 for me this morning :)

Well done on those numbers John :)
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Oh I did. I had steak and salad just like I said,I also may have had a small spoonful of cheesecake, well maybe more of a desert spoonful. Ok maybe more than one......alright it was a full portion with strawberries, double cream and a raspberry coule. :oops: You would have hated it.

:hilarious::hilarious: It all goes to show how different we all are. I would have declined any desserts and gone for a steak and chips with battered onion rings and peas!
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Had the results of my fasting test.
Bloods average 5.5.
Great news.
Cholesterol 5.6 overall which is the British average.
Doc says have to aim lower cos a diabetic isn't average good result though as it was 7 last time.
Good Chol is 1.5 which I'm told is very good but up my olive oil a little and oily fish.
Blood pressure down so less medication for that too.
She was a happier about my LCHF lifestyle now she can see the results.
All in all good all round result.
Didn't quite get it all though as there was a dog barking in the waiting room.
Doc looked at me and said .... is that a dog I can hear?
I think so.
We tried to continue while a commotion of some kind was going on in the waiting room.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
That all sounds very positive @JACKTHELAD Excellent Hba1c and lipids all look fine to me. What were your triglycerides? They are the important little beggars. Dog? Are you sure you were at the doctor's and not the vet?
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
That all sounds very positive @JACKTHELAD Excellent Hba1c and lipids all look fine to me. What were your triglycerides? They are the important little beggars. Dog? Are you sure you were at the doctor's and not the vet?
Rough rough rough, that was the dog , but your ok by those results:)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Didn't find out what the commotion was but maybe some old dear thought the doc could sort her dog out or such.
I did get told what the triglycerides were but can't remember!
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Drained, mild headache still,. was dazed most of the morning and early afternoon. They offered to keep me in all day but when I saw the doc I said I wanted to go as soon as my BGs improved. Off to bed now, thanks all.
Hope you have a better night Eddie. Keep well.
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Diet only
4.2 think I overdid the celebratory vodka last night.

Have a good day all.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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5.7 this morning....crisp outside as been a frost brrrrr
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