What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Posting early this evening as granddaughters are round for a sleepover, they are busy being dogs at the mo so I’ve got a little window of calm.
Breakfast: Halloumi spinach, mushrooms and a poached egg. Coffee with milk as I’d stayed at daughter’s and she’d run out of cream. I didn’t like it much - got so used to cream now.
Lunch out (after walking her dog and girls) at a lovely cafe: swordfish steak and salad with mayo.
Dinner will be slow roast belly pork with buttered cabbage.

Made some IP custards but using an electric beater rather than my hand whisk increased their volume and so overfilled the pots - they didn’t like it and have turned to scrambled egg. Boo.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Sleep sorted for 1 night at least so I feel a happier little boy. Take it day by day.
Breakfast: - Lots of tea - initial burst of 2x1.5 pints Orange Pekoe @ 6.45-8.00 ish; Tassimo Americano grande with cream @8.25
Dockey : Tea: dog walk steps indicate 3 miles; Tea then 30 mins exercise bike
Lunch : Avocado and mackerel salad
Mid Afternoon: Tea watching the officials ensure ABs win
Evening meal: Lamb and mushroom curry with cauliflower rice - used lamb shank from yesterday 3 tsp Waitrose balti curry paste with a little leftover cooking stock from yesterday; water
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Decided to start logging meals on this thread - no exciting recipe to share as of yet but hoping for some inspiration too
Breakfast - 1 tea, 1 coffee
Lunch - 4 pork & leek sausages (waiting for shopping to get delivered mid afternoon)
Dinner - salmon salad and will have a square of green & blacks mint dark chocolate later on


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All :D and welcome @Emma_369

B: 2 egg scramble and 2 rashers smoked bacon. This time, I remembered to take a knob of butter in a baby tupperware. Made a huge difference! Delicious. Wish cafes used butter for scram egg, but now i know just what to do. :) Also a pot of twinings echinacea and raspberry tea.

L: on the road, so 2x Macdonalds quarterpound cheeseburgers, no bun, fries or twiddles.

D: 5oz turkey breast, with butter melted over.

Also a lc hot choc with G&B organic cocoa, double cream and a smidge of erythritol.

:nailbiting: Theres a Terrys choc orange on the kitchen counter :nailbiting:
:nailbiting: I am home alone :nailbiting:
There are 90ish g carbs in the whole thing
It is a gift to friend. For tomorrow.
But if i ate it (or some of it) this evening, I could replace it tomorrow, before I see her.

Anyone ever noticed how this smilie looks just like me, stuffing a choc orange segment into my mouth horizontally...


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Diet only
Humans that only take.
Well washing machine emptied it's self in the kitchen.

Just finished cleaning it up so I have had 2 eggs and a rasher of bacon today.

Tempted to just go through now. Eat tomorrow.
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Hi all from a currently rainy and windy Yorkshire. Well funeral went as well as these things can he was relatively young well in my opinion as he was only one year older than me! His mum who is 86 and has terminal cancer was clearly lost but the service was very well done and comforting and good to see all the older generation together - in their 80s - my mum. Two aunts and an uncle all managed to have a good reminiscence together with my mum who’s 87 nearly 88 at the funeral lunch. Pleased could support my mum and other relatives. Went to drs too this pm and mum now on steroids as she’s not well but def bit improved this evening so it’s clearly her asthma from a cold rather than a chest infection. So hoping she’ll be well enough for pre operative assessment in morning at hospital.
Breakfast one slice bacon and egg
Lunch at funeral range of cheese ( other offerings people tucked into include pork pies, sausage rolls, bread and dripping, very bready sandwiches, scones and egg custards in pastry) pleased to find the cheese! Think I heard my polar opposite at the buffet she was complaining about the high fat content and that she’d need to take the fillings out of the sandwiches and pies and just eat the bread @nd pastry! She gave me quite a look when I just loaded my plate with piles of cheese and looked my thin body up and down suffice it to say she had a lot of middle!) you couldn’t make it up.
Dinner pork casserole with roasted butternut squash followed by LC lemon cake and cream.
Hope everyone had a good day.

Lol! You and her could have followed each other around, no waste.
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Diet only
Late posting for no other reason than being lazy on a windy and wet day.
Coffee with cream on waking
B egg cloud with shredded ham and a bullet proof coffee
L avocado with peppers, sliced roast beef and mayo
Cappuccino made with peanut milk
D lo dough pizza followed by a microwave mug cake, added some chopped walnuts to it tonight for a bit of bite, glass of wine


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all
Complex day, mum not well enough for her pre op assessment as still wheezy from her asthma attack - although steroids working - so visit to hospital cut short. Meant got back earlier than planned as thought would be at hospital much of today. Sorted out mum at hers and then headed back down motorway later this afternoon- more wet driving! Will get another date eventually from hospital and try again!
Breakfast one slice bacon and egg
Lunch a few rollitos
Late dinner chicken curry, red wine and some choc with coffee.
Looking forward to my own bed again tonight and later slower morning tomorrow if I’m lucky!
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Tablets (oral)
I have given up trying to control my BG because control means doing things that will give me a BG I expect.
I am having to settle for merely influencing it to be better than it might have been if I’d fed myself yummy food.
On the subject of losing weight, mine fell off at an alarming rate initially. As we are both TOFI's it's hard to maintain any weight when cutting the carbs, however mine seems to have stabilised now. Still feel a bit too thin, but I began to eat a lot of cream and butter just to get the calories in. Eating lots of avocado and high percentage chocolate too! Doesn't seem to have any impact on my cholesterol as the 'good' level had improved after my last blood test.
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Tablets (oral)
Not posted for a while. so hope everyone is OK (and after reading through the posts especially those having a tough time at the moment).
Breakfast - Hi lo toast and butter
Mid afternoon - Thai food with friends in Leeds
Supper - Lind chocolate and nuts


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Sleep sorted for 1 night at least so I feel a happier little boy. Take it day by day.
Breakfast: - Lots of tea - initial burst of 2x1.5 pints Orange Pekoe @ 6.45-8.00 ish; Tassimo Americano grande with cream @8.25
Dockey : Tea: dog walk steps indicate 3 miles; Tea then 30 mins exercise bike
Lunch : Avocado and mackerel salad
Mid Afternoon: Tea watching the officials ensure ABs win
Evening meal: Lamb and mushroom curry with cauliflower rice - used lamb shank from yesterday 3 tsp Waitrose balti curry paste with a little leftover cooking stock from yesterday; water

I an have you tried, or considered trying Magnesium Oil for your sleep issues?

I started using it to round off my D3 + K2 routine. As someone who slept well anyway, I was unconcerned about the impact on my sleep, but I actually wake even more rested.

I have to rotate where I apply it, as my skin seems very sensitive to it, so I don't use it near the crooks of my elbows, or behind my knees, or I end up with an itching rash.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all
Complex day, mum not well enough for her pre op assessment as still wheezy from her asthma attack - although steroids working - so visit to hospital cut short. Meant got back earlier than planned as thought would be at hospital much of today. Sorted out mum at hers and then headed back down motorway later this afternoon- more wet driving! Will get another date eventually from hospital and try again!
Breakfast one slice bacon and egg
Lunch a few rollitos
Late dinner chicken curry, red wine and some choc with coffee.
Looking forward to my own bed again tonight and later slower morning tomorrow if I’m lucky!

Oh that’s disappointing for everyone. Sympathies over more wet Mway driving - it’s the pits.
Sleep well tonight and hope you feel more rested in the morning.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Decided to start logging meals on this thread - no exciting recipe to share as of yet but hoping for some inspiration too
Breakfast - 1 tea, 1 coffee
Lunch - 4 pork & leek sausages (waiting for shopping to get delivered mid afternoon)
Dinner - salmon salad and will have a square of green & blacks mint dark chocolate later on

Welcome. Lots of good ideas and inspiration here.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream washed down with a black coffee.
Lunch: keto pancake with bacon and SF maple syrup followed by raspberry chia pudding and raspberries.
Mid afternoon in Nero’s: cappuccino and smuggled in mint Carb Killa bar.
Dinner at Hungry Horse: chicken skewers on a bed of stir fried peppers and onion with coleslaw and side salad followed at home by SF jelly, cream and LC chocolate granola.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Your soup sounds delicious. Is it an actual recipe or did you just make it up with stuff you had to hand?

Thanks, @DJC3. I really enjoy soup in this colder and wetter weather. Definitely a cold weather sort of thing.

Actually, I just plan the base, which is curry paste, broth, coconut milk (or cream), a few spices and then add whatever I find in the fridge that needs to be used.

Isn't it strange how the weather affects the kinds of food we crave?
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello all,

Been out and about most of the day, so didn't eat much.

Breakfast: Two double decaffeinated espressos with cream and erythritol.

Lunch: A bowl of soup (same as yesterday and the day before).

Snack: One square of 85% chocolate.

Late dinner: A medium sized calamari, cut in strips, and fried in butter and olive oil with salt. Two tablespoons of lupin bean hummus. Lamb's lettuce with a mustard-lime dressing. A glass of red wine.

Welcome to the thread, @Emma_369.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Ooooer. This is when I really wish I could still eat veg...




Well-Known Member
@Geoffno6 you’re doing a fantastic amount of exercise - you say the weight is still falling off, are you trying to lose weight?
I hadn’t heard that you’re not supposed to drink alcohol with metformin, but I’ve certainly found that I can’t drink as much since I’ve been doing lchf. Probably just as well.

Hi @DJC3 I’m trying to get stronger and definitely not lose weight. One of my symptoms was wight loss without effort. I read not to consume alcohol in the Metformin leaflet


Well-Known Member
On the subject of losing weight, mine fell off at an alarming rate initially. As we are both TOFI's it's hard to maintain any weight when cutting the carbs, however mine seems to have stabilised now. Still feel a bit too thin, but I began to eat a lot of cream and butter just to get the calories in. Eating lots of avocado and high percentage chocolate too! Doesn't seem to have any impact on my cholesterol as the 'good' level had improved after my last blood test.

Mine weight seems to stabilise when I eat a lot but drop on the days I don’t eat much. I struggle to get enough calories with just protein and veg but also eat lots of butter and cream. Good news re the cholesterol