What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Let's hope it'll last, and you'll have a wonderful night of sleep to make up for last night!

Made the cauliflower purée still, very tasty combination!

View attachment 56510

And then I left the cream unsupervised on the countertop. :banghead:
And this after taking so much care to keep the bathroom door closed against cats all day!

I contemplated cleaning it up but decided to leave it for the night, pretty sure that part of my countertop will be all shiny and clean tomorrow morning. :cat: :happy:

View attachment 56511

Thank you.
I have to say I absolutely love your attitude over the spilt milk ( cream)!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Tuesday 13 September - bed 7.2 FBG 8.2 (Suddenly jumped for no reason)

B. TAG - just TAG

L. Nothing - after school runs had to get straight to Physio as my legs were being very troublesome and I could barely walk on my left ankle. Physio gave some relief. BGs staying stubbornly high.

D. I'd thawed some chicken legs which I rubbed with paprika and chilli, browned then did a tray bake with a load of veg - broccoli, green beans, onion, mushrooms, courgette and crushed tomatoes. DGF vegan brownie with 4 sliced strawberries and cream.

Wednesday 14 September bed 7.5 FBG 8.2. Left ankle still bothering me which probably explains the elevated BGs. Something is brewing in the background.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SLC toast with wafer thin chicken and smashed avocado.

L. Nothing

D. Pork ribs with coleslaw followed by DGF vegan brownie with a couple of sliced strawberries and cream. (DGF brownie was another freezer discovery).

Thursday 15 September - bed 7.8 FBG 8

School runs then off to Aqua again. Got 4 pairs of trousers from M&S having worked out their sizes. All the same size and length. Fortunately, I tried them all on - 3 pairs were absolutely fine; one pair was about two sizes too small. Had to detour later to return them.


L. SLC sandwich with smashed avocado and wafer thin chicken.

D. Grandson made an omelette this week at school. It looked so good I'd been thinking omelette for a couple of days so, I made omelette with tomato, pancetta, peas, cheese, mushrooms and spinach.

I did get the trousers returned. Decided to get replacement at Next (whose trouser sizes are consistent) but another 2 jumpers headed my way before I got out of M&S @DJC3 & @Goonergal. I have rather a lot of jumpers now!

Long weekend now - not back on school runs until Tuesday.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Didn't do any experimenting with sausages today. By the time my cleaner left, it was time for not far off time for Em to come from school. So had some of the beef stew from last week. Same at breakfast time - dozed off at the wrong time and then it was possibly time for cleaner to arrive (she didn't until much later) so no breakfast after all. So tired today. Can't do anything but sit and doze.
I empathise. I've had an afternoon doze the past 2 days. Just felt very tired.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Diabetes, rudeness
Breakfast 1000hrs pouched eggs x2 , bacon couple of mushrooms
Lunch 1400hrs mackerel with cheese and ham salad
Dinner 2000hrs late as in work. Chicken enchiladas in low carb wraps with more salad and some coleslaw .
No nuts today as a snack
4 cups coffee and 2 tea


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
but another 2 jumpers headed my way before I got out of M&S @DJC3 & @Goonergal. I have rather a lot of jumpers now!
:hilarious: I was in there earlier this week looking for jeans. Managed to find a pair of those, but didn’t manage to avoid buying a sleeveless jumper!

Do you write your food down? I‘d struggle to remember what I ate a couple of days ago, let alone 10!
Up most of the night with d&v and still felt horrible this morning so stuck to soda water, tea and paracetamol for the joint pains which were a new symptom.
Mid aft - couple of spoons h/m yoghurt to try and redress the equilibrium in my innards.
This evening I’ve had a couple of scrambled eggs and I’m starting to feel a lot better.
Hope you continue to improve. Sounds nasty.
I've been looking at the M&S website to see if I could find those sausages that Maglil had
I’ve looked in two separate branches in Birmingham and not found them. I thought that their extra large pork sausages looked great at 0.6g/100g carbs, but on inspecting the ingredients they include mushroom, to which I’m allergic. Stuck to my trusty Waitrose ones instead.

Oh, and I haven’t eaten anything yet today, or even drunk very much. Just some water I brought up last night. Routines gone to pot staying in an enormous house when I normally live in a box! I’ll be investing in several small fridges should I ever move into a place with stairs!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Behind again. Sunday was usual brekkie of slice LC toast, lots of tea.
Lunch was scrambled eggs with butter, small ramekin of strawberries.
Supper was Bolognese on bed of green beans with generous grated parmesan.
Yesterday had same brekkie and lunch minus the strawberries.
Supper was a hastily made Green Thai chicken & prawn curry with cauli rice.
Finished off the Marmite peanuts, my new obsession so no ,ore till weekly shop on Friday! My FBG today was high so I suspect the jar of curry sauce was the culprit but as I was watching the Queen’s funeral I took a shortcut.
Brekkie today same as always.
Lunch will be cold meat with side salad.
Supper will be 2 Green Cuisine plant burgers topped with 2 Portobello mushrooms all baked in the oven.
@DJC3 sorry to hear about the d&v over the weekend, the most miserable affliction. Hope you’re better now. All this talk of gathering jumpers has made me even more resolute to try not to invest and my old ones can be covered up with chunky cardis. its nippy here early morning now but am going to hold out till at least Oct to put heating on.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I have my first diabetic clinic this year this afternoon. There's lots to do around the house so I told myself that I would get to it early so that I'm ready for my appointment in good time. More best laid plans gone by the wayside. Neil had loaned me a copy of a Japanes animated video about wartime Japan and I sat and watched it for just over an hour - charming video and a sad story and I'm glad to have seen it, but now all my plans have gone to pot!

So just had my "breakfast" which consisted of a slice of wholemeal bread and some cheese (Davidstowe cheddar - very nice). BG was already a bit on the high side so I'm hoping it won't be much worse.

Just re-read my appointment letter and it says I should have had a diabetic blood test a week ago - no idea how to get that done these days. I did have one a few weeks ago - no idea who asked for that or why; the appointment just arrived in the post. Gave me a figure of 58 and they told me it was down from 78 the last time. I think the last time I had a full on blood test that came back at 78 was about 4 or 5 years ago.

It's shopping day too, so I'll ask Neil to get some salmon for my 2nd meal and use the packet of Brussels sprouts from the fridge to do a quick stir fry.

Edit: BG has dropped from 12.4 to 9.8!
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Just re-read my appointment letter and it says I should have had a diabetic blood test a week ago - no idea how to get that done these days. I did have one a few weeks ago - no idea who asked for that or why; the appointment just arrived in the post. Gave me a figure of 58
That must have been the one to have before your appointment, a few weeks ago or a week ago doesn't make much difference.
Let us know how the clinic went!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream
Celery sticks and Peanut butter
Wagyu Beefburger Tomato and cucumber.
Feta 1oz
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Sausages, eggs, tomatoes, two slices of vegimite and toast for breakfast.
Small mre cottage pie for lunch.
Sand crab sandwiches for supper at six.

Small single malt before bed.

Riva, after such a huge meal, did you check your blood sugar reading after two hours?
  • Funny
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
That must have been the one to have before your appointment, a few weeks ago or a week ago doesn't make much difference.
Let us know how the clinic went!
The nurse was quite happy although my HBa1C had gone up again to 63 from 58 a few weeks ago (she didn't know anything about that test and had to go and find it on the computer to see what it was then).

BG when there was 10.4 but it has now dropped to 6.3. I felt very hungry around lunchtime so thought I'd better not go out feeling so. Had another slice of wholemeal bread and butter so it's no surprise that BG was still in the 10's. I did take insulin before I had the bread. But now it's dropping - hope it stops soon or I'll have to eat something else. Not fit to stand and do my salmon fry just yet.

BP was 165:90 but because I was going out, I couldn't take my diuretic pills, so that might have pushed it up a bit and she did check it immediately after I got into the clinic - too soon perhaps.

She may be pleased, but I'm not.

Deleted member 489048

3 small scoops of cheerios with semi skimmed milk.
1 chicken and mayo on malt bread sandwich with bottled water.
planning to have heinz chicken soup for tea; with slice of peanut butter on wholemeal later on. Then that's the last I eat!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good to see you in the ‘excessive quantity of jumpers club’ @maglil55 welcome! Sorry to hear about your leg giving you gyp again.
@PenguinMum I try ( and often fail) not to buy new ones, but I’m with you on keeping the heating off until Oct. We’ve used the woodburner a bit already, our neighbours kindly donated their old wooden bed frame when they got a new bed.
@Goonergal I very often forget what I had for breakfast let alone 2 days ago. No chance with 10 days.
@Annb hugs for the trials of the clinic appointment

Still feeling rough and not able to go out so no breakfast ( that was easy to remember)
Hungry by lunch so SLC roll with cheese and chilli sauerkraut. Wished I hadn’t eaten afterwards.
Dinner was 90 sec mug bread with a poached egg. Not sure that was a great idea either.
I’m missing my granddaughter’s birthday because of this bug, but I don’t want to risk spreading it. The rest of the family are round there having a t/a curry ☹️


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a food dr bar.
Dinner: meatballs in tomato and mascarpone sauce with brussels and runner beans followed by SF blackcurrant jelly and cream.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Skipped breakfast
L: should have known better, travelling through a ginormous international airport, could not find a sensible lc option and I was cold and tired. Ended up with a luxury hot choclate with cream and some cocktail meatballs. Either or both wasn't as billed at up to 13!
It's easier travelling from home as can stock up with cheese and nuts but returning not so easy to prepare and carry my own food.
Mid afternoon, so nice to nibble cold meats and nuts at Home!
D: 2 eggs with mashed swede and cabbage. Looked fairly insipid but tasted so good after a few days of continuously eating out.

Always found something off a menu but got fed up asking for things to be removed - buns, fries, sauces etc. Always felt I was being deprived. Nice to make my own where I can add rather than take away!

Away again next week.. for nearly a month eek!