Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Another one!
In this weather!!!!!

I know I'll feel great when I've finished and recovered.

With me it's a constant battle, physically I am able to exercise, it's the voices in my head......."rest today....don't overdo it......it's late exercise tomorrow.....etc. "
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Cruelty to humans and animals.
'Morning all - I was 6.6 this morning after a 6.0 last night at bedtime.
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Well-Known Member
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
I know I'll feel great when I've finished and recovered.

With me it's a constant battle, physically I am able to exercise, it's the voices in my head......."rest today....don't overdo it......it's late exercise tomorrow.....etc. "
My exercise plan for today is to strum all six strings on my guitar vigorously ... none of that finger picking on three strings.
I'll probably tap my foot too.
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Dear Diabetes...........
You will behave in an acceptable manner.
I will do everything in my power to make you behave.
Whenever you rise above or below the levels I have set for you, watch out........If I'm going to die, I'll die fighting............now be good ;-)
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Dear Diabetes...........
You will behave in an acceptable manner.
I will do everything in my power to make you behave.
Whenever you rise above or below the levels I have set for you, watch out........If I'm going to die, I'll die fighting............now be good ;-)
Let it know if you die it dies too!
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Morning all

5.8 - higher by 1.4 than the lowest reading this week - boo.

Knackered, 4 hours kip and not helped by the clock changes! It's grey, cold, wet and miserable down here in saga central. Bullet proof coffee didn't even touch the sides and hasn't kicked in yet. The weather predicted to get wetter, windier, nastier as the morning goes on and I've got an hours drive to paddock wood to run a half marathon.

Bring it on!!
Guess the only positive is that you won't overheat whilst running today.... ;). I was a 5.8 today; must be the weather ad its awful here too.

Why DO you call where you are Saga Central.....:confused::confused:
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5.6 this morning - perhaps losing an hour has put us all out of sync with our BS! Also had some co-codomol during the night for my toothache so they may not have helped either.
Hope toothache has gone now....worst pain ever...
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Hope toothache has gone now....worst pain ever...
I have serious spinal problems regarding pain but I agree .... toothache has to be one of the worst pains we can suffer.

Long long ago when I was a teenager I had the most dreadful toothache for days.
I remembered reading that the brain can only deal with one serious pain at a time ... I had no idea how true this statement might be or where I'd read it.
I might even have imagined it.
But I had a plan.
I lived in a small flat at the time which had a large two bar electric heater .... the sole source of heating.
Put it on full stripped to the waist and sat cross legged in front of it with my back to it .... very close to it.
It worked!
Within fifteen minutes the toothache was gone.
I couldn't sleep properly for days because of the burns and blisters on my back ... could hardly move in fact and the AnE department had to help me out.
I know I know no need to say it .....
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I was awol yesterday! Out for the day and much later back than planned!
Yesterday fasting was 5.7
Bedtime last night was 5.6

Today's fasting upon waking at 6.00am was 4.5, I didn't have a main meal last night just cold meat and cheese snacking, hot choc and a square of 70% at bed as I often do so the 70% was my only carb intake for the day. Didn't plan on getting up straight away but by 6.30 I felt very strange, empty yet nauseas, hot and spaced out, made myself a decaff coffee and actually had 2 rich tea fingers (the only biscuits I have in for my parrot! ) felt very Wierd after all this time not eating biscuits! One hour later I was 5.4 and two hours (after a snooze) 5.9
And now a couple of hours after my usual bacon and mushrooms sitting at a nice 5.7!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
And now a couple of hours after my usual bacon and mushrooms sitting at a nice 5.7!
The main downer with this site ... probably the only downer is ... it makes me hungry!
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I have serious spinal problems regarding pain but I agree .... toothache has to be one of the worst pains we can suffer.

Long long ago when I was a teenager I had the most dreadful toothache for days.
I remembered reading that the brain can only deal with one serious pain at a time ... I had no idea how true this statement might be or where I'd read it.
I might even have imagined it.
But I had a plan.
I lived in a small flat at the time which had a large two bar electric heater .... the sole source of heating.
Put it on full stripped to the waist and sat cross legged in front of it with my back to it .... very close to it.
It worked!
Within fifteen minutes the toothache was gone.
I couldn't sleep properly for days because of the burns and blisters on my back ... could hardly move in fact and the AnE department had to help me out.
I know I know no need to say it .....
It is a known fact but also tis true that the body is more responsive to good, nice signals so the "rub it better" actually IS true..... soothing and stroking gentle touch is Transmitted to the brain faster than pain signals.... I think that's why heat (warming, not burning) helps to soothe as well.

Hope your back condition plays nice for you (I know you said it will never get better) and you stay pain free for as long as possible.......
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Hope toothache has gone now....worst pain ever...
Still there unfortunately. Ironic thing is that I had a check up at the dentists on Wednesday and got the all clear so I think he may have disturbed something. Looks a though I may be going back tomorrow or Tuesday if it doesn't settle.
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