What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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I'm another break off or bite off some cheese if the mood or need takes me, one pleasure of living on my tod. :happy:

Dinner was an lc cheeseburger with a spread of Branayo sauce! (Slight change of name, @Antje77, it scans better but doesn't change the taste. ;) ) Had some pork scratchings mid evening, as I had an itch.


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Morning all. Monday lunch today so who knows. I do know it will be soup for starters and hm sf jelly with raspberries and cream for pudding tho. What is baba ghanoush @ravensmitten ? It sounds Turkish or Indian to me. Thank you @LivingLightly , I was aware of that but I was wide awake when I went to bed so should have done some reading before I tried to settle. At my age unfortunately, there are too many nights like that probably because I am not as mobile as I used to be. Hope you all have a good day/week. :)


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Evening @JenniferM55.

You can say that again. Supermarket bread is virtually all made using the Chorleywood process nowadays, because production is much faster. You can always tell if you read the wrapper. The inclusion of a list of additives, eg. acidity regulators, emulsifiers, flour improvers, flour treatment agents, bleaching agents, soy and ascorbic acid are a dead give away. That's a Chorleywood loaf.
Had a tour of the Chorleywood facility many moons ago, over 4 decades in fact, I can remember it being one huge laboratory. No doubt the 'favoured' wheat species has changed form several times since then. As if the Frankenstein modifications modern wheat has gone through is not enough, the wheat is sprayed with weed killer at the end of it's life in the field to ripen it on demand. So seeing that wheat isn't washed before it's milled, what chemicals we're digesting doesn't bare thinking about. It's horrendous what's happened to our so called 'staff of life'.
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Morning all. Monday lunch today so who knows. I do know it will be soup for starters and hm sf jelly with raspberries and cream for pudding tho. What is baba ghanoush @ravensmitten ? It sounds Turkish or Indian to me. Thank you @LivingLightly , I was aware of that but I was wide awake when I went to bed so should have done some reading before I tried to settle. At my age unfortunately, there are too many nights like that probably because I am not as mobile as I used to be. Hope you all have a good day/week. :)
Baba ghanoush is a kind of dip made from aubergine with spices. It's made all over the middle east. Not very fond of aubergines myself, but since this dish doesn't use the skin, which is the bit I don't like, I've made it once or twice. To my mind, a bit of a faff for very little result. Others think it's fabulous. Maybe it's the way I make it!

Breakfast: one pork sausage, one rasher of streaky bacon, 2 fried eggs.

2nd meal will be a portion from the "pot au feu". I put it in the oven to start it cooking and have now transferred it to the insulated bag that Neil bought for me and will leave it there until about 1600. The instructions with the bag say that it should be brought to the boil but I used an earthenware pot. Might work, might not. I'll find out this afternoon.


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What is baba ghanoush
Baba ghanoush is a kind of dip made from aubergine with spices. It's made all over the middle east. Not very fond of aubergines myself, but since this dish doesn't use the skin, which is the bit I don't like, I've made it once or twice. To my mind, a bit of a faff for very little result.
Mine simply comes from the supermarket, no faff at all. :hilarious: The brand in my supermarket uses the skins as well.
Says 6.5 gr of carbs per 100, will likely be a bit lower if you make it yourself. Which I tried once, and I agree on that with you, @Annb . Besides, I liked the supermarket version better than my own.


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Mine simply comes from the supermarket, no faff at all. :hilarious: The brand in my supermarket uses the skins as well.
Says 6.5 gr of carbs per 100, will likely be a bit lower if you make it yourself. Which I tried once, and I agree on that with you, @Annb . Besides, I liked the supermarket version better than my own.
What ingredients does the supermarket one have in it? I tend not to trust ready made anything - there's pretty well always something I can't tolerate in whatever it is. It would certainly be no faff though. I don't think our 2 supermarkets stock it anyway.

EDIT: just checked - they sell just about every other dip under the sun, but not one with aubergine, never mind one called "baba ganoush". Closest they could get was either fresh aubergines or rum baba! :rolleyes:
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Mine simply comes from the supermarket, no faff at all. :hilarious: The brand in my supermarket uses the skins as well.
Says 6.5 gr of carbs per 100, will likely be a bit lower if you make it yourself. Which I tried once, and I agree on that with you, @Annb . Besides, I liked the supermarket version better than my own.

Looks like you've been answered @RosemaryJackson I didn't really know about it until about 10 years ago, 20 years! ago (my goodness, everything is ten years ago isn't it!) also I had neglected hummus in my life for the longest time but they both really depend on how they are made.

I've had both bland and really tasty ones homemade and bought.

There was a small independent Lebanese restaurant not so far from here that suffered the curse of 'oh I've found somewhere lovely now it's closing down, while the other run of the mill places remain.'

Oh their baba ganouj...

Still, not made baba myself, Mrs mitten does make a hummus here which is ridiculously easy for how nice she gets it, I would have to test myself with it and some celery as it's far more carby isn't it. Saying that I seemed to tolerate it before in small amounts, I'll get some up to date data on that very soon I imagine, got all the ingredients in.


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Mrs mitten does make a hummus here which is ridiculously easy for how nice she gets it
Would she be willing to share her recipe?
I love hummus and eat it a lot. My tub says 6.1 grams per 100.
I tried making it once, very yuck, so I stuck to the bought version, which is rather expensive.
So if I can make a tasty one myself I'd be very interested!


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What ingredients does the supermarket one have in it? I tend not to trust ready made anything - there's pretty well always something I can't tolerate in whatever it is. It would certainly be no faff though. I don't think our 2 supermarkets stock it anyway.
I'm not sure I want to know what's in it...
I looked it up anyway and it's not as bad as I feared. :)
Translation by google:
32% Grilled eggplant, vegetable oil (rapeseed oil), corn flour, water, chicken egg, sugar, thickener: xanthan gum, salt, pepper, garlic, harissa (chili peppers, garlic, coriander, herbs, caraway), preservatives: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid .


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Would she be willing to share her recipe?
I love hummus and eat it a lot. My tub says 6.1 grams per 100.
I tried making it once, very yuck, so I stuck to the bought version, which is rather expensive.
So if I can make a tasty one myself I'd be very interested!

I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem at all. I've watched her make it which looks simple and quick but I think there's a preparation part where she makes or infuses an oil from something roasted, possibly peppers, I know a delicate mix of sweet paprika and also hot paprika is involved at some point, also garlic. Will ask.

Really want some now! and she's on nights, so sleeping right now, might attempt some myself if I get the recipe from her too.


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I looked it up anyway and it's not as bad as I feared. :)
Translation by google:
32% Grilled eggplant, vegetable oil (rapeseed oil), corn flour, water, chicken egg, sugar, thickener: xanthan gum, salt, pepper, garlic, harissa (chili peppers, garlic, coriander, herbs, caraway), preservatives: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid .
Actually doesn't look all that bad, as long as you only have a small amount.


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As out all day I had planned on not eating until teatime once had my small morning kefir but did take out with me an Adonis lc bar as date on it getting shorter and have been carrying it with me on days out as an emergency back up. Today however I got @JenniferM55 s itchy teeth! So it got eaten. I was waiting in in oldest sons place for a surveyor and he was late so think I got bored itchy teeth! It was ok but wouldn't buy again.
Had left beef casserole in slow cooker but also did cauliflower cheese to go with the beef when got back and my itchy teeth struck again while grating cheese - some cheese got nibbled while waiting for veggies to cook.
also just had a LC chocolate brownie and two squares of 90% chocolate.
Gosh it's so wild and wet again out there and noticed that our local river is getting higher again it had gone down nicely......


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On the baba ganoush front, I do a simple version of baking aubergines until soft and blitzing the flesh with olive oil and spices to tastes
However, not very suitable for 1 as it makes quite a bit. Nowadays I eat mine at the local Turkish restaurant, much simpler!


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Well yesterday didn't go quite to plan.
Had a nice early fasted walk with a friend. Came home to cwc
L: 2 scrambled eggs with half a teaspoon of chilli chutney on top.
Spent most of the afternoon preparing for out evening visitors.

Starter was choice of prawn mayo, smoked salmon pate (made with cream cheese) or pate on crackers. They way everyone could have exactly what they like without me panicking if the crackers were going soggy or how many to put out. I had mine on seed only crackers.
Went down a storm.

Main was the beef, that worked in parts. Some said it was nice, mine was tough. Did serve a big platter of pigs in blankets too as serving were on the small side. Plenty of veg - red cabbage, braised celery in tomato and orange, carrots and swede, and broccoli . Roast potatoes and Yorkshire for the carb eaters.
Pud was the blackberry and apple crumble or rhubarb and strawberry jelly.

Quite a bit of wine, and lots of mint and Ferrero rocher chocolates.

Seemd to go well, but then I woke at 4 am with major d&v :depressed: and was then up rest of night. Spent most of today in bed fasting.
Just had a couple of plain crackers afew moments ago.

Dreadfully afraid I've poisoned all our guests but hubby and son are fine and one neighbour is out mending his fence so he's obviously OK. It's the older ladies I'm worried about. :bag:


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Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: a coffee shop coconut cappuccino and a Holland and Barrett protein bar.
Dinner: low carb fish pie with cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels.

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Evening all


B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, avocado and four tiger prawns, seasoned with a good grinding of black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Espinacas con garbanzos using spinach, kale, chick peas, Padrón chillies, almonds, macadamias, full fat Greek yoghurt, garlic, paprika, cumin seeds, olive oil and a touch of red wine vinegar.
Steamed French beans and mangetout smothered with butter.
Skipped pud
Water to drink

D: Seafood salad made with brown shrimps, mussels, lettuce, finely shredded red cabbage, apple peel, celery, baby plum tomatoes and mustard cress with a dollop of aioli for dipping, topped with pistachios.
Water to swallow tablets.