What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all, yesterday went very well, thank you so much for all the good wishes. Scan was clear, no sign of the big C and my lovely consultant was very happy so I have another year’s reprieve. Such a relief! The day was tinged with sadness thinking about Goonergal. It had become a tradition to meet up around my scan date for a chat and a meal. Last year she was just about to go in for her op and was in too much pain to walk far but we still enjoyed our meal and chat and even arranged where we’d eat this year. It doesn’t actually seem a year ago.
@Antje77 full marks for making it to your endo appointment, what a lovely neighbour. Great results too!
@MrsA2 sorry to hear your news, you are showing extraordinary stoicism at the moment. I hope things look up for you soon.
Food yesterday- no breakfast but a fair amount of coffee.
Met up with daughter who was coming in to my appointment with me as chief hand holder. Lunch was chicken Caesar salad at Bella Italia.
Dinner that evening in a spirit of celebration at Carluccio, I had a grilled tuna salad with anchovies and an extra boiled egg in place of the potatoes and croutons. White wine Continued the celebration with a large brandy back at the hotel. View attachment 65819
I can't tell you how relieved I am for you @DJC3 . As you allude, this time last year was when the Goonergal really got going to the sharp end and action, which sort of heightened my anxiety for you. I imagine there was likely a bit of that for you too.

Great news you have been re-released into the wild for another year. Time flies.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorry missing again this week. Quick read glad medical appointments went well @Antje77 and @DJC3. @MrsA2 sorry to hear about your eye problem. I know how difficult eye procedures are and I hope that like me they will be able to prevent your condition getting worse now its identified.
So back to Wednesday.
Brekkie usual slice LC toast, copious tea.
Lunch was Emmenthal, Red Storm, salami Milano, tomato, few olives.
Supper was chicken, chorizo & red pepper stirfry with paprika and cauli rice.
Yesterday same brekkie.
Lunch was egg mayo piled on a Ryvita slice, tea.
Supper was chunky cod fingers with cauli cheese.
Today just had same brekkie.
Going out for the day and planning a Nandos (inspired by @DJC3 but always a big fan if we are near one). Planning nibbles of cheese, olives, Serrano ham this evening with a cheeky gin & soda or two.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast: slice of Einkorn sourdough with butter and ricotta cheese.

Lunch: chaffle and ricotta cheese

Dinner: air-fried chicken wings tossed in melted butter and hot sauce. Large glass of merlot.

Settling down tonight to read 'Glucose Revolution' by Jessie Inchauspe aka Glucose Goddess which arrived today. By glancing through the book so far, think it's mainly about the order on which we eat, think she's suggesting we eat salad or green veg first, then protein, then carbs such as fruit. The book does come recommended by Robert Lustig, Michael Mosely, Benjamin Bikman and Tim Spector (don't think they come more heavyweight that these guys). I'll be reading with an open mind.

View attachment 65696

I haven't read her book. I have watched her in youtube. The order - salad/veggies first , protein next, carbs last idea does really work. I do walk after eating and use vinegar in salad which seems to lower blood sugar levels.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Break fast - salted almonds and cashews. 2 cups of almond milk coffee
Lunch - salads, brocoli&spinach soup, brinjal fry. 20 cashews.
snack - almond milk coffee
Dinner - 2 egg white omelet with mushrooms, salads, brocoli&spinach soup, porridge made of hemp protein,flax, chia seeds.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Coffee and unsweetened almond milk
Yogurt and raspberries
Corned Beef and tomato
Brie, tomato and smoked salmon


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hiking day today so just had small kefir with my supplements before heading off.
Picnic lunch of black coffee and two boiled eggs plus a couple of squares of 100% Montezuma chocolate
Dinner after a wonderful sunny 6 mile forest hike - salmon oven cooked in lemon butter with cauliflower cheese and spoon of peas plus two small glasses of dry white wine. Then pudding LC Blondie with yoghurt.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Brekki - Coffee with almond milk and double cream. Kefir. A square of low carb sheet pan blueberry pancake.
Lunch - 2 slices of Hovis 50 toast with butter and 2 slices Emmental. Coffee with cream.
Dinner - roast chicken with a tablespoon of stuffing. Square of blueberry pancake


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Friday 254

Evening all,


B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, avocado, seasoned with black pepper and a wedge of Harbourne Blue goat's milk cheese.
Water to swallow tablet.
Double espresso.

L: Packed lunch made with leftover hazelnut, walnut and almond roast.
Romano peppers, celery sticks and baby plum tomatoes with chicory boats for scooping and a dollop of home-made mayonnaise for dipping.
Prawns and brown shrimps.
Pistachios and roasted macadamia nuts.
Water to drink.

Mid-afternoon: black filter coffee

D: Smoked salmon and cream cheese salad made with lettuce, celery, baby plum tomatoes, salad onions and Romano peppers, dressed with olive oil, lemon verbena and a touch of lemon juice, topped with toasted pumpkin seeds.
Water to swallow tablets.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and an Aldi protein bar.
Dinner: LC roll with cream cheese, salmon and coleslaw.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Mid morning 3 proper chocolate biscuits at a stressful meeting. No excuses, knew what I was doing and went for it.
L: Stilton and a small avocado on seed crackers.
Mid afternoon hm lc cherry muffin
D: chicken breast in lc crumb cooked in airfryer. Very filling. Carrots, green beans and mushrooms
Glass red

I made the crisp crumb by blitzing 2 bags of chicken scratchings with some parmesan and a spoonful milled seeds. Was plenty for 2 large chibreasts cut into strips


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Not really had a meal today. It's been a day of grazing, though I'm hoping I've not overdone the carbs. At least BG appears stable.

Had to take John for a blood test at the local hospital this morning, when checking in with the receptionist she kindly advised that we were an hour too early! There was nothing for it but to wait. After the test it was a quick dash round Morrisons, then home. It's a good trick to extend my fast.

John's reaches his 4 score years tomorrow, so for such a significant birthday I spent the rest of the day baking for a tea party. I made a trifle (can't have a birthday party without a trifle), a Victoria sponge (including sponge for the trifle), an apple and blueberry pie, a lemon cheesecake, and a cheese quiche, I'll make some bridge rolls in the morning together with some egg mayo, and assemble a cheese board. John's sister makes fantastic cakes, so she'll be bringing one of her creations with her. No guest coming is diabetic, but there's vegetarian BinL and a niece that can't do onions. I'll partake with a couple of mouthfuls tomorrow but will keep it low. TBH my taste has changed and I can't wait to settle to my low carb fayre again. This party has been on my mind for months now. We couldn't persuade John to go out for a meal, he doesn't want a fuss, it was as much as I could do to organise a 'bit of a do'.

For the sake of clarity, just want to mention that I'm John's child bride, it was my 3 score years and 10 a few months ago :joyful:.

Good news @DJC3! Lovely to hear that all's well.



Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Not really had a meal today. It's been a day of grazing, though I'm hoping I've not overdone the carbs. At least BG appears stable.

Had to take John for a blood test at the local hospital this morning, when checking in with the receptionist she kindly advised that we were an hour too early! There was nothing for it but to wait. After the test it was a quick dash round Morrisons, then home. It's a good trick to extend my fast.

John's reaches his 4 score years tomorrow, so for such a significant birthday I spent the rest of the day baking for a tea party. I made a trifle (can't have a birthday party without a trifle), a Victoria sponge (including sponge for the trifle), an apple and blueberry pie, a lemon cheesecake, and a cheese quiche, I'll make some bridge rolls in the morning together with some egg mayo, and assemble a cheese board. John's sister makes fantastic cakes, so she'll be bringing one of her creations with her. No guest coming is diabetic, but there's vegetarian BinL and a niece that can't do onions. I'll partake with a couple of mouthfuls tomorrow but will keep it low. TBH my taste has changed and I can't wait to settle to my low carb fayre again. This party has been on my mind for months now. We couldn't persuade John to go out for a meal, he doesn't want a fuss, it was as much as I could do to organise a 'bit of a do'.

For the sake of clarity, just want to mention that I'm John's child bride, it was my 3 score years and 10 a few months ago :joyful:.

Good news @DJC3! Lovely to hear that all's well.

Hope you have a lovely celebration tomorrow - gosh you have been busy baking enjoy the party


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I can't tell you how relieved I am for you @DJC3 . As you allude, this time last year was when the Goonergal really got going to the sharp end and action, which sort of heightened my anxiety for you. I imagine there was likely a bit of that for you too.

Great news you have been re-released into the wild for another year. Time flies.

Exactly this. And thank you, yes time really flies.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
It really doesn't seem a year ago but so pleased for you getting the all clear again. Love the look of the carluccios meal too - great idea to have an extra boiled egg rather than the potatoes.

They were super accommodating. I think a lot of places seem more inclined to swap items these days which has to be a good thing.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
We are spending a couple of days in London before heading home again.
Swerved hotel breakfast and headed for Weatherspoons - bacon, poached egg, mushrooms and halloumi. You know where you are with Spoons.
We thought we might get some cheap tickets to a west end show but couldn’t agree on anything we both fancied so went to see the new Anthony Hopkins film One Life at the posh Leicester Sq Odeon. Nice big armchairs and plenty of leg room. Didn’t take nearly enough tissues for the ending.
Dinner at a Gastro type pub - their Burns night ( week) menu. Smoked salmon with sour cream and horseradish and salad instead of the sourdough toast. Main course of chicken stuffed with haggis and wrapped in bacon. Extra broccoli and a couple of thyme roast carrots. Sauce was whisky based but I didn’t eat much of it as I expect it was made with flour. We had a ‘flight of whisky’ ie 3 different ones. Included With the meal - I don’t like whisky so Paul had 6!! Surprisingly BG was fine after the haggis and carrots.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Not really had a meal today. It's been a day of grazing, though I'm hoping I've not overdone the carbs. At least BG appears stable.

Had to take John for a blood test at the local hospital this morning, when checking in with the receptionist she kindly advised that we were an hour too early! There was nothing for it but to wait. After the test it was a quick dash round Morrisons, then home. It's a good trick to extend my fast.

John's reaches his 4 score years tomorrow, so for such a significant birthday I spent the rest of the day baking for a tea party. I made a trifle (can't have a birthday party without a trifle), a Victoria sponge (including sponge for the trifle), an apple and blueberry pie, a lemon cheesecake, and a cheese quiche, I'll make some bridge rolls in the morning together with some egg mayo, and assemble a cheese board. John's sister makes fantastic cakes, so she'll be bringing one of her creations with her. No guest coming is diabetic, but there's vegetarian BinL and a niece that can't do onions. I'll partake with a couple of mouthfuls tomorrow but will keep it low. TBH my taste has changed and I can't wait to settle to my low carb fayre again. This party has been on my mind for months now. We couldn't persuade John to go out for a meal, he doesn't want a fuss, it was as much as I could do to organise a 'bit of a do'.

For the sake of clarity, just want to mention that I'm John's child bride, it was my 3 score years and 10 a few months ago :joyful:.

Good news @DJC3! Lovely to hear that all's well.

Hope John has a very happy day today and that you enjoy the day as well after all the work you've done to make it so. Sounds like a wonderful menu.