What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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It looks like I'll be painting the masts of this ship tomorrow afternoon, and I'll have a talk with the owner of another ship about work after that.
Likely I'll be happy with the prepared but not eaten meal tomorrow!

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What a beautiful sailing ship @Antje77! I reckon you'll work up an appetite painting those masts.


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Just curious @IanBish.

When I began my diabetic journey way back in 2003, my GP's practice nurse encouraged me to include a small potato with lunch. I tried various suggestions, including eating the potato last of all, but nothing worked for me; my BG readings rose for hours regardless. That said, we're all handed a different set of genes. It would be great if eating potato last proved effective for some.
I seem to be okay having a small egg fried rice, which is cold and reheated by the takeaway, from time to time. I'll be sure to waste a few strips and let you know my numbers. Probably at the weekend.


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I make my own from spelt with added ground flax and hydrated chia seeds, and keep some sliced in the freezer out of sight... if I have a meltdown I can have some of that which stops me buying the overly processed stuff. I read labels but I'm suspicious that they're not disclosing everything. I noticed yesterday that my jar of green olives' label says 0 carbs!
Likewise @jpscloud. I made all our bread for more than 30 years, but stopped following diagnosis because I liked my own bread too much. I expect your home-made loaves are far superior to commercial offerings.


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Evening all


B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, avocado and crevettes, seasoned with a good grinding of black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Courgetti alla carbonara made with chestnut mushrooms, eggs, double cream, Parmesan, nutmeg, butter and spiralised courgettes, topped with extra Parmesan and flat-leaf parsley.
Steamed French beans and mangetout smothered with butter.
Water to drink.
Skipped pud.

D: Seafood salad made with brown shrimps, mussels, shredded red cabbage, apple peel, celery, thyme and baby plum tomatoes with a dollop of aioli for dipping, topped with roasted macadamia nuts.
Water to wash down tablets.


Retired Moderator
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Morning all, how exciting @Antje77 ,hope it is good painting weather
@Antje77 wishing you well tomorrow, what a beautiful ship. Do you actually have to climb up those huge masts to paint them? (Sorry if that’s a daft question)
What a beautiful sailing ship @Antje77! I reckon you'll work up an appetite painting those masts.
Thanks all!

@sueh21 the weather was absolutely lovely, first real spring day!
Hardly any wind, and I worked in my t-shirt and barefoot for most of the day! :joyful: (Don't tell the owner of the shipyard or my diabetes nurse about the barefoot part. My endo won't mind but the diabetes nurse would give me a very unpleasant telling off, and I don't even want to think about the owner of the shipyard...
It's just that I had to sit on the ground for part of the job, and shoes get in the way when sitting on the ground. So I freed the feet for the first time this year.)

@DJC3 , not a daft question at all!
In fact, until I arrived at the shipyard I didn't know if the masts were up or down. Thankfully, they were on the quay, much easier to work that way than while being hoisted on a small plank and trying to work your way around the mast with sleeping legs and everything hard to reach.

@LivingLightly , I usually eat a single slice of LC bread with lots of toppings during the day, an evening meal, and lots of LC midnight snacks. Odd pattern but it works for me.
Today I brought a double slice of LC bread with a generous amount of butter and cheese, and ate it with paint stained fingers while painting with the other hand (breaching some more safety rules here, but no-one was looking and I nicely prevented a hypo without having to take a break :cool:).

I worked for 4 hours, which was perfect, earned 60 euros, and had a well deserved beer when I got home.
After that, I was very happy with the not eaten yesterday broccoli-onion-feta-tomato dish, with an unbreaded schitzel on the side. :)

Tomorrow will be swimming pool first, followed by another stint on a ship. And I still have another schnitzel and more of the broccoli dish, so an easy meal after work.



Type of diabetes
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Didn't bother with my 2nd meal today, Legs just too sore to get up from the chair, so I spent the day sorting through filing drawers and finding a huge pile of paper that can be recycled plus a small pile that has to be burned. Wasn't hungry anyway so the smoked mackerel salad will do for breakfast tomorrow.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks all!

@sueh21 the weather was absolutely lovely, first real spring day!
Hardly any wind, and I worked in my t-shirt and barefoot for most of the day! :joyful: (Don't tell the owner of the shipyard or my diabetes nurse about the barefoot part. My endo won't mind but the diabetes nurse would give me a very unpleasant telling off, and I don't even want to think about the owner of the shipyard...
It's just that I had to sit on the ground for part of the job, and shoes get in the way when sitting on the ground. So I freed the feet for the first time this year.)

@DJC3 , not a daft question at all!
In fact, until I arrived at the shipyard I didn't know if the masts were up or down. Thankfully, they were on the quay, much easier to work that way than while being hoisted on a small plank and trying to work your way around the mast with sleeping legs and everything hard to reach.

@LivingLightly , I usually eat a single slice of LC bread with lots of toppings during the day, an evening meal, and lots of LC midnight snacks. Odd pattern but it works for me.
Today I brought a double slice of LC bread with a generous amount of butter and cheese, and ate it with paint stained fingers while painting with the other hand (breaching some more safety rules here, but no-one was looking and I nicely prevented a hypo without having to take a break :cool:).

I worked for 4 hours, which was perfect, earned 60 euros, and had a well deserved beer when I got home.
After that, I was very happy with the not eaten yesterday broccoli-onion-feta-tomato dish, with an unbreaded schitzel on the side. :)

Tomorrow will be swimming pool first, followed by another stint on a ship. And I still have another schnitzel and more of the broccoli dish, so an easy meal after work.

View attachment 66907
Sounds amazing enjoy your swim and hope work goes well again today. Also good planning with your snack to prevent a hypo.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
So to yesterday, usual brekkie of slice LC toast, butter, copious tea.
Lunch was another slice LC toast with Dairylea on top, needed something speedy. Tea.
Supper was baked lightly spiced chicken breast with broccoli.
@Antje77 well done for your shift painting on that beautiful ship, sounds like you enjoyed it as did your feet! Hope today is just as good, am assuming there’s a team of you and you’re not the only one painting the whole ship LOL
@jpscloud hug for the tweaked back and thanks for helping me decide my Easter lunch. Just the two of us and Mr P fancies first bbq of the year. One way or another I will be having lamb steak with Greek salad.
We have meeting of our clan here on Good Friday with the star guest my 4 mo grandson. Planning cold fish & seafood platter, good bread for those who can, big mixed salad, the cheeseboard and Colin the Caterpillar meets Easter Lamb (M&S) with mixed berries. My boys have never grown out of Colin!
Lunch today will be cheese, pickles and three small water biscuits. Tea.
Supper will be 3 meaty sausages with mixed veg.
Has anyone tried Peroni 00 its a fave with my lads when driving and always in our fridge. I’m not a beer drinker but it would be a glorious treat from the fridge on a hot day after a spell of gardening.


Well-Known Member
You must have lived very close to where I live!
I live where the green X is. :)

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I think the farm was somewhere near the N355 because I had to go to Tietjerksteradeel each week to 'sign on' until I moved to Heemstede and it wasn't far away. Just before I moved, my in-laws to be moved to Appelscha. I never did learn any Frisian!


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Smoked mackerel salad for breakfast.

2nd meal will be something a bit like stovies, but with swede instead of potato. Using my home made square sausage and might add some peas or something to bulk the veg up a bit.

I bought (from Amazon) a pack of 6 jars of tiny pimentos (about the size of my little finger tip) which have very little flesh on them but are great in a mixed veg dish - one fruit - tiny amount of flesh and one seed. The seed is surprisingly spicy and it adds quite a lot of flavour. Might pop a few of those in.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Hi All
So to yesterday, usual brekkie of slice LC toast, butter, copious tea.
Lunch was another slice LC toast with Dairylea on top, needed something speedy. Tea.
Supper was baked lightly spiced chicken breast with broccoli.
@Antje77 well done for your shift painting on that beautiful ship, sounds like you enjoyed it as did your feet! Hope today is just as good, am assuming there’s a team of you and you’re not the only one painting the whole ship LOL
@jpscloud hug for the tweaked back and thanks for helping me decide my Easter lunch. Just the two of us and Mr P fancies first bbq of the year. One way or another I will be having lamb steak with Greek salad.
We have meeting of our clan here on Good Friday with the star guest my 4 mo grandson. Planning cold fish & seafood platter, good bread for those who can, big mixed salad, the cheeseboard and Colin the Caterpillar meets Easter Lamb (M&S) with mixed berries. My boys have never grown out of Colin!
Lunch today will be cheese, pickles and three small water biscuits. Tea.
Supper will be 3 meaty sausages with mixed veg.
Has anyone tried Peroni 00 its a fave with my lads when driving and always in our fridge. I’m not a beer drinker but it would be a glorious treat from the fridge on a hot day after a spell of gardening.
Thank you for the hug and glad to be of service! I use crumbled feta in the greek salad too, goes beautfiully with the lamb. Lamb is so expensive but with my reduced junk food costs I can justify it! Now you have returned the favour, because I need to try an alcohol free beer after a hot day's gardening this summer! I don't like alcohol any more - If I have some wine, it's literally a thimbleful, but I do really miss an ice cold lager.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Skipped breakfast
Long journey ahead so prepared a box of hard boiled egg, cheese and cold chicken. Various nut bars and Cheesies and pork and chicken skin puffs at the ready too.

1st coffee stop. Just herbal tea for me but hubby had a cheese scone, so I had to try 2 bites, with butter. Straight up to 12 but back down quite quickly.

Lunch stop. No low carb options so got a ploughman's but asked them to swap the bread for extra salad. The chutney came in a little pot so pocketed that for hubby for another day.

Later, we both resisted cake at another drink stop.

Ate very late in the evening but our hostess had tried really hard at low carb. Salmon and salad all round, new potatoes and a sticky chilli glaze for carb eaters, halloumi fries for me.
She'd done a dessert of figs with a ricotta topping, which luckily didn't spike me!
There was wine

B: 1 hard boiled egg and a nut bar. Caused too big a rise to 10 which did come down very quickly. Have suspected the nut bars for a while
Very cold walks around town
L: cold chicken, coleslaw and kimchi in lettuce. 20g cheese. 2 small pieces a spiced fruit bread, slathered in butter. No spike!
Another cold walk
D: 3 high meat sausages, green beans. 2 more small slices the buttered bread. Red wine. 6 before food to 8.5 after.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
First meal around 12:30 was egg salad with h/m butter mayo and fermented ginger&red cabbage. Choc chia pud.
Dinner- pork loin chop with cauli mash, green beans and mushrooms. Ok but looked a bit dull so photo of the more colourful lunchtime salad.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a H&B protein bar.
Dinner: creamy garlic prawns with sliced sautéed courgettes.

2024-03-26 19.15.37.jpeg


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Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Herrings........ all day!
Greek yogurt small tub
Smoked salmon


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Evening all! I had a small glass of kefir first thing, then a cup of green tea.

Breakfast was sausages with greek salad
2x pork puffs
greek yogurt with pumpkin seeds

Evening meal was beef steak with some onion and cucumber steeped in apple cider vinegar
More greek yogurt with pumpkin seeds
Might have some montezuma's buttons in a bit


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi All
So to yesterday, usual brekkie of slice LC toast, butter, copious tea.
Lunch was another slice LC toast with Dairylea on top, needed something speedy. Tea.
Supper was baked lightly spiced chicken breast with broccoli.
@Antje77 well done for your shift painting on that beautiful ship, sounds like you enjoyed it as did your feet! Hope today is just as good, am assuming there’s a team of you and you’re not the only one painting the whole ship LOL
@jpscloud hug for the tweaked back and thanks for helping me decide my Easter lunch. Just the two of us and Mr P fancies first bbq of the year. One way or another I will be having lamb steak with Greek salad.
We have meeting of our clan here on Good Friday with the star guest my 4 mo grandson. Planning cold fish & seafood platter, good bread for those who can, big mixed salad, the cheeseboard and Colin the Caterpillar meets Easter Lamb (M&S) with mixed berries. My boys have never grown out of Colin!
Lunch today will be cheese, pickles and three small water biscuits. Tea.
Supper will be 3 meaty sausages with mixed veg.
Has anyone tried Peroni 00 its a fave with my lads when driving and always in our fridge. I’m not a beer drinker but it would be a glorious treat from the fridge on a hot day after a spell of gardening.
I've had Peroni 00. I only ever had one on whatever day I had them. It does taste remarkably like the real thing. Sadly, I had to cease their consumption when I had the severe gout attack. Since then, I have only had one last month, thankfully, without reaction. One never did anything to BGs, either. To be honest, I prefer the Moretti version of 00. They are both good,but Moretti has the edge for me.


Retired Moderator
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Swimming pool this morning, followed by a second day of work, on the other ship this time.
I enjoyed the day, but I'm very tired now.
It's only 4 hours of work, but this is still a very big change if you're not used to it.

Tomorrow will be another 4 or so hours of work, followed by the gym and a cold swim. :)

Same meal as yesterday and the day before: broccoli/onion/feta/tomato/cheese dish with an unbreaded schnitzel.
The schnitzels have all been eaten now, so I bought sausages to go with the broccoli tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks all!

@sueh21 the weather was absolutely lovely, first real spring day!
Hardly any wind, and I worked in my t-shirt and barefoot for most of the day! :joyful: (Don't tell the owner of the shipyard or my diabetes nurse about the barefoot part. My endo won't mind but the diabetes nurse would give me a very unpleasant telling off, and I don't even want to think about the owner of the shipyard...
It's just that I had to sit on the ground for part of the job, and shoes get in the way when sitting on the ground. So I freed the feet for the first time this year.)

@DJC3 , not a daft question at all!
In fact, until I arrived at the shipyard I didn't know if the masts were up or down. Thankfully, they were on the quay, much easier to work that way than while being hoisted on a small plank and trying to work your way around the mast with sleeping legs and everything hard to reach.

@LivingLightly , I usually eat a single slice of LC bread with lots of toppings during the day, an evening meal, and lots of LC midnight snacks. Odd pattern but it works for me.
Today I brought a double slice of LC bread with a generous amount of butter and cheese, and ate it with paint stained fingers while painting with the other hand (breaching some more safety rules here, but no-one was looking and I nicely prevented a hypo without having to take a break :cool:).

I worked for 4 hours, which was perfect, earned 60 euros, and had a well deserved beer when I got home.
After that, I was very happy with the not eaten yesterday broccoli-onion-feta-tomato dish, with an unbreaded schitzel on the side. :)

Tomorrow will be swimming pool first, followed by another stint on a ship. And I still have another schnitzel and more of the broccoli dish, so an easy meal after work.

View attachment 66907
Thanks all!

@sueh21 the weather was absolutely lovely, first real spring day!
Hardly any wind, and I worked in my t-shirt and barefoot for most of the day! :joyful: (Don't tell the owner of the shipyard or my diabetes nurse about the barefoot part. My endo won't mind but the diabetes nurse would give me a very unpleasant telling off, and I don't even want to think about the owner of the shipyard. It's just that I had to sit on the ground for part of the job, and shoes get in the way when sitting on the ground. So I freed the feet for the first time this year.)

View attachment 66907
You rebel @Antje77! Don't worry we won't tell anybody.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Monday 25 March - bed 7.9 FBG 7.6. Youngest is off school, not surprisingly. He's still running a fever. I collected the eldest after Aqua. I got him into school after lunch, and he stayed put for the whole period. I even managed to get him to the Fort afterwards to buy Guinea hay and birthday cards for his friend and his dad. He's still grizzling, but we're making progress.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with egg mayo. Benecol dairy free.

L. Individual cheese portion.

D. Leftover cold cuts. Ox tongue, German mini sausage, ham, pork & apple, veggie salad, coleslaw, 2 chicken drumsticks. Scoop of Halo Top with raspberries.
Gin and soda.

Son got his car ordered today.

Tuesday 26 March - bed 7.9 FBG 7. I'm really not sleeping well. I'm having to take painkillers, but I'm still waking multiple times. I'm struggling to walk in the mornings until my legs "wake up"
Youngest is still off school. I need to get eldest through a good bit of work today. It's also my son's birthday.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast - one with egg mayo, one with cheese and onion. Benecol dairy free.

L. 2 mini cheese portions.

D. Black garlic chicken with broccoli & cauliflower fried rice. Mushrooms, jumbo spring onion, and peas in the rice. Another gin and soda. Scoop of Halo Top with raspberries.

Son is busy with work, so they are delaying a birthday meal until Friday ( the first day of the holidays), so I'll be along to sit with boys. At least they are going out earlier, so hopefully, I won't be out late.

@Antje77 - ship looks amazing.