Vegetarians: What have you eaten today?


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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
And hoorah! Today is Saturday which means cooked brekkie :hungry:

Boring, but yum - scrambled tofu (home made) on w/m toast with tinned toms & engevita flakes

Lunch - new pot of hummus (I have about 3 tbs) - plus a big pile of carrot sticks, baby corn, cucumber sticks, cherry toms, and mixed leaves. I scoop the hummus up with the sticks. 75g mixed berries with 150g coconut yoghurt for dessert.

Haven't a clue about dinner. Need to stare in the cupboards and fridge, see what we've got and then work out what we can cook up out of it :happy:
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I'm type 1, which makes life easier in some ways but more of a pain in others. I get very fed up with the endless working out of bolus Insulin, the hypos and spikes as soon as I'm off colour or get my sums wrong.

I aim for around 120g carb a day, and over the course of the week I'm usually on target. Any more and my bolus accuracy isn't as predictable.

I had 50g of the chickpea spaghetti which was ample for me because I love the veggies!

Would you consider changing your diabetes type on your profile, to minimise any other enquiries or confusion? Diabetes type is probably the most critical setting/display, in terms of judging responses to posts.
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Well-Known Member
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
I've changed it, but I totally dislike labels. Think of me as an old hippie..... I am vegan and I have diabetes and epilepsy but there's a subtle difference in how I describe those things and their relevance to me.

I don't deny how useful labels are though, so lacking an option that says "I am not defined by my medical conditions" I have ticked the T1 box :)
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I've changed it, but I totally dislike labels. Think of me as an old hippie..... I am vegan and I have diabetes and epilepsy but there's a subtle difference in how I describe those things and their relevance to me.

I don't deny how useful labels are though, so lacking an option that says "I am not defined by my medical conditions" I have ticked the T1 box :)

Thank you WuTwo. I detest labels too. I'm me. There's only one me (thank goodness I hear the cry). I'm not a condition, a career, type of car I drive or whatever.

The only place I ever rreference myself with T2 is here, at the NIHR or my local Diabetes UK group, where it can be relevant. The only reason I asked is because there have, in the past, been a number of bloopers wherre members have either made assumptions about others, or not read their status. Making that clear declaration may not help with the latter of course, but it can srre as heck help minimise the potential for the former.


Well-Known Member
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Decided on the Bosh Creamy Seaside Pie again today (no pastry involved!) We're marinading some of today's batch of tofu once it comes out of the press (I only made it just before lunch), and will put that in to increase the protein content of the meal. If I have that (it has about 4 portions of veg per person in it), plus some broccoli I shan't want (or need) anything else until tomorrow.

It's one of those meals that look revolting on the plate, and both of us stared at our plates with a fair degree of horror last time round, but it tastes absolutely gorgeous! It's on the list of choices for regular dinners and both of us have to have thoroughly enjoyed a dish for it to be included.

Link to the Bosh tv channel on Youtube - this one is the Creamy Seaside Pie. We changed the topping to be a mix of sweet potato and real potato (I don't get much topping), and add in 140g marinaded tofu. ETA we used a soy, celery powder and garlic marinade for the tofu, and this time I made extra firm which is great in savoury dishes.

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
We just had the scrummiest burgers. They were shop bought - by Vegable. Edamame, Butterbean, Lentil & Chia burgers. Four in a packet and we had two each ('cos we're greedy). We had them with roast cauli (lightly drizzled with garlic olive oil), peas and my husband had oven chips. We had a veggie gravy with the meal. I finished off with strawberries (100g) and 150 of the Alpro Vanilla Yoghurt. Big treat - it's a bit carby compared to the Alpro coconut one.

We'd bought the burgers as a trial but were hugely surprised because they were yummy! We thought we might like them because what's not to like about those beans but shop bought is always a bit hit and miss. This time it's a hit :)


Well-Known Member
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Tonight we are making tacos (our version) with taco beans (tinned), some Biona seitan and assorted herbs and spices and sauces. Add the basic sauce of choice to the seitan, herbs and spices, warm through in a pan. Chuck the tin of beans in a pan and heat through. Roast a bunch of assorted veggies - tomato, courgette, onion, red pepper and mushroom in our case.

Once everything is heated and ready, layer the beans/seitan/sauce with the veg in taco wraps - top off with some other sauce of desired choice, add some shredded lettuce and any other bits of salad.

Add a large mixed salad on the side to serve.


Sounds like it should be a doddle. I'm assuming that they'll turn out like envelopes full of beans/seitan/veg & sauce. I've made wraps of course, but not these things.

Biona seitan has the enormous, huge virtue of being 92 cals, 3.9g of carb and 18g protein per 100g. And it's yummy!

ETA : Just looked up seitan on FatSecret and they have it thus:

Nutrition summary: per 100g
Calories 130
Fat 2g
Carbs 4g
Protein 25g

I wonder if they difference is between generic and branded organic seitan. Whatever, it's very clearly printed on the jar. I might use FatSecret's values when I start making my own though.
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brussel sprouts
sesame seeds
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Brekkie was gorgeous. Two Linda McCartney chorizo sausages and tinned tomatoes on toast (obligatory engevita flakes sprinkled liberally). I was a bit worried about the sausages because the packet says vegetarian, but I looked up the site and it says the ingredients and also that they're fine for vegans.

I'm pleased because they were scrummy!

Lunch will be hummus, edamame beans, carrot sticks, cherry toms, cucumber sticks and babycorn.

Then dinner is planned as an Artisan nut roast (the cashew and cranberry one) with roasties, carrots, cabbage and roast cauli with onion gravy.

ETA Drinks - black coffee with breakfast (no sweetner), rooibos tea and lots of water for the rest of the day. I don't usually snack - never really got into the habit. We were very hard up when I was little so food was at mealtimes and there simply weren't any snacks. I've never bothered.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Special day today - it's Mr WuTwo's birthday :)

B/fast - Scrambled tofu and marinaded seitan chunks on toast with ketchup (well, ketchup for me and brown sauce for him).

Lunch - Moorish smoked hummus with carrot batons, cucumber batons, babycorn, cherry tomatoes and some mixed leaves

Dinner - Not sure yet - depends on what Mr WuTwo wants, and my cooking abilities! Luckily even though he eats the stuff he'd never ask me to cook meat for him. So - stroll through the recipe books time.....


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Last of the batch of tofu for brekkie, on wholemeal toast, with tinned tomatoes. I'll make more tofu tomorrow though.

Lunch was a large bowl of root & turmeric soup. It's made by Baxter's and was very flavourful. I usually prefer home-made soup but was in a tearing dash this morning as running late. I had an Asda no-sugar jelly to finish.

I have no idea what Mr WuTwo is cooking up for dinner. I told him to attack the recipe books and see what leapt out and grabbed him - now starting to get slightly concerned.....

I wish Avocado Sevenfold was still around - some of her ideas are inspirational to me!
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Well-Known Member
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Marmite morning. Always in two minds about Marmite; love the stuff but don't love Unilever. This morning the lure of the flavour got me. In an ideal world it wouldn't be in the pantry but given I have a marmite-loving husband, compromise is the name of the game and sometimes his side of the fence wins...:oops:

Lunch will be caramelised onion hummus and loads of raw veg/salad

Dinner is tender seitan teryaki with an edamame bean & veg stir fry followed by a Magnum (vegan) - the almond one :joyful:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Plans for lunch changed somewhat dramatically. Wonderful, marvellous husband decided to cook seitan sausage rolls! Did I say fantastic cook about him anywhere? Because he is. Vegan puff pastry, seitan not-sausage and very tasty!

I had some cherry tomatoes, cucumber and other bits of raw veg to go with - I lurves me some veg. But big beaming happy smile here!
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Well-Known Member
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Breakfast is leftover seitan from last night cut into strips and tossed into the pan with the scrambled tofu. I'm having some baked beans with it (very rare event) and a slice of wholemeal toast.

Lunch today will be the salad and hummus I should have had yesterday! I guess I ought to have some yoghurt too - the Alpro Coconut - and maybe we've got strawberries in the fridge. If not, there's always blueberries.

We haven't talked about dinner yet so I have no idea.

Edit: Turns out to be nut cutlets (I love those!), mini jack potatoes and peas. And gravy.

Amazingly, if I include a small quantity of mixed roast nuts as a snack tonight (push up the protein for the day) the whole day turns out to be 106g of carb. Excellent.
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Retired Moderator
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Finally tried one of the Greggs vegan sausage rolls today. Bit salty but definitely useful in an emergency lunch situation.
Quiche for dinner tonight.
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Well-Known Member
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
@Diakat - try the Fry's sausage rolls and other products - in the chilled vegetarian "meat" bit of the supermarket. Their hearty casserole pie is absolutely gorgeous!

We had a quorn mince spag bol the other day (wholemeal pasta). That was good too, although I don't generally like quorn that much.
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Retired Moderator
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The smell of cigars
@Diakat - try the Fry's sausage rolls and other products - in the chilled vegetarian "meat" bit of the supermarket. Their hearty casserole pie is absolutely gorgeous!

We had a quorn mince spag bol the other day (wholemeal pasta). That was good too, although I don't generally like quorn that much.
Will eat quorn but agree it’snot The nicest.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Today we're going to have a bash at home made pizza for dinner. This is so that we can use the pepperoni seitan I made. It does smell totally gorgeous, and it's the right texture and appearance. (I wish they made the Hail Seitan T-shirts not to be all death-metal music oriented). I want bbq jackfruit on mine, with the pepperoni, some vegan cheese (not too much), tomato paste, mushrooms and something else which I haven't thought up yet.

Lunch will be marinaded home-made tofu, massive pile of salad and raw veg, followed by blueberries and Alpro coconut yoghurt (which has the twin virtues of being delicious and very low carb).

Just leaves brekkie for me to puzzle out. Husband usually cooks brekkie but he does expect suggestions. I am brain dead this morning.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Breakfast was smoked tofu, scrambled with tinned tomatoes and pepperoni seitan (home-made). It was gorgeous!

Lunch is the usual hummus and assorted raw veggies and salad.

Dinner is a mystery to both of us at the moment. We'll put our thinking caps on after lunch and see what both of us feel like eating. Last night was (vegan) sausage casserole, broccoli and little new potatoes, but the fridge is full of yummy looking veggies and I've got kiddie-in-the-sweetshop syndrome - staring & wanting but there's too much choice .......