What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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I made a sugar free ice cream today, and ate a portion of it as a dessert this evening.
It was ..........
GRIM. :eek::eek::eek:

Never mind, back to the drawing board, :banghead: , I will get there. :)

Which recipe did you use? I have several delicious ice cream recipes which I'm tweaking to carb down their deliciousness.


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Which recipe did you use? I have several delicious ice cream recipes which I'm tweaking to carb down their deliciousness.

I based my ice cream on Trudi Deakin's 'Eat Fat' recipe. I hasten to add that there is nothing wrong with her recipe!! The texture created by cream and egg yolks is very nice. However, I tried not to include any sweeteners, instead I added nuts, blueberries, butter, coffee, and vanilla. But my killer ingredient was ..... salt! I wasn't hypo, so I have no excuse!
I would love to see the recipes you mention and how you tweak down the carbs - as this is my current mission. I'm a bit anti-sweetener and so any sweet desserts are difficult.
I think my ice cream might have worked if I'd added 70% or 85% chocolate instead of salt!! Why salt? Well, I was trying to caramelise the nuts in butter but without sugar of course it didn't really happen!! :(:)
Thank you for your reply!


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My diabetic Grandmother once made an egg custard tart, which was one of her specialities, but was pretty much blind by this point and used salt instead of sugar. - although she must have used some to get it set. Thankfully, being blind and not eating any herself, she didn't see the grimaces we pulled as we discreetly disposed of it, whilst telling her how delicious it was. I can still remember the taste 30+ years on.

I've been thinking about ice cream myself as I don't do sweeteners either. I posted in another thread about the possibility of using freeze dried fruit powders for flavour and sweetness. They have a few carbs, but they're also very intensely flavoured, so you wouldn't need much.

I'd be interested in recipes too - whenever I see ones that look promising, they're full of artificial sweeteners.
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D: chicken breast stuffed with Stilton and wrapped in bacon, field mushroom in butter and an onion bhaji. Felt I needed a treat after a hard days work. To be followed shortly by rhubarb and strawberries with double cream.

Gotta have me some of that chicken cheesy bacony stuff *scribbles furiously*
Also there's about a ton of rhubarb ready on the allotment so I'll give it a go. (Not all of it.)


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I based my ice cream on Trudi Deakin's 'Eat Fat' recipe. I hasten to add that there is nothing wrong with her recipe!! The texture created by cream and egg yolks is very nice. However, I tried not to include any sweeteners, instead I added nuts, blueberries, butter, coffee, and vanilla. But my killer ingredient was ..... salt! I wasn't hypo, so I have no excuse!
I would love to see the recipes you mention and how you tweak down the carbs - as this is my current mission. I'm a bit anti-sweetener and so any sweet desserts are difficult.
I think my ice cream might have worked if I'd added 70% or 85% chocolate instead of salt!! Why salt? Well, I was trying to caramelise the nuts in butter but without sugar of course it didn't really happen!! :(:)
Thank you for your reply!

The last one I made was this on, from Nigella:


I trimmed back the sugar a bit, but as I was making it for my OH and guests, I didn't actually have to do that. Next time, I'd try it with a sweetener instead. Obviously, the Triple Sec in this variant is very sweet too, but if you look on her website she does no end of variations on this theme.

In this one, as soon as the lime juice is added to the cream it begins to thicken, but the alcohol prevents the mixture freezing too hard. It was velvety smooth and extremely rich, I'm told. I just had a droplet about the size of a pea, from the mixing bowl, before it went into the freezer.

Most of Nigella's recipes can be dolloped together, in my experience.
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I based my ice cream on Trudi Deakin's 'Eat Fat' recipe. I hasten to add that there is nothing wrong with her recipe!! The texture created by cream and egg yolks is very nice. However, I tried not to include any sweeteners, instead I added nuts, blueberries, butter, coffee, and vanilla. But my killer ingredient was ..... salt! I wasn't hypo, so I have no excuse!
I would love to see the recipes you mention and how you tweak down the carbs - as this is my current mission. I'm a bit anti-sweetener and so any sweet desserts are difficult.
I think my ice cream might have worked if I'd added 70% or 85% chocolate instead of salt!! Why salt? Well, I was trying to caramelise the nuts in butter but without sugar of course it didn't really happen!! :(:)
Thank you for your reply!

When you say you are anti sweetener, do you mean you don't want the sweetness, or the chemicals, or the chemical flavour, or the gut consequences of polyols?

I've had some very unpleasant reactions to stuff like aspartame. saccharin and similar.
and some consequences from the polyols they put in boiled sweets.
But I was amazed and delighted to be able to use xylitol and erythritol in small doses without any problems at all. I'm also content that the small quantities I eat are not harmful to the same extent as the 'chemically' ones are (e.g. in a regular can of zero coke or something).

One of the problems with sweetening icecream is that anything frozen tastes less sweet than if it were room temperature. So you end up having to sweeten the icecream mix much more than you think it needs.

My standard recipe is 3 parts frozen berries, 2 parts double cream, and a hefty dose of erythritol, whizzed in a powerful blender (or the ice will burn out the motor) and eaten immediately. It takes about 15 seconds to make. But if you then try and put it in the freezer it will set like concrete, so has to be eaten immediately.
Oh, the ordeal.
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When you say you are anti sweetener, do you mean you don't want the sweetness, or the chemicals, or the chemical flavour, or the gut consequences of polyols?

I've had some very unpleasant reactions to stuff like aspartame. saccharin and similar.
and some consequences from the polyols they put in boiled sweets.
But I was amazed and delighted to be able to use xylitol and erythritol in small doses without any problems at all. I'm also content that the small quantities I eat are not harmful to the same extent as the 'chemically' ones are (e.g. in a regular can of zero coke or something).

One of the problems with sweetening icecream is that anything frozen tastes less sweet than if it were room temperature. So you end up having to sweeten the icecream mix much more than you think it needs.

My standard recipe is 3 parts frozen berries, 2 parts double cream, and a hefty dose of erythritol, whizzed in a powerful blender (or the ice will burn out the motor) and eaten immediately. It takes about 15 seconds to make. But if you then try and put it in the freezer it will set like concrete, so has to be eaten immediately.
Oh, the ordeal.

A little alcohol would sort that (freezing like an iceberg) out.

(Just sayin'.)
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When you say you are anti sweetener, do you mean you don't want the sweetness, or the chemicals, or the chemical flavour, or the gut consequences of polyols?
I realise that you weren't actually addressing me, but I just feel horrible if I eat any sweetener - I go dizzy within minutes of even a mouthful - I've never eaten enough to see what effect it has on me lower down. I haven't tried xylitol and erythritol because they're expensive and I didn't want to waste any more dosh I can't spare just to eat half a teaspoon and give it away. On the rare occasions I need something sweetening, I just use sugar, honey or maple syrup. My sweet tooth has abated enough after this time that I only need a tiny amount. Hence I was wondering about freeze dried fruit powder as a 'natural' sweetness.

My standard recipe is 3 parts frozen berries, 2 parts double cream, and a hefty dose of erythritol, whizzed in a powerful blender (or the ice will burn out the motor) and eaten immediately. It takes about 15 seconds to make. But if you then try and put it in the freezer it will set like concrete, so has to be eaten immediately.
That's similar to my current favourite. About 1 part frozen blueberries and raspberries (zizzed into small pieces), 1 part whipped cream and 2+ parts Greek yogurt - don't need any sweetening with this, I find it sweet enough. By the time you fold the fruit in it cools the mix and thaws the fruit.
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People who lie , animal cruelty , boredom and pineapple !
Breakfast Ryvita and marmite
Lunch egg salad
Tea will be .......... Lasagne ,just as a treat :) will make up for it tomorrow ;)
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BF:4 egg omelette fried in a smidge of coconut oil. couple of tablespoons of butter left to melt on it. salt/pepper :)

Dinner: Chicken Leg with skin pan grilled, half a head of steamed broccoli, cherry tomatoes, grilled garlic cloves with skin & a extra hot grilled green chilli. all topped off with generous helping of butter, basil infused olive oil, salt/pepper to taste.:):)
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I was just posting this ice cream recipe earlier when the forum went off to get into something more comfortable and it never appeared.

This recipe was linked from the Mary Berry one I posted earlier and looks like it would work if you subbed the banana - looks a big batch though, it would be too much for my ice cream maker, so I'd make less. You could no doubt make chocolate and other variants with the basic custard:


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Lunch...Salmon, spinach, tomato, mayo 1/4 of Lidl High protein roll
Dinner....not sure what it was...a kind of soup/stew....Quorn chicken pieces, green beans, peas, few bits of carrot, cauliflower, broccoli,onion oxo, basil and oregano, white pepper a little low salt....tasted delicious and a totally random creation :D
few raspberries & small amount of Fage

NOTE TO SELF>>>>> Won't be making the dinner again...big spike :(...starting to despair.....every thing I eat lately seems to spike me apart from omelettes and salmon with salad.....and I can't live on that....totally fed up :(
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I don't know how you intermittent fasting people do it. I went a little overboard on nuts last night and my BS was elevated more than usual this mornings, so I decided to do fat only for breakfast. I was STARVING (stomach growling loudly during a meeting...oops!) by late morning.

B- fat bomb and coffee with cream
Late Morning- 2 eggs with mushrooms in butter
Now- 2 oz smoked salmon, olives, and greens with avocado and cucumber with olive oil/lemon dressing

I actually think I am more hungry, despite having eaten recently, than I am if I eat a good breakfast.
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I don't know how you intermittent fasting people do it. I went a little overboard on nuts last night and my BS was elevated more than usual this mornings, so I decided to do fat only for breakfast. I was STARVING (stomach growling loudly during a meeting...oops!) by late morning.

B- fat bomb and coffee with cream
Late Morning- 2 eggs with mushrooms in butter
Now- 2 oz smoked salmon, olives, and greens with avocado and cucumber with olive oil/lemon dressing

I actually think I am more hungry, despite having eaten recently, than I am if I eat a good breakfast.
I can't fast or be hungry....I have to eat lol...protein in the form of meat always leaves me hungry but fish, cheese and eggs fill me up nicely with no hunger lurking round the corner
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Spiders, control freaks, untidiness, ignorance.
B: Green tea n lemon, Coffee with cream.
Avocado with feta
L: Salad, tin of tuna, with mayo and half a sweet potato
Instant raspberry ice cream
T: Roasted vegetables with chicken breast, pesto and grated cheese with salad and olive oil dressing
Blueberries and cream
Snack: Goat's yoghurt, 85% dark chocolate
Drinks: Herb tea and water
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I'm another can't-be-hungry person.
Oh, it's ok for a bit.
But sooner or later, I will start eating again, and the hungrier I got, the more inappropriate my food choices will be.

But... I do often have coffeencream for brekkie.
Maybe you should have used more cream? ;)
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B: eggs fried in butter
L: smoked salmon & cream cheese pinwheels, green smoothie, fat bomb
D: halibut with cauliflower egg salad, coconut macaroon, strawberries & whipped cream
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Nope, I couldn't fast either. I don't feel well and my BG keeps going up to.

@Gezzabelle - what are you calling a 'spike'? I can't help feeling that the word is somewhat overused/misused here and may prevent people eating otherwise nutritious and perhaps more importantly delicious and enjoyable foods. Your BG will go up after eating and as long as it isn't too extreme and it comes down in a timely manner, a sensible rise is to be expected. Don't deny yourself a decent variety of healthy food because of a perceived 'spike' - or maybe add more fat to the food with a dollop of creme fraiche or something to slow down digestion - it was all quite quickly digested foods.
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Nope, I couldn't fast either. I don't feel well and my BG keeps going up to.

@Gezzabelle - what are you calling a 'spike'? I can't help feeling that the word is somewhat overused/misused here and may prevent people eating otherwise nutritious and perhaps more importantly delicious and enjoyable foods. Your BG will go up after eating and as long as it isn't too extreme and it comes down in a timely manner, a sensible rise is to be expected. Don't deny yourself a decent variety of healthy food because of a perceived 'spike' - or maybe add more fat to the food with a dollop of creme fraiche or something to slow down digestion - it was all quite quickly digested foods.
Thanks for that...am really getting fed up cos no matter what I eat it goes way more than I would expect...to the top limit 8.5 for example for what I had for dinner tonight from 5.8...and pork or a chicken breast take me even higher....I thought protein was okay on low carb...maybe as you say I am not using enough fat. I will try adding more and see if it helps.
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