What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from a sunny, dry and calm L.A. on Independence Day in India.Their cricketers are free from much resistance from England's whose bowlers are serving up an all you can eat buffet of that precious commodity - runs:banghead: No known fbg. @dunelm RIP koffy mug and hug for the effect of the march of time on your fingers. Thankfully, time hasn't borne away your artistic skills so thanks for sharing today's wonderful piece. @gennepher good news on a better internet connection today and thanks for both yesterdays' kaleidoscope and today's creative: serendipity or God working in mysterious ways? @Annb shame about online banking still not working. @JohnEGreen good idea to give Stabbo a rest and great fbg. Zoe nutritionists don't appear to feel much love for Keto. Despite "top chefs" taking it off their menu salmon salad remains on mine most Fridays. Enjoy Friday - will Angeball see mine end :happy: or :grumpy:?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I have a favourite hotter boot that I wear all day long as it is so comfortable to walk in. I have with this boot for years and always buy it in the sales. Now and again I buy an extra pair if the price is good - just in case they discontinue it.

Have just checked my boot store - I have got 7 pairs of brand new boots. I had no idea that I had that many pairs. I think that they will last quite a long time.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from a sunny, dry and calm L.A. on Independence Day in India.Their cricketers are free from much resistance from England's whose bowlers are serving up an all you can eat buffet of that precious commodity - runs:banghead: No known fbg. @dunelm RIP koffy mug and hug for the effect of the march of time on your fingers. Thankfully, time hasn't borne away your artistic skills so thanks for sharing today's wonderful piece. @gennepher good news on a better internet connection today and thanks for both yesterdays' kaleidoscope and today's creative: serendipity or God working in mysterious ways? @Annb shame about online banking still not working. @JohnEGreen good idea to give Stabbo a rest and great fbg. Zoe nutritionists don't appear to feel much love for Keto. Despite "top chefs" taking it off their menu salmon salad remains on mine most Fridays. Enjoy Friday - will Angeball see mine end :happy: or :grumpy:?
Interesting article from Zoe. Hopefully they are right about plant based diets being healthier as I definitely feel a lot better if the major part of my diet comprises of seeds, nuts, masses of vegetables and some fruit. Kefir, yoghurt and cream with a relatively small amount of cheese, meat and eggs make up the rest of my intake.

Actually, I don't eat this way because it may be healthier - I eat this way because that's what I love to eat. My ultimate nightmare diet would be a carnivore diet.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I have a favourite hotter boot that I wear all day long as it is so comfortable to walk in. I have with this boot for years and always buy it in the sales. Now and again I buy an extra pair if the price is good - just in case they discontinue it.

Have just checked my boot store - I have got 7 pairs of brand new boots. I had no idea that I had that many pairs. I think that they will last quite a long time.
Thank you Imelda - top Marc(o)s for spotting a bargain. Is Mr K aware how many pairs are there?
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from a sunny, dry and calm L.A. on Independence Day in India.Their cricketers are free from much resistance from England's whose bowlers are serving up an all you can eat buffet of that precious commodity - runs:banghead: No known fbg. @dunelm RIP koffy mug and hug for the effect of the march of time on your fingers. Thankfully, time hasn't borne away your artistic skills so thanks for sharing today's wonderful piece. @gennepher good news on a better internet connection today and thanks for both yesterdays' kaleidoscope and today's creative: serendipity or God working in mysterious ways? @Annb shame about online banking still not working. @JohnEGreen good idea to give Stabbo a rest and great fbg. Zoe nutritionists don't appear to feel much love for Keto. Despite "top chefs" taking it off their menu salmon salad remains on mine most Fridays. Enjoy Friday - will Angeball see mine end :happy: or :grumpy:?
Thank you @ianpspurs


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I have a favourite hotter boot that I wear all day long as it is so comfortable to walk in. I have with this boot for years and always buy it in the sales. Now and again I buy an extra pair if the price is good - just in case they discontinue it.

Have just checked my boot store - I have got 7 pairs of brand new boots. I had no idea that I had that many pairs. I think that they will last quite a long time.
I love a bargain boot. I bought two pairs last November - laces and zips, marvellous. I see that I have a long way to go though to get the numbers up but I do possess a very nice Hotter shoe horn.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Just discovered what was wrong with my bank account - just before going to town. It's the same story as with the family history websites - my Firefox browser is out of date. There was no warning from any of these organisations that they wouldn't support the older version any more - the only one that did warm me was the Find My Past website. The day before yesterday, all was well with the bank accepting the older version but by yesterday it just wouldn't work. Am I supposed to be telepathic, do you think? Or even computer literate? I despair. No I don't, I'm just irritated in the extreme by these organisations' blase assumptions that everyone knows all about how computer systems work.

I'm now in the process of getting Neil to put a different operating system on this laptop - one that will be acceptable to these self satisfied organisations. If I didn't have Neil to help, I would be completely flummoxed but not everyone has a Neil about the house.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all from a sunny, dry and calm L.A. on Independence Day in India.Their cricketers are free from much resistance from England's whose bowlers are serving up an all you can eat buffet of that precious commodity - runs:banghead: No known fbg. @dunelm RIP koffy mug and hug for the effect of the march of time on your fingers. Thankfully, time hasn't borne away your artistic skills so thanks for sharing today's wonderful piece. @gennepher good news on a better internet connection today and thanks for both yesterdays' kaleidoscope and today's creative: serendipity or God working in mysterious ways? @Annb shame about online banking still not working. @JohnEGreen good idea to give Stabbo a rest and great fbg. Zoe nutritionists don't appear to feel much love for Keto. Despite "top chefs" taking it off their menu salmon salad remains on mine most Fridays. Enjoy Friday - will Angeball see mine end :happy: or :grumpy:?
Thanks @ianpspurs


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have a favourite hotter boot that I wear all day long as it is so comfortable to walk in. I have with this boot for years and always buy it in the sales. Now and again I buy an extra pair if the price is good - just in case they discontinue it.

Have just checked my boot store - I have got 7 pairs of brand new boots. I had no idea that I had that many pairs. I think that they will last quite a long time.
7 pairs @Krystyna23040 sounds good!!!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Just discovered what was wrong with my bank account - just before going to town. It's the same story as with the family history websites - my Firefox browser is out of date. There was no warning from any of these organisations that they wouldn't support the older version any more - the only one that did warm me was the Find My Past website. The day before yesterday, all was well with the bank accepting the older version but by yesterday it just wouldn't work. Am I supposed to be telepathic, do you think? Or even computer literate? I despair. No I don't, I'm just irritated in the extreme by these organisations' blase assumptions that everyone knows all about how computer systems work.

I'm now in the process of getting Neil to put a different operating system on this laptop - one that will be acceptable to these self satisfied organisations. If I didn't have Neil to help, I would be completely flummoxed but not everyone has a Neil about the house.
You are very lucky having a Neil @Annb

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
7.1 this frrrrrfeeeeeeezingng Friday, very windy again last night, was woke up twice, and concerned about the new shed tarpaulin, it does needs a few more nails, but survived ok. It is sunny but that goddamn wind is frrrrrfeeeeeeezing!
Another half binful of garden flotsam and jetsom. Into the front garden. Just, where do they come from?

Can't understand why my FBG is up that high, thought I'd got back into normal. I did feel first thing as I got out of my pit, along with the trembling and unsteadyness, a feeling of a surge of energy, just wondering whether it was dawn phenomenon of a sensation or my brain lying to me, to get me going. It would be the reason why I am not in normal levels (ish) But I don't test straight away before I do.
Or could be I'm to active first thing to get a normal reading?
Just have to see.
Gonna have a relax this afternoon, cricket not good, it was a bit of a help yourself bowling.
U19s playing world cup.
Facup tonight and weekend and herrklopp has had enough of Anne Feld.
Have a great weekend. Gonna spend an hour pottering around in garden.
And it is not to hide from the boss. I would never think of doing that...........much.
Have to do paperwork for counsellor. How do I feel about that?

My best wishes to you all as always!