What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
hello everyone, I hope you are all keeping okay.

@maglil55 I also love the idea of your grandsons being texted by the Tooth Fairy. Will you be doing same for the Easter Bunny?

Yesterday's soup was gorgeous! I'm freezing two portions and will have the remainder tomorrow for dinner. I was totally surprised that Mr C enjoyed it as much as he said he did although he had a huge chunk of fresh crusty bread and butter with his.

Well, Mr C's back out on what he calls a foraging mission. He's pretty good - wears a mask and gloves - this time he's actually buying food (which will, no doubt include Eccles cakes). He's cooking this evening.

Meals today...

Breakfast: Usual omelette

Lunch: Usual Actimel and cheese

Dinner: tapas of some kind - usually is olives, fennel frittata, aubergine, pesto and goats cheese rollups (no doubt there is a proper name for them but i don't know what it is), theres hummus in the fridge and taramasalata for Mr C. No celeriac bravas as there's no celeriacs available in this village.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
What a great idea to change the contact name to Tooth Fairy to leave grandson a message. I haven’t heard of any new wobbly teeth in my granddaughters realm ( and I should think I’d have heard, it being very important news and a very facetimeworthy event)
I love parmigiana, that recipe sounds fab. I like the idea of the chilli kick too.
I’m not sure if the lockdown has anything to do with it, and we are all just craving a bit of excitement, but we are having increasing amounts of chilli and hot sauce with practically everything. Mayo and mustard were once the condiments of choice, now it’s sriracha.
He was highly chuffed with his Tooth Fairy text message and it helps to reinforce the message about the need to protect. Good idea @Chook as well. I hadn't thought about the Easter Bunny. Quite impressed with the boys. Even although it's officially Easter Holidays they were engrossed in a world history lesson this morning. I fear they may not want to go back to school!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
What a great idea to change the contact name to Tooth Fairy to leave grandson a message. I haven’t heard of any new wobbly teeth in my granddaughters realm ( and I should think I’d have heard, it being very important news and a very facetimeworthy event)
I love parmigiana, that recipe sounds fab. I like the idea of the chilli kick too.
I’m not sure if the lockdown has anything to do with it, and we are all just craving a bit of excitement, but we are having increasing amounts of chilli and hot sauce with practically everything. Mayo and mustard were once the condiments of choice, now it’s sriracha.
Full recipe for the parmigiana.
Sliced the aubergine long ways and salted it, sat it on kitchen paper and left it for about 1 hr to extract liquid. Rinsed in cold water after 1 hr then pat dry with kitchen paper. Put on an oven tray, drizzle with olive oil and roast at 190c fan for 15 - 20 mins.

Tomato sauce - half (or quarter depending on size) tomatoes needing used up. On another oven tray (I tend to line the tray with greasproof) toss the tomatoes in a mix of olive oil and garlic powder (I'd run out of garlic) spread on the tray and roast. About 15-20 mins again - keep an eye on them.

Whizz the roasted tomato mix with some chilli to taste (I used chilli paste).

I also used grated mozzarella (run out of the fresh), dried Italian herbs, fresh spinach needing used, grated parmesan and a little double cream.


Put some of the tomato sauce in the bottom of an ovenproof dish.
Add a layer of roasted aubergine slices.
Add grated mozzarella.
Add a layer of spinach.
Sprinkle with Italian herbs.

Repeat until you use up your aubergine slices ending with a topping of mozzarella mixed with parmesan (you can also add some almond flour to the mix if you want), sprinkle with Italian herbs and drizzle with double cream.

Back in the oven until bubbling and the cheese melted and golden.

It tasted very lasagne-like.

I've got quite a few carbs out of it as bought parmigiana tends to breadcrumb the aubergine and the topping. This is a little "wetter" but quite delicious.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
Full recipe for the parmigiana.
Sliced the aubergine long ways and salted it, sat it on kitchen paper and left it for about 1 hr to extract liquid. Rinsed in cold water after 1 hr then pat dry with kitchen paper. Put on an oven tray, drizzle with olive oil and roast at 190c fan for 15 - 20 mins.

Tomato sauce - half (or quarter depending on size) tomatoes needing used up. On another oven tray (I tend to line the tray with greasproof) toss the tomatoes in a mix of olive oil and garlic powder (I'd run out of garlic) spread on the tray and roast. About 15-20 mins again - keep an eye on them.

Whizz the roasted tomato mix with some chilli to taste (I used chilli paste).

I also used grated mozzarella (run out of the fresh), dried Italian herbs, fresh spinach needing used, grated parmesan and a little double cream.


Put some of the tomato sauce in the bottom of an ovenproof dish.
Add a layer of roasted aubergine slices.
Add grated mozzarella.
Add a layer of spinach.
Sprinkle with Italian herbs.

Repeat until you use up your aubergine slices ending with a topping of mozzarella mixed with parmesan (you can also add some almond flour to the mix if you want), sprinkle with Italian herbs and drizzle with double cream.

Back in the oven until bubbling and the cheese melted and golden.

It tasted very lasagne-like.

I've got quite a few carbs out of it as bought parmigiana tends to breadcrumb the aubergine and the topping. This is a little "wetter" but quite delicious.

Ooooh!!!!! I've GOT to make that! :hungry:
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Hi All
Today for breakfast had the last slice of farm shop rustic brown toasted, lots of tea.
Lunch was slice of corned beef and Scotch egg (probs too carbs but going out of date and it was very filling). For tonight I have just made a sort of ratatouille and added three chicken thighs chopped and fried and their juices. Mine will be with cauli rice, Mr PM’s with pasta and no doubt some chilli flakes added.
Be well and take care everyone.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Ooooh!!!!! I've GOT to make that! :hungry:
It's really straightforward and nice and variable for using things up. I've seen me add courgette and onion to it before but courgette can make it very "wet". It really helps the aubergine to salt it first to draw the liquid out before roasting the slices. Then washing the salt off and patting dry I find you don't need to season it.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi All
Today for breakfast had the last slice of farm shop rustic brown toasted, lots of tea.
Lunch was slice of corned beef and Scotch egg (probs too carbs but going out of date and it was very filling). For tonight I have just made a sort of ratatouille and added three chicken thighs chopped and fried and their juices. Mine will be with cauli rice, Mr PM’s with pasta and no doubt some chilli flakes added.
Be well and take care everyone.
Morrisons have bags of frozen riced cauliflower. One big bag but that suits me to let me just take what I need. Still no sign of it in Iceland.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast and Dockey: Sweetened TWAM : CWC and SF caramel syrup ; Lunch: Cheese salad with mayo and Chocologic Belgian choc Aft: Tea; Main Meal; Ragu? with broccoli for me and pasta for Julie; too wishy washy for me but Julie doesn't like garlic or passata as much as me and I have no idea where she put the oregano; her Taste the difference Triple berry hot cross bun was quite tempting (No 1 son foraged)- if it had been a good W one I would have given in; Vit C powder drink: @maglil55 Julie is very tired and stays in bed until I say otherwise. Basically when she answers the duo video call at night and early enough in the morning. Helen - DIL who is a nurse,- is back at work and does nurse some COVID victims. She is in charge of the ward on nights. Some surgical protective gear but not the right protection. Son is obviously worried. Both her parents are retired GPs who live in France - word from them is not enough money in the world to entice them back here despite their children and grandchildren. Glad the soup was good @Chook and impressive work @SlimLizzy.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening all. I’m falling behind with this thread. Will endeavour to catch up over the long weekend.

Today’s food intake was lunch of chorizo and cheese rollitos (Asda variety, pretty good), a chunk of Red Leicester cheese and some 90% Lindt with cream.

Dinner was 3 sausages, 3 rashers streaky bacon and 2 fried ducks eggs.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all
Day started well for me today - queued at eldest sons pharmacy once again have needed to do most weekdays and after a nearly three week delay they had sons inhaler! So thrilled as he’d run out and it’s a preventative inhaler so pretty essential can’t explain how much it buoyed me up I’d started to think we’d never get it. Now almost time for his next months asthma inhaler! His asthma is severe - he’s needed oxygen treatment a fair few times in the past - and this inhaler keeps it under control - with his many other conditions this was one I felt we were not worrying about until the inhaler shortage hit!
Other son also reported a success today - his partner and fiancé was 30 today and youngest wanted to bake her a birthday cake he thought it wasn’t going to happen asno SR flour anywhere but went into his local shop and found one lonely bag of Chinese sr flour - it made a good cake he says! You do wonder though how many bags of flour have been bought and stored in cupboards - you just hope they get used.
Mum much the same so managing her still at a distance by frequent phone calls - she says it’s badly bruised and sore but pain ok and hobbling around.
I had poor night with my current worries but one great benefit was managing to get an online delivery slot at 1.30am was a bit shocked to get it and had to sit up and put shopping in trolley in a rush and then modify my odd desperate list this morning before pharmacy trip!
Breakfast bacon and egg
Lunch lc cheese scone with soft cheese followed by lc granola bar
Dinner Cajun chicken, advocado salad and mushrooms followed by lc chocolate raspberry brownie and cream.
Hope all well and coping with current challenges we are all facing.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morrisons have bags of frozen riced cauliflower. One big bag but that suits me to let me just take what I need. Still no sign of it in Iceland.
Thanks for that. I have now settled into ricing a fresh cauliflower and packing 100g portion in the freezer and have a good supply. The latest cauli from Click & Collect was pretty withered when I got it but I immediately whizzed all that was usable! Thanks again.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all
Day started well for me today - queued at eldest sons pharmacy once again have needed to do most weekdays and after a nearly three week delay they had sons inhaler! So thrilled as he’d run out and it’s a preventative inhaler so pretty essential can’t explain how much it buoyed me up I’d started to think we’d never get it. Now almost time for his next months asthma inhaler! His asthma is severe - he’s needed oxygen treatment a fair few times in the past - and this inhaler keeps it under control - with his many other conditions this was one I felt we were not worrying about until the inhaler shortage hit!
Other son also reported a success today - his partner and fiancé was 30 today and youngest wanted to bake her a birthday cake he thought it wasn’t going to happen asno SR flour anywhere but went into his local shop and found one lonely bag of Chinese sr flour - it made a good cake he says! You do wonder though how many bags of flour have been bought and stored in cupboards - you just hope they get used.
Mum much the same so managing her still at a distance by frequent phone calls - she says it’s badly bruised and sore but pain ok and hobbling around.
I had poor night with my current worries but one great benefit was managing to get an online delivery slot at 1.30am was a bit shocked to get it and had to sit up and put shopping in trolley in a rush and then modify my odd desperate list this morning before pharmacy trip!
Breakfast bacon and egg
Lunch lc cheese scone with soft cheese followed by lc granola bar
Dinner Cajun chicken, advocado salad and mushrooms followed by lc chocolate raspberry brownie and cream.
Hope all well and coping with current challenges we are all facing.
Sending hugs for all your difficulties and the effects on you personally. Glad you had a couple of positives today especially getting the inhaler. Hugs galore and look after yourself.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Not a good day today. I did go to bed last night and I didn't have my nightmare, so that was good but my chest is sore again today and I'm feeling like eating all the wrong things - haven't actually eaten anything other than a few spoons of cocoa cream and even the tea is quite unpleasant. Maybe my tastebuds have gone to sleep. I've made things to eat, and then binned them because I didn't want to eat them.

I want a chip butty! It's the only thing I feel like eating right now. Haven't got any bread and haven't got any chips so I can't go down that path. Probably just as well. Might just make some cocoa with water and see how I feel then. Coffee doesn't appeal either.

No 2 son went to the post office and brought the required form home. It appears that, to get the second card for Neil's benefit, I still have to go to the Stornoway office to hand it in, as the person named on the form. But I can't do that. Have to rethink this. Waiting for a phone call from No 2 son to see if he will be Neil's representative and hand the form in and, when required, go to collect cash. I'm sure he will have no problem with that. Now that he is back at work, he should be able to be there at the right time for PO opening.

Our butcher has started the procedure as suggested a few days ago - takes the order over the phone and the card details and will put the meat in the boot of the car. The shop itself isn't open any more. I'll see if my Ms Volunteer can cope with that tomorrow when she does this week's shop for me. I have lots of meat, of course, but now they have in the last couple of things I wanted. I've also managed to find a website with stocks of Sojade soya milk for Neil. I've ordered some and we'll see when/if it comes. I'll have to ask Ms V to try to get some tomorrow in the Co-op because he is down to his last 2 cartons - enough for one day.

I still want that chip butty!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and birthday cake carb killa bar
Late Lunch: cheese cubes and piri piri snacks followed by Greek yoghurt, orange chia pudding and macadamia and coconut keto granola.
Dinner: mushroom and strong cheddar omelette with leafy salad followed by SF jelly, cream and LC chocolate granola


I am new, need your kind co-operation.
If I can control as per bellow range through only diet, Do I still need take any medicine?

  • Before meals: 4 to 7 mmol/l
  • 2 hours after meals: under 8.5 mmol/


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening all. Late posting tonight as we’ve been trying to play a family board game via WhatsApp video, wasn’t a huge success but at least nobody stomped off in a huff which is the usual ending for us!
Today started with early tea then black coffee and water. lunch was soup made with chicken broth ( from yesterday’s carcass - pretty much zero waste her too @PenguinMum ) plus a dollop of yesterday’s leftover chicken cordon Bleu casserole stirred in - sounds odd but made a super soup. Creamy and delicious.
Dinner Bacon and mushroom crustless quiche with salad then a couple of HC batons. currently enjoying a glass of gin.
@maglil55 thanks for the parmigiana recipe I am definitely giving it a go.
@shelley262 so glad you had a couple of good things happen today and that your mum is ok.
@Ann B I hope Mrs V manages to get your meat. Sounds like a very good system your butcher has.
I did a bit of shopping today for a vulnerable neighbour. She was cheesed off with her Asda delivery which was lacking in many essentials, but conversely sent her 6 boxes of panty pads she didn’t want lol


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I am new, need your kind co-operation.
If I can control as per bellow range through only diet, Do I still need take any medicine?

  • Before meals: 4 to 7 mmol/l
  • 2 hours after meals: under 8.5 mmol/

in the UK, the approved medication pathway is based on your HbA1c, rather than your pre and post meal readings.

Last time I checked, an HbA1c of over 53mmol/mol is the point at which doctors consider introducing the first medication.
If course, this isn’t set in stone and doctors can exercise discretion.

Deleted member 308541

Breakfast: Usual two egg cheese and mushroom omelette, bacon, tomatoes.
Lunch: Cheese and onion toasted sandwich.
Dinner: Oyster blade steak, veggies, onion gravy.

Drinks: Black coffee no sugar, water.

My pensioner CV 19 stimulus payment from the federal government went into my bank account yesterday, so put a good size order in to our butcher as we are running short of some meat. He is gunna deliver it this arvo for us. I asked him if he sold eggs, and he said how many would I like as he had plenty.

Our couple of pigs are on a growth strike as they have not seemed to have got much bigger in the last month. They're not big enough to go in to the freezer ...YET!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
I am new, need your kind co-operation.
If I can control as per bellow range through only diet, Do I still need take any medicine?

  • Before meals: 4 to 7 mmol/l
  • 2 hours after meals: under 8.5 mmol/
We are not qualified to advise on medication. You will have to go back to your doctor for that.
Perhaps if you give a little more detail we could help more.
BG before meal. What you had to eat and BG two hours afterwards.
There are many friendly and helpful people here. Am sure with more information from you there will be some useful suggestions.

Deleted member 308541

A IGA foodstore advert on tv caught my eye on priority shopping, that may be of interest to the Australians here.

The Essentials
Indicative price*
What’s in the pack?

  • 3x 1 litre milk (fresh or long life)
  • 1x loaf of bread
  • 1x butter 250g
  • 1x dozen eggs
  • 1x packet of cereal 500g

  • 1x toilet paper 6pk
  • 8x pieces of fresh fruit
  • 2kg fresh vegetables
  • 4x packets or cans of soup.

Pantry Plus


Indicative price*
What’s in the pack?

  • 3x 1 litre milk (fresh or long life)
  • 1x loaf of bread
  • 1x butter 250g
  • 1x dozen eggs
  • 1x packet of cereal 500g
  • 1x toilet paper 6pk
  • 8 pieces of fresh fruit
  • 2kg fresh vegetables
  • 4x packets or cans of soup
  • 1x tea bags 25pk
  • 1x instant coffee 50g
  • 1x cheese block 500g

  • 1x rice 2kg
  • 1x dry pasta 500g
  • 2x pasta sauce
  • 500g red meat
  • 500g white meat
  • 1x chocolate block 200g
  • 2x sweet biscuits
  • 2x frozen meal
  • 1x long life juice 2 litre
  • 2x cans of seafood
  • 1x box of tissues
  • 1x toothpaste
  • 1x soap bar
They also have mutt and moggy packs as well.

A lot of carby food products unfortunately
