What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Today, I fancied something resembling a Sunday dinner. So I cooked a sirloin steak with steamed hispi cabbage, a carrot, and a new potato that I found in the fridge. I realise that this may not qualify for this thread, but the potato was rendered starch resistant, and I ate it last!

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Evening @IanBish. Has consuming your starch resistant new potato following meat and other vegetables affected your post meal BG readings?


Well-Known Member
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Hello all, I've been getting stricter with low carb the last few days and it is showing in my numbers, so I'm very happy. But my bread addiction refuses to die and is sending me hallucinations! (Not really, don't worry!) I have to steer clear of low carb bread options for now as I'm worried they'd be a trigger so in-your-face bread addiction, it's cold turkey for you!

Small glass kefir, small bowl of olives with some oil
Harissa pork mince with full fat soft cheese
2 x pork puffs
Another small glass of kefir

Evening meal will be lamb steak with greek salad
Well done @jpscloud for reducing your carb intake. It's challenging at first but, as time goes by, gets easier.

My body does not handle bread well, so I take the easy route and avoid it completely.
Most supermarket bread isn't good for anybody, let alone type 2 diabetics. It's virtually all made by the abominable Chorleywood process nowadays.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Evening all


B: Two eggs scrambled in butter with a generous dollop of double cream, sautéed chestnut mushrooms and baby plum tomatoes, all seasoned with a good grinding of black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Aperitif: dry white wine.
Baked whole sea bass, belly stuffed with sprigs of thyme and garlic, drizzled with olive oil.
Steamed asparagus spears topped with a knob of butter.
Broccoli, cauliflower, leeks, onions, garlic and sweet red peppers baked with olive oil.
Water to drink.
Skipped pud.
Four squares, Montezuma's Absolute Black 100% cocoa chocolate.

D: Salad made with anchovy fillets, eggs, avocado, lettuce, Padrón chillies, salad onions, lemon verbena and a touch of lemon juice, with a dollop of home-made aioli for dipping, topped with pecan halves.
Water to wash down tablets.


Retired Moderator
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I prepared a broccoli and onion dish with the tomato and feta based sauce. And then eating didn't happen because of nerves.
My depression has been behaving better during the past three months than it has in the past 10 years, and I've been bored and wanting to do something. Apparently, depression takes up quite a lot of energy, and with it suddenly being very mild I'm stuck with leftover energy.

During the past week I've been working on a fence (as you know), but I also put out an announcement in a facebook group to say I'm available for part time work doing painting or whatever on the sailing ships I used to work at, provided it's short working days.
I haven't worked in years apart from the occasional sailing job with trusted skippers and mild weather to accomodate my anxiety. (And of course my volunteer job as a moderator on here for 4 years, which was easily combined with my mental health.)

It looks like I'll be painting the masts of this ship tomorrow afternoon, and I'll have a talk with the owner of another ship about work after that.
I'm way too nervous without reason, and I had some cashews and will have some chicory with hummus and pork scratchings before turning off the light, and that'll have to do.

Likely I'll be happy with the prepared but not eaten meal tomorrow!



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
B: 90 second bread with marmite
2 hour walk, with every type of weather! Did spot a very large herd of deer, very large for this time of year.
L: lettuce wraps of cream cheese and kimchi. Only had romaine lettuce so they were very long narrow wraps, think cigars! But tasty
Mid afternoon lc hot chocolate
D: chicken breast, carrots and a small spoon ready made chilli sauce. Cho coated ice cream with yoghurt

Heading away for 2 weeks tomorrow, so libre on but not activated yet. I must use the time as a break from the bad carb habits I've got in to after winter and various upsets. No more excuses!
Have a lovely break. You deserve a break after the start you've had to the year. Wishing you calm, relaxing time (and decent weather!)


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Had my tagine yesterday after all so there's none left for breakfast even. Ate too much because it was so good.

Bacon and egg this morning for breakfast.

2nd meal will be a simple salad with smoked mackerel.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Well done @jpscloud for reducing your carb intake. It's challenging at first but, as time goes by, gets easier.

My body does not handle bread well, so I take the easy route and avoid it completely.
Most supermarket bread isn't good for anybody, let alone type 2 diabetics. It's virtually all made by the abominable Chorleywood process nowadays.
I make my own from spelt with added ground flax and hydrated chia seeds, and keep some sliced in the freezer out of sight... if I have a meltdown I can have some of that which stops me buying the overly processed stuff. I read labels but I'm suspicious that they're not disclosing everything. I noticed yesterday that my jar of green olives' label says 0 carbs!


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Brunch - my usual lumpy soup, mainly chicken. Dinner will be preceded by the heavenly but small portion of nuts, then fish pie made with Lidl fish pie mix, a couple of lemon slices, a few prawns and anchovies, topped with thinly sliced leeks, butter and cheese.
No wine this week.


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I tweaked my back again, tried to do too much too soon. I didn't get any sleep at all last night, it was impossible to get comfortable! I need to take it really steady for a while now I think.

I had a cup-a-soup with some pork puffs for breakfast (there's some lurking in the back of the cupboard) which felt very comforting, as I didn't feel like making anything with my back pain.

I've just had lamb steak with a tiny bit of greek salad, followed by greek yogurt with pumpkin seeds and a very few blackberries.


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I make my own from spelt with added ground flax and hydrated chia seeds, and keep some sliced in the freezer out of sight... if I have a meltdown I can have some of that which stops me buying the overly processed stuff. I read labels but I'm suspicious that they're not disclosing everything. I noticed yesterday that my jar of green olives' label says 0 carbs!
That may be because each olive has less than 1 gram of carbs, so the manufacturer can claim it is zero carbs. That is certainly the case with TicTac sweets - since each sweet (1 serving) contains less than 1 g of sugar, they can claim that they are sugar free. That's the law, but who, if they eat TicTacs, ever ate only one of them?


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Small kefir with my supplements before heading out - also put beef in slow cooker.
While out a few pieces of cheese and four LC seeded crackers and a few squares of 100% chocolate that I took with me.
Dinner slow cooked beef and air fried frozen sprouts which id first tossed in some olive oil. LC lemon drizzle cake warmed and served with some double cream.


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Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream
Coffee and unsweetend almond milk
Cheese and ham and cherry tomatoes
Pork Chop Gerkin and cherry tomatoes


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Antje77 wishing you well tomorrow, what a beautiful ship. Do you actually have to climb up those huge masts to paint them? (Sorry if that’s a daft question)
B - h/m yoghurt, seeds and blueberries
L- sort of l/c bubble and squeak made with yesterday’s leftover veg: swede, cabbage and cauli cheese mixed with spring onions and grated cheese and fried in butter. Tasted good but looked atrocious.
D- T bone steak with mushrooms preceded by salad. Steak was part of a Christmas present from no 1 daughter to her dad and me. From local small family farm, pastured for life and absolutely fantastic.



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I didn't, @LivingLightly. My blood hasn't been behaving, so it's been taking three test strips to do one test. So that puts me off.
Just curious @IanBish.

When I began my diabetic journey way back in 2003, my GP's practice nurse encouraged me to include a small potato with lunch. I tried various suggestions, including eating the potato last of all, but nothing worked for me; my BG readings rose for hours regardless. That said, we're all handed a different set of genes. It would be great if eating potato last proved effective for some.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Just curious @IanBish.

When I began my diabetic journey way back in 2003, my GP's practice nurse encouraged me to include a small potato with lunch. I tried various suggestions, including eating the potato last of all, but nothing worked for me; my BG readings rose for hours regardless. That said, we're all handed a different set of genes. It would be great if eating potato last proved effective for some.
Know this is directed at @IanBish but it may be helpful to add my experience. I'm certain that potato did raise my bgs early in my journey but now provided I par boil, cool and then open freeze as chips or roast potatoes shapes and then cook in fat from frozen and have just a few they now have no impact on my bg. I do also always eat them last and not that frequently I suppose I regard them as an occasional treat that I can include but we are not all the same and I also feel it's where you are on your own metabolic health journey. I've now not had a diabetic range hba1c in around nine years and only trialled resistant starch potatoes a few years ago.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and another carb killa bar.
Dinner: chicken Balti with cauliflower rice.

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