What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Breakfast was bacon and egg on L/c bread and some low sugar blackberry jam on zucchini bread.
Lunch, cheddar on h/m seed crackers with a bit of pico de gallo.
Dinner will be a treat of chicken breast fried in box mix of keto breading with broccoli, feta and red onion salad while watching the Super Bowl.
Had a terrible low yesterday; I didn’t time pre bolus breakfast insulin with breakfast very well and ended up on the kitchen floor. I felt very jittery and awkward all day. Does anyone else find these long ( all day), lasting effects after a hypo?
Yes, I do. Feel cold, a bit of a tremor and very tired after a full blown hypo. It lasts for most of the rest of the day. Now that I have a Libre I get a warning that I need to take action to avoid a hypo. I did have one about 2 weeks ago, when my Libre sensor was faulty so I was depending on finger prick testing so no warning.

Breakfast was Spanish omelette made with frozen and defrosted potatoes and some chopped onion. No harm done to BG.

2nd meal (which I almost forgot to have) was more of the Moussaka. There's still some left and it seems to be OK so I'll probably use it tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Morning all. I had my chicken leg with red cabbage (with apple, onion ,stockcube made up, splash of balsamic vinegar and sweetener to taste), broccoli, cauli and one small carrot. Made the gravy with xanthan gum and was pleasantly surprised. @MommaE, too late! I had to whisk it furiously lol. That was actually the best meal I've cooked for a long time and I have enough for today too. I bought some Heck chicken sausages but am not very keen. Have an appointment with the Osteopath today. He's gradually straightening my body out and I don't need my walking stick so often. Have a wonderful week everyone. :happy:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all, sunny but cold. Had a coal tit checking out the nest box this morning, spring is on the way!
B Yog, blueberries and seeds
L Scrambled egg, mushrooms on liv life toast
D Leftover Indian takeaway, chicken tikka and salad,saag paneer with courgetti


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I went to the seaside with friends for a long weekend. I wasn't entirely successful in carb dodging, but no chips, pasta, rice or bread were eaten. I gave the biscuits and sweets away which were left in my room by the guest house. Had some lovely salmon in dill sauce, and a nice roast beef and pork dinner. There may have been the odd Yorkshire pudding and well-buttered baked potato along the way. For the breakfast at the guest house I forewent the fried bread and hash browns, and just had the bacon, eggs and sausage instead. But I did have a fair few pints of beer. No pictures of food, but here's one of the coast.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@IanBish looks amazing where you spent the weekend - especially on a lovely day like today I'd definitely love walking down that beach. Well done too for managing to keep your carbs lower by dodging some of the temptations.
The lovely day here tempted me out into the garden for weeding plus had a walk through the towns gardens where there is a wonderful display of crocuses - a real sign of spring heading our way and time for another seasonal avatar.
Today's food two meals again
Early lunch\ brunch kefir then two different kimchis, cheese and LC seeded crackers followed by spoon of rhubarb and yoghurt
Dinner left over chicken and sausages from yesterday and salads - I had the idea of using my cabbage and turmeric root sauerkraut and mixing with some mayo to make a gut friendly coleslaw. The olives have been kept in olive oil in fridge so there is some cold olive oil on them if anyone thinking my olives look odd - it turns into liquid olive oil again after a few mins at room temperature.
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I'm also still drinking the left over liquid I cooked the rhubarb in with ginger and lemons as a cordial mixed with soda water the flavour just gets better! For pudding had a LC chocolate brownie and decaffeinated coffee.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@IanBish looks amazing where you spent the weekend - especially on a lovely day like today I'd definitely love walking down that beach. Well done too for managing to keep your carbs lower by dodging some of the temptations.

Dinner left over chicken and sausages from yesterday and salads - I had the idea of using my cabbage and turmeric root sauerkraut and mixing with some mayo to make a gut friendly coleslaw. The olives have been kept in olive oil in fridge so there is some cold olive oil on them if anyone thinking my olives look odd - it turns into liquid olive oil again after a few mins at room temperature.
View attachment 66138
It was quite cold, and occasionally windy there (Tenby, West Wales) but lovely too.

Your chicken/sausage salad looks very nice.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
It was quite cold, and occasionally windy there (Tenby, West Wales) but lovely too.

Your chicken/sausage salad looks very nice.
Love Tenby and have walked stretches of the Pembrokeshire path but interestingly (for me) went to Tenby 7 years ago when started low carb and found it difficult to find low carb food to eat out. Lots of tempting fish and chips and tea rooms!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
So yesterday usual brekkie of slice LC toast, cooled then buttered, copious tea.
Lunch was two scrambled eggs wit butter and grated parmesan.
Supper was Bolognese with a tiny bit of spaghetti which I didnt test after two hours but had better FBG than usual. Need to check the 2 hour effect.
Today same usual brekkie.
Lunch was at a cafe with friend had small slice sourdough toast topped with lots of avocado and two poached eggs. Tea.
Supper lightly spiced chicken breast with cauli cheese.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I went to the seaside with friends for a long weekend. I wasn't entirely successful in carb dodging, but no chips, pasta, rice or bread were eaten. I gave the biscuits and sweets away which were left in my room by the guest house. Had some lovely salmon in dill sauce, and a nice roast beef and pork dinner. There may have been the odd Yorkshire pudding and well-buttered baked potato along the way. For the breakfast at the guest house I forewent the fried bread and hash browns, and just had the bacon, eggs and sausage instead. But I did have a fair few pints of beer. No pictures of food, but here's one of the coast.
View attachment 66130
Evening @IanBish

Well, you dodged the chips, pasta, rice and bread, not to mention (but I'm about to) those flippin biscuits and sweets. Keeping to the straight and narrow is always tricky when away from home. Well done you!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Today's menu
Skipped breakfast-
Lunch -(tastes better than it sounds) fried beansprouts with kippers and cherry tomatoes. I wish I understood seasoning better. It tasted almost like Chinese take out and I'm sure there must be spices or something that would make it even more so.
Dinner- Gammon steak and cauliflour(potato)salad- cauliflour, celery, onion, mayonnaise and mustard topped with crumbled bacon.
Lunch pic looks like a giant portion because it is a tiny fork.

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@IanBish looks amazing where you spent the weekend - especially on a lovely day like today I'd definitely love walking down that beach. Well done too for managing to keep your carbs lower by dodging some of the temptations.
The lovely day here tempted me out into the garden for weeding plus had a walk through the towns gardens where there is a wonderful display of crocuses - a real sign of spring heading our way and time for another seasonal avatar.
Today's food two meals again
Early lunch\ brunch kefir then two different kimchis, cheese and LC seeded crackers followed by spoon of rhubarb and yoghurt
Dinner left over chicken and sausages from yesterday and salads - I had the idea of using my cabbage and turmeric root sauerkraut and mixing with some mayo to make a gut friendly coleslaw. The olives have been kept in olive oil in fridge so there is some cold olive oil on them if anyone thinking my olives look odd - it turns into liquid olive oil again after a few mins at room temperature.
View attachment 66138 I'm also still drinking the left over liquid I cooked the rhubarb in with ginger and lemons as a cordial mixed with soda water the flavour just gets better! For pudding had a LC chocolate brownie and decaffeinated coffee.
Evening @shelley262

Another lovely avatar. I have a carpet of purple-flowered crocuses in flower, keeping the drifts of snowdrops and cyclamen company, so plenty of food for the hardworking bumblebees venturing out in the sunshine. Spring is just around the corner!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all,


B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, avocado and four tiger prawns, seasoned with a good grinding of black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

Courgetti alla puttanesca
made with anchovies, Kalamata olives, capers, canned tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, butter, oregano and spiralised courgettes.
Braised cavolo nero with garlic and toasted almonds.
Skipped pud.
Water to drink.

D: Seafood salad made with brown shrimps, mussels, lettuce, finely shredded red cabbage, apple peel, celery, baby plum tomatoes and mustard cress with a dollop of aioli for dipping, topped with toasted pistachios.
Water to swallow tablets.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Dinner: bolognese with sliced sautéed courgette and a sprinkling of mature cheddar.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
My simplest peppercorn sauce is
Cook a streak in butter in a pan . When it's done to your liking, remove the steak and while it's resting, add to the buttery meaty juices in the pan a spoonful or 2 of cream and lots of crushed peppercorns. Heat through then pour over the steak


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Walk then about 12 ish a slice of ham
Then about 3, pub roast beef. Had one mouthful of Yorkshire and 1 of the potatoes, gave rest away along with the roast parsnips and carrots which had been cooked in something sweet. I had the plain broccoli and the red cabbage 1 small scoop ice cream for pud.
1 glass white wine

Nothing else all day

B: ff greek with 1 smashed up hm lc brownie and walnuts
Tea and chat with friends
L: just a small bite of ham and a few walnuts.

Mid afternoon, clearing out a cupboard came across some florentines. Only half made it to the kitchen

Dinner, late after a phone call
Leeks and cabbage cooked in butter, then smoked ham and cream cheese added at the end. Another hm lc brownie (knew I should have put them in the freezer !)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening @IanBish

Well, you dodged the chips, pasta, rice and bread, not to mention (but I'm about to) those flippin biscuits and sweets. Keeping to the straight and narrow is always tricky when away from home. Well done you!
In the before times I would have dunked those (bourbon and custard creams) in the sugar-sweetened coffees, but I wasn't remotely tempted. But, yes, it is a bit tricky. One doesn't want to come across as too weird. Or weirder than normal...!