Weekend Weigh-in For Maintenance


Retired Moderator
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Type 2
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Think when you eat over a longer period your bgs readings may be a tad higher - well mine are but I don’t have any big swings down or up so again think that helps re the hunger too. My view is that at hbaca1 30 I have room to work it out and if it goes up a point or two in November at next check it would still be excellent and normal. Having said this mysugr is still predicting 30 and it was predicting nearly 32 at my last hbaca1 at which I got a 30. So it’s clearly not gone up overall I don’t think. We’ve got to work out what works and is sustainable for our futures with a steady eye on any significant increases. I don’t swing as dramatically down on bgs but my bgs are very very stable all day so don’t swing upwards either. Good luck with your experiments hope you manage to find a way forwardthat works for you.

Just remembered this old thread, which I saved ages ago:



Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Weekend again and nearly my holidays hurrah
Still on lower end of weight but not lost any more this week - did eat more nuts.
Weight is 8 stone 11 pounds or 55.7kgs - BMI 19.8
Hope everyone has good maintenance weights this weekend


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning. Up slightly again this week 59.6 (was 59.4 last week). Earlier in the week was a bit lower (58.8) so fluctuating a bit, but trend is a concern. Ketones 0.9 (were 1.0 so no big change there).

Carb intake is fine so think need to look at quantities of cream/almond butter/high cocoa chocolate and see what that does. Far too easy to overeat all of those.

@shelley262 congrats on finding the right balance and have a wonderful holiday.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning. Up slightly again this week 59.6 (was 59.4 last week). Earlier in the week was a bit lower (58.8) so fluctuating a bit, but trend is a concern. Ketones 0.9 (were 1.0 so no big change there).

Carb intake is fine so think need to look at quantities of cream/almond butter/high cocoa chocolate and see what that does. Far too easy to overeat all of those.

@shelley262 congrats on finding the right balance and have a wonderful holiday.
@Goonergal as you say it’s important to keep an eye on trends down or up but would imagine minor adjust could change things - What about making a more measured alternative to pudding like the choc olive oil cake and portion it out? If you freeze cake portions it keeps it out of sight but it’s satisfying to eat and may be less than other options?


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
@Goonergal as you say it’s important to keep an eye on trends down or up but would imagine minor adjust could change things - What about making a more measured alternative to pudding like the choc olive oil cake and portion it out? If you freeze cake portions it keeps it out of sight but it’s satisfying to eat and may be less than other options?

Good idea. Might try that.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Morning. Dropped almost a kilo this week - 0.9kg - so down to 58.7, which is midway of my range.

Putting it down to removing all sweeteners and dessert like things from my diet. I definitely get sweet cravings after eating, especially in the evening, but hopefully they’ll reduce over time.

Also pretty much carnivore aside from 1 salad and a few almonds here and there. Feeling good on it, but interesting that despite total carb intake for the week of 54.4g, ketones remained at 0.9.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning. Dropped almost a kilo this week - 0.9kg - so down to 58.7, which is midway of my range.

Putting it down to removing all sweeteners and dessert like things from my diet. I definitely get sweet cravings after eating, especially in the evening, but hopefully they’ll reduce over time.

Also pretty much carnivore aside from 1 salad and a few almonds here and there. Feeling good on it, but interesting that despite total carb intake for the week of 54.4g, ketones remained at 0.9.
Well done @Goonergal - not looking forward to my weigh in after my hols on Monday morning! I’ve definitely eaten more re quantities will see what the reckoning is like! Mind you done lots of walking and swimming but bgs have been higher generally.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Well done @Goonergal - not looking forward to my weigh in after my hols on Monday morning! I’ve definitely eaten more re quantities will see what the reckoning is like! Mind you done lots of walking and swimming but bgs have been higher generally.

Sounds like it’s been worth it though. Your pics have inspired me to put Thassos on my list.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Not the weekend I know but only just back from my hols
Weight this am I’m pleased to report is still well within maintenance figure up a pound but that puts me back to where I am happy so today I’m
8 stone 12 pounds or 56.2kgs BMI 20
I did eat significantly more on my holidays and my bgs were higher through week but it must has been mainly low carb. Lovely when you get back from hols and have maintained that would definitely not have happened in the past I usually put on half a stone with the extra temptations.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Morning. 0.1kg down this week, so a maintain. Amazing the psychological difference a maintain with a small ‘loss’ vs a small ‘gain’ makes. Ketones up from 0.9 to 1.4. Happier at that level.

Now really must get out of the door to work. Far too distracted by the forum this morning.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Weekend again and maintained my weight again this week
Today I am 8 stone 12 pounds, 56.2kg, BMI 20
Ketones still motoring along at 2.1 this morning and bgs behaving.
Got used to eating at different times and bigger quantities when on holiday and noticed I’ve felt hungrier this week so have had to adjust and at times wait the hunger out but getting there and most importantly no weight gain. Back to my three regular smallish meals plan this week which seems to work really well for me.
@Goonergal well done on your slight loss this weekend which with last weeks loss makes you more firmly in your maintenance zone.
Happy weekend all.