
Type of diabetes
Type 1
I work with a woman who keeps making comments such as "I need to get me one of those restriction things" or "I'll get a flexible working plan for my diabetic cat"


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I work with a woman who keeps making comments such as "I need to get me one of those restriction things" or "I'll get a flexible working plan for my diabetic cat"


Sorry to read you have to put up with these comments...

Your colleague is also wrong about cats. ;) i saw a documentary involving GPS tags & cameras on collars highlighting they tend to have a structured "patrol" (or shift.) pattern with other cats in the neighborhood. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
My pump failed yesterday and went in dka i was vomiting abd felt like ****. Told boss i was going home to doctors, his reply to me was that i was full of it and I only wanted to go home because it was sunny! I will be taking this further! Where do these people get their man management skills from. I am hurt and upset that he could say such things!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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My pump failed yesterday and went in dka i was vomiting abd felt like ****. Told boss i was going home to doctors, his reply to me was that i was full of it and I only wanted to go home because it was sunny! I will be taking this further! Where do these people get their man management skills from. I am hurt and upset that he could say such things!

Hi Sarah,

A warm welcome to the forum as a new poster.

How are you feeling today?


My pump failed yesterday and went in dka i was vomiting abd felt like ****. Told boss i was going home to doctors, his reply to me was that i was full of it and I only wanted to go home because it was sunny! I will be taking this further! Where do these people get their man management skills from. I am hurt and upset that he could say such things!


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Her comments about me were very hurtful...
I wish this is the last time you ever hear such simple-minded, inconsiderate comments. My experience has taught me to toughen up about them, because unless they're living with the disease, they don't know what they're talking about (and many times, even if they have the disease they're just as clueless). Every diabetic is different, just like every person with an opinion differs.


Just a quickie for those having workplace issues. Are any of you in unionised workplaces? If not I’d join one or go about setting it up. Whilst you can air your grievances to HR you’ll be better off having someone to back you up. They do hold a lot of clout.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
dishonesty, people who throw garbage out on to the streets,
Just a quickie for those having workplace issues. Are any of you in unionised workplaces? If not I’d join one or go about setting it up. Whilst you can air your grievances to HR you’ll be better off having someone to back you up. They do hold a lot of clout.
Just a quickie, not so easily done; especially in the industrial world. Office workers seem to think that "join a union" will solve the problem. In the industrial world, you will be let go (laid off) and black balled. This is reality.


Just a quickie, not so easily done; especially in the industrial world. Office workers seem to think that "join a union" will solve the problem. In the industrial world, you will be let go (laid off) and black balled. This is reality.

This is a prediction. With Brexit looming and a lack of EU input such as the working time directive we will return to a state where the unions will become common place. Without the eu the workplace situation will become far worse. I may be wrong only time will tell. There has always been sacrifices when starting things up again it’s custom and practice. On my watch I never lost a single case. Things must have a starting point. I’ve heard it in the retail sector a lot. People unhappy people getting crapped on you ask them to be proactive they do nothing well nothing does exactly that
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
dishonesty, people who throw garbage out on to the streets,
This is a prediction. With Brexit looming and a lack of EU input such as the working time directive we will return to a state where the unions will become common place. Without the eu the workplace situation will become far worse. I may be wrong only time will tell. There has always been sacrifices when starting things up again it’s custom and practice. On my watch I never lost a single case. Things must have a starting point. I’ve heard it in the retail sector a lot. People unhappy people getting crapped on you ask them to be proactive they do nothing well nothing does exactly that
Sometimes, proactive means you don't have a job.


Sometimes, proactive means you don't have a job.

Tol puddle martyrs

So if you’re working your what’s it off and you’re rights are eroded is it worth you staying ? Or will you hop job to job until hopefully one day you get something semi worthwhile? If indeed that ever happens. When we leave the eu and the floor crumbles beneath us the will be only one option and that is a return to unions. They were a force to be reckoned with and they will again. If I’m right the pints on you
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
dishonesty, people who throw garbage out on to the streets,
Tol puddle martyrs

So if you’re working your what’s it off and you’re rights are eroded is it worth you staying ? Or will you hop job to job until hopefully one day you get something semi worthwhile? If indeed that ever happens. When we leave the eu and the floor crumbles beneath us the will be only one option and that is a return to unions. They were a force to be reckoned with and they will again. If I’m right the pints on you
Yes, rights are eroded, but one must support the family, no matter the cost. And I would be most pleased to buy you a pint either way!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Excuse her ignorance. Remain focused and get with your life. Turn deaf ears to such comments.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I work with a woman who keeps making comments such as "I need to get me one of those restriction things" or "I'll get a flexible working plan for my diabetic cat"
My God. Really?
She needs unemployment for her big mouth. Horrid woman.
Report her after making a diary of her anti diabetic behaviour. They can't wriggle out of proof. Witnesses even better.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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This is a prediction. With Brexit looming and a lack of EU input such as the working time directive we will return to a state where the unions will become common place. Without the eu the workplace situation will become far worse. I may be wrong only time will tell. There has always been sacrifices when starting things up again it’s custom and practice. On my watch I never lost a single case. Things must have a starting point. I’ve heard it in the retail sector a lot. People unhappy people getting crapped on you ask them to be proactive they do nothing well nothing does exactly that
Wrong people in the wrong job. I did retail for decades. Some not fit to ride a horse never mind look after staff.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Just a quickie, not so easily done; especially in the industrial world. Office workers seem to think that "join a union" will solve the problem. In the industrial world, you will be let go (laid off) and black balled. This is reality.
Thats why unions are needed more. Unions are only as strong as their members. Unions should be more selective in who they recruit.
I was a member of RMT then TESSA on the railways. They are solid unions but some very weak members.
Unions need to educate their members more. This will strengthen their support.

A union is the best way to fight any unscrupulous boss. Believe me. Why do you think they hate them do much? They get them sacked.

You cannot be sacked legally for being in a union. Fact.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Thats why unions are needed more. Unions are only as strong as their members. Unions should be more selective in who they recruit.
I was a member of RMT then TESSA on the railways. They are solid unions but some very weak members.
Unions need to educate their members more. This will strengthen their support.

A union is the best way to fight any unscrupulous boss. Believe me. Why do you think they hate them do much? They get them sacked.

You cannot be sacked legally for being in a union. Fact.
Economist on Today programme this morning talking how weak unions have effectively allowed employers to set pay levels as an explanation for the fall in real wages since Feb 2008.
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
I had a similar issue. I was working in a call centre for a communications company that ironically, don't know how to communicate. I was bullied by my co workers to a point where a bottle of cola was thrown at me on the call center floor, with the person who threw it saying "I hope that doesn't make you sick" while his friends laughed about it. I wrote an email to HR who said "It was probably a joke" I said, that throwing a full bottle at me was akin to assault. They made sure that I knew they didn't care about the issue. When I was let go, It was because my performance had dropped. I tried to explain how these actions had this effect and I was told to get a sense of humour. I really hope that that company burns down.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hmmm. The unions don't always protect staff who have been wronged. Sometimes they are happy to do a deal with the employer to scapegoat someone to save the rest of the staff from losing their jobs. I speak from bitter personal experience. Innocence doesn't mean your job is safe.

Thank goodness unions aren't allowed to just choose the pay rises anymore. The 1970s were not a happy time with the car workers demanding ridiculous 50% pay increases and then the miners copying. The unions brought the country to a standstill, I hope they never get to be that powerful again. It will break us if they do and then there will be less in the pot for everyone.