What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Evening all, went all out for carnivore today, but ate a lot of it. I'm not sure why because I'm not having hunger pangs but just felt like I needed it - maybe compulsion, or maybe I just need to adjust to not having sides. I don't know. Not going to worry too much!

Lamb steaks with garlic butter x 3!!
pork puffs x2
fahita seasoned chicken breast x 2 (with added chicken fat)
very small bowl 10% fat greek yogurt

Feel very full now!

@shelley262 I've had to put my kefir grains in the freezer, I can't keep up with them!

@IanBish, do you have a recipe for the home made marie rose sauce? That looks amazing!


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Had a couple of hard boiled eggs late afternoon - obviously the sausage and scrambled egg wasn't enough to last me all day.

I had vegetables in the fridge which I'm not going to be using so I decided to cook them before they went off. Made ratatouille - quite a large amount, plus one large courgette which I sliced and fried in butter, plus some green beans which I microwaved and poured melted butter over. These are going in to the freezer tonight. There are still some leeks, spring onions, cabbage, onions, swede and tomatoes to be prepped for the freezer, but I'll do those tomorrow.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Evening all, went all out for carnivore today, but ate a lot of it. I'm not sure why because I'm not having hunger pangs but just felt like I needed it - maybe compulsion, or maybe I just need to adjust to not having sides. I don't know. Not going to worry too much!

Lamb steaks with garlic butter x 3!!
pork puffs x2
fahita seasoned chicken breast x 2 (with added chicken fat)
very small bowl 10% fat greek yogurt

Feel very full now!

@shelley262 I've had to put my kefir grains in the freezer, I can't keep up with them!

@IanBish, do you have a recipe for the home made marie rose sauce? That looks amazing!
Kefir grains feel a bit like having small pets at times you have to keep feeding and they keep growing! I've going to start a regular system of fridge resting periods (nap times!) To help me manage them. I love kefir though and mix a small amount with wild fish oil and really do feel it's improving our health and especially OH. So am keeping on with it to make sure there is enough ready for our daily dose......


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Diet only
{{{{Hugs }}} to @Antje77

Is this the thread where where was talk about purple sprouting broccoli? Spotted in Aldi today British grown. Bought some, not cooked it yet but looks the proper stuff

B: 2 scrambled eggs

Wet cold and windy dog walk

Opened a 200g pack of mixed nuts so too many nibbles through the day.

L: ff greek yoghurt mixed with half an Aldi high protein chocolate pudding and chia seeds.


Sunny dog walk

D: 2 95% beefburgers with salad
2 sqs 85% with more nuts. Glass white wine


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and another carb killa bar.
Dinner: Bahian coconut, chicken and mushroom curry with cauliflower rice.

2024-04-01 18.50.30.jpeg


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Brilliant numbers there @IanBish. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, @LivingLightly. The jury's still out on the resistant starch thing, mind. But it's good that I can have carrots and mash from time to time, at least. Some roast potatoes may be the next test, perhaps. I think I may have become a bit more insulin sensitive, so fingers crossed.


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Is this the thread where where was talk about purple sprouting broccoli?
Yes it is!
But I also think there was talk about it on a different thread.
If you use the search bar on something as specific as purple sprouting broccoli, you'll find every mention of it on the forum ever, a whopping 6 pages of results going all the way back to 2008!
In the mean time, I still have no idea what it is, I've only ever seen green broccoli.
{{{{Hugs }}} to @Antje77
Thank you!
Life is quite complicated at the moment, but also very good, and I can still use the hug very well for the complicated and scary part. It's not only the shenanigans with my neighbour, but also getting used to not being depressed, or at least being less depressed than I have been for the past 20 years or so. It may sound strange, but it's pretty scary in many ways, even though it's very enjoyable.

My second week of working on a ship starts tomorrow, and even though it's only part-time, it's a big change. So I made a large pot of cauliflower purée, and another large pot of slow cooking beef and onions is doing it's thing on my 60 (100?) year old 'slow cooker'. That should take care of my meals for the work week. :)

It will be a short week of work, next weekend will be our yearly family weekend, which will be wonderful but also exhausting in different ways. So I already told the owner of the ship I won't be available on friday or next monday, I'm not taking risks with that depression which for the first time in years is allowing me to commit to working for someone, even part time.


Today was a very lazy meal of the last of the shawarma. I didn't even add an onion, garlic or herbs, just fried it the way it came. I put some endive on top (looks like it's more endive than it actually is) and a quick sauce of mayo, hot sauce and a little water.



Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Tesco sell kefir, but it's almost a fiver a tub. Can you share how you make it? I'd like to try it.
this thread Kefir linked above and started by @Antje77 Should be helpful with lots of tips and info. you just need live grains which if you live near someone who makes it they'd give you some but otherwise you can buy 5g of grains from Amazon I think they are about £8 but if look after they keep growing. Price then is just the milk, a glass jar to make your kefir, a sieve to separate grains from ready kefir and something to store kefir in the fridge. Even buying organic milk it's nowhere near as pricey as the commercial stuff .
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In the mean time, I still have no idea what it is, I've only ever seen green broccoli.
It's actually purple. It looks a bit like purple lavender.
It's not only the shenanigans with my neighbour, but also getting used to not being depressed, or at least being less depressed than I have been for the past 20 years or so. It may sound strange, but it's pretty scary in many ways, even though it's very enjoyable.
It's been great to read your experiences recently. He seems like a nice bloke. And it's good that the depression has lifted. And even though it's scary but enjoyable, I'd just go with the flow, with no expectations. And the new job is a plus too!
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this thread Kefir linked above and started by @Antje77
Sorry. I got confused. I think I meant Kimchi (with the cabbage and stuff in). Apologies for the confusion.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Sorry. I got confused. I think I meant Kimchi (with the cabbage and stuff in). Apologies for the confusion.
Will dig out a few easy recipes and post tomorrow probably pm. There are both kimchi and sauerkraut I had sauerkraut today. Maybe this is one that needs it's own thread like the kefir thread for people to refer to but will give it some thought tomorow after my fence painting....


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Sorry. I got confused. I think I meant Kimchi (with the cabbage and stuff in). Apologies for the confusion.
You might like to try some if the bought ones first, it can be an acquired taste.
I tried a jar from Waitrose-not impressed, then one from a market stall, very nice but was in holiday so can't repeat. Latest id from the Local farm shop, quite a chilli kick.
They can vary.
Most recipes make a lot!!
if you find one that does not make too much let me know :)


Well-Known Member
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Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and another carb killa bar.
Dinner: Bahian coconut, chicken and mushroom curry with cauliflower rice.

View attachment 67004
Ooh the curry sounds good


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Dang, forgot to make a picture again!
I can assure you it looked like shawarma with onions and runner beans on the side though. :hilarious:

You're right @shelley262 and @LivingLightly .
Very equal, definitely a good 'un, but a relationship apart from friendship with a bit more touching than usual is very unlikely to happen.
We've finished the work on the fence today, followed with a beer at a fire, and a very clear talk about expectations and feelings. We agreed that what we're doing is somewhat confusing, and potentially dangerous to a friendship worth more than whatever else is going on. He won't fall in love with me, I'm dangerously close to falling in love with him but thankfully not there yet. Fingers crossed it stays that way, not in love but finding joy in eachother, both mentally and physical is not a bad place to be at all. Especially not if you talk it all out before problems even start to arise because you're both aware of a friendship looking to become one of those rare for life things.

My apologies for off topic rambling about my neighbour, this just is a nicely hidden corner of the internet, populated with people who are friends in a way.
Your English is nigh on perfect @Antje77 but, for future reference, whereas Dutch, German, Czech and Polish speakers make photos, in English we take pictures and photos with a camera (although an artist might make a sketch). There's no logical reason for this, AFAIK. In French, the verb prendre is used, so that's probably where it comes from.

Please don't worry about going OTT, Most of us do that every once in a while. If we simply posted our meals day after day, this thread would read like a telephone directory!


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Morning all,hope all enjoying the long weekend.
B Yog,blueberries seeds
L Sunday roast, Turkey, cauli,broccoli, carrot and swede, small stuffing ball, tiny roast potato, dash of gravy. Tiniest piece of choc mini egg cheesecake,glass of white wine. Walk around the farm. Bg v.good 4.5-5.8, hurray
D Smoked mackeral patè made with creme fraiche, seed crackers, green salad.
Sorry off topic but my favourite little lamb yesterday, it’s the little brown knees!View attachment 66998
All young animals are appealing in their own way @sue21, but that little lamb is so pretty. Suppose we'd better not ask what s/he knelt in


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A picture paints a thousand words. Or so they say. But I just love seeing pictures of people's food. Hint, hint, @LivingLightly. No pressure, but occasionally it would be nice to see what you describe so beautifully. I post pictures a few times a week. I try to vary them, but don't always manage it.