What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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Diet only
5.6 this morning after my fourth 18 hour fast this week. Will do a normal12/12 today. Relaxing with a coffee before the doggie walks and before I start a really hectic day again.

Still - have almost got to the end of the updating of my leaflets with the new info - and at least it isn't such a huge job as the NHS changing all its advice from the Eat Well Plate and that T2s should base their meals on starchy carbs.

@Bubbsie - I totally agree about the coffee. My mornings wouldn't be complete without my coffee.


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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen.
Sorry no time again, I shall be Mordor bound shortly, ( London ) under heavy supervision. I have been told to behave by NGFNo3 and Mrs J will be watching me and me's like a hawk. Grumble, mutter, moan, spit, break wind and scratch.

Anyway a delightful 6.4 this morning.

Just thought of the positive side of being Mordor bound, Mordor is full of vegan zealots I might be able to stock the freezer up with some healthy protein, must go and see how much room is in the freezer. Have a good day folks.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All from Dublin. 5.7 after a steak and salad at a famous Dublin steakhouse which son had already booked. Must admit was worried about having a steak but my worries were in vain as the meat cut like butter and was delicious. Slept like a baby.
@gennepher lovely photos and accounts of butterflies in your garden. @Viv19 have a great party and agree with @gennepher if you are concerned go to a good independent opticians who have better qualified people. I have learned my lesson after my problems came about only 4 weeks after a routine eye test. I wont hold back in the future if I suspect all is not right. @Bubbsie take care out there its probs changeover day for many. @trick60 fellow 57er today enjoy the build up to your hols. @SaskiaKC how did the trip to the little town go yesterday?
We are going for a walk in son’s neighbourhood today lots of interesting buildings incl the American Embassy. Might take the Dart out to the coast if the weather holds up.
Have a great Saturday everyone. Stay well, stay safe. Hugs to anyone threatened by excessive rain.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Just a quick note for anyone London bound.

Ride London this weekend.
Lots of road closures and diversions.
Central London today..Freecycle, means lots of streets closed off entirely.


And tomorrow is the big races, so spreads out into the Surrey countryside.


Remember to check you've got POWER.

AND... Some food, cos you won't be home for dinner..:bag:
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A pleasant 5.8 from the meter of mirth this morning.

Still feeling rough, so very unlike me, I've called in sick today.

Can't point to what 'it' is... Just not feeling myself.

My goodness @gennepher ... Your garden must be like a homing beacon... Can't believe just how many butterflies you describe..
Glorious pictures Btw.

@Bubbsie ...hahaha....the royal wave .:D
( well prince Phillips one, normally.;) )

@Viv19 .. That sounds like you've had as much traveled life..... Well jel... ( As I think some say)

And @dunelm ...."Zombies on crack, watching Peppa pig"....:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

@DJC3 great BG..and don't train out all the menace like qualities out of Dennis... Sounds like a proper dog should be.

Morning @HarrisonK , @Debandez :)

And morning, noon or night @SaskiaKC ..;):D

Hug-a-laugh-a-winner sticker - hope you are feeling back on par soon. The weekend is upon us - the road is calling.


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Diet only
good morning all :)

4.3 today

warm and grey weatherwise so far this morning with a heavy dew, pretty little dew drops on all the bushes outside the window :) Yesterday became hot and sunny in the afternoon so there is hope for today, perhaps I'll get round to doing my raking up ;)

We had a lot of generous donations at the charity shop yesterday which meant a lot of stair climbing (our stockroom is up two flights to the first floor), and I was too tired to be raking after dinner.

Hope your day treats you well :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Just a quick note for anyone London bound.

Ride London this weekend.
Lots of road closures and diversions.
Central London today..Freecycle, means lots of streets closed off entirely.


And tomorrow is the big races, so spreads out into the Surrey countryside.


Remember to check you've got POWER.

AND... Some food, cos you won't be home for dinner..:bag:
If you can't beat em...
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Diet only
6,7 for me this morning.

Have a great weekend


Ps Gardening todayView attachment 34641

Gorgeous. No gardening for me unfortunately, house work (painting newly plastered walls. Cracking the flags out there, I must be mad! Son's house, roped myself in.


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Well-Known Member
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6.6 this morning, not too bad considering dinner was battered fish and chips. I skipped lunch yesterday as we were out for a few hours around the village and I was woefully unprepared. A hot day, no water, snacks, or sunscreen. I started to feel bad and shaky so headed back to the centre, thought I was going hypo, but I was only 5.8 on the libre (it’s 15 mins behind and I didn’t finger prick) so either a false-hypo or maybe the heat getting to me more than sugar levels. Had a can of coke instead of lunch and went to bed for a few hours. Woke up to 4.7 before dinner and felt fine. I’m thinking intermittent fasting maybe the best for avoiding the carb heavy lunches, so I stocked up on bacon and fried eggs for breakfast this morning, 4 of each, hopefully I can last till dinner. Now I’m gonna loose myself in @BillB Bill’s travels thread again. I read 3 pages last night, one this morning, it’s amazing the once in a lifetime trips he’s been on, and his writing is superb almost like I’m there too.


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I went for my check up this morning. Full report and meeting with doctor will take a few days, but my HbA1c which was at about 105 (11.8% in the other system) around this tine last year is now 42 (6%). Eye doctor said no signs of retinopathy. My LDL cholesterol looks higher than desirable though triglycerides are very low. I am hoping and praying doctor doesn’t put me on statins. I must find a way to get the LDL down. Good weekend everyone


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Forgot to test this morning as rushing out. But testing now before I have my cuppa with dark choc and nut sea salt bar (aldi 5.9g).


Had Greek yogurt earlier with sprinkling of keto granola for a bit of crunch.

Painting away listening to a couple of talks on diabetes for inspiration as I've been asked by my PM to do a 20 minute talk on my work with with PPG and in the community (patients helping patients, empowerment in the community, social prescribing). Thought this was very interesting. Bermuda astounded me, sharing for info.


Will catch up with forum this evening whilst munching away on my kebab (apologies now for any noises Haha).

Happy weekend to all. Top o' the mornin' to you @PenguinMum


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@gennepher my mother loved butterflies and in the garden of one house she had a butterfly bush (same as buddleia I think).

I love the ones with the fearsome faces on their wings. Same purpose as the viceroy's color pattern, isn't it?

The Buddliea is an amazing bush for attracting butterflies..
I have loads!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Happy Saturday, everyone, plus Happy Birthday to your OH, @Viv19 .

@PenguinMum you made it! I am so glad you are with your son and having a good visit. I enjoyed mine to the old neighborhood, met some very nice people including one at the drugstore and the opticians, two at the outdoor adventures store, and more at the grocery store. It is an itty-bitty grocery, don't know if it would do for routine grocery shopping all the time, but they did have some different flavors of cat food that I was glad to get for the KittenCat, and there was a very nice young bag boy who walked me out to a bench to wait for my Lyft ride home as gentlemanly as if I were his very own grandmother! Made me feel old, and also an honored customer.

@jjraak I am with Shakespeare on this: Get thee to a surgery!*


6.7 for me this morning, accepted reluctantly after the meter came down from its first offer of 6.8. I don't know what it is with these meters; you'd think on Saturday they could offer a weekend special on lower numbers but I know they do it for our own good, don't want to take us too low.

Happy partying, gardening, touring, resting, traveling, and everything else you are hopefully enjoying today. I was too tired last night to sleep well so now that I've had my coffee and fed the KittenCat, I am back off to bed for a catnap.

Goodnight, good morning, good day. :) ^. .^

@jjraak *(Hope I said that right, a doctor's office).


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Still feeling rough, so very unlike me, I've called in sick today.

Can't point to what 'it' is... Just not feeling myself.
You get lots of rest and drink lots of water young JJ...its most likely one of those mystery viruses that sneakily pounce on us when we’re not looking. Big hug from Auntie Pengie
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Happy Saturday, everyone, plus Happy Birthday to your OH, @Viv19 .

@PenguinMum you made it! I am so glad you are with your son and having a good visit. I enjoyed mine to the old neighborhood, met some very nice people including one at the drugstore and the opticians, two at the outdoor adventures store, and more at the grocery store. It is an itty-bitty grocery, don't know if it would do for routine grocery shopping all the time, but they did have some different flavors of cat food that I was glad to get for the KittenCat, and there was a very nice young bag boy who walked me out to a bench to wait for my Lyft ride home as gentlemanly as if I were his very own grandmother! Made me feel old, and also an honored customer.

@jjraak I am with Shakespeare on this: Get thee to a surgery!*


6.7 for me this morning, accepted reluctantly after the meter came down from its first offer of 6.8. I don't know what it is with these meters; you'd think on Saturday they could offer a weekend special on lower numbers but I know they do it for our own good, don't want to take us too low.

Happy partying, gardening, touring, resting, traveling, and everything else you are hopefully enjoying today. I was too tired last night to sleep well so now that I've had my coffee and fed the KittenCat, I am back off to bed for a catnap.

Goodnight, good morning, good day. :) ^. .^

@jjraak *(Hope I said that right, a doctor's office).
Well that sounds a rather intriguing and not unsatisfactory visit to your old neighbourhood. See s the KC will have a good choice of food but would you I wonder. Is there only one place to buy food? Sounds like friendly folk and I am always encouraged when young lads show respect and are helpful. I wonder though are you amy closer to a decision? You definitely need to weigh it up with a move to the further away bigger town perhaps.
I am having a very happy time with OH and son. We walked to where his work is 8 mins from his flat (an hour in London life) and then has a walk in Herbert Park where there were lots of things going on mostly involving families and dogs. Then stopped for good coffee and were going to go to Sandycove (18 mins on the Dart) but heavy clouds are gathering so havent but still might later. Its just so great to be here, very contented and happy me.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Well that sounds a rather intriguing and not unsatisfactory visit to your old neighbourhood. See s the KC will have a good choice of food but would you I wonder. Is there only one place to buy food? Sounds like friendly folk and I am always encouraged when young lads show respect and are helpful. I wonder though are you amy closer to a decision? You definitely need to weigh it up with a move to the further away bigger town perhaps.
I am having a very happy time with OH and son. We walked to where his work is 8 mins from his flat (an hour in London life) and then has a walk in Herbert Park where there were lots of things going on mostly involving families and dogs. Then stopped for good coffee and were going to go to Sandycove (18 mins on the Dart) but heavy clouds are gathering so havent but still might later. Its just so great to be here, very contented and happy me.

I am so glad that you are happy and that you are apparently feeling good again.

I did enjoy my day out in the old neighborhood. I wish the little grocery store had a pharmacy like my local grocery store, but the drugstore there delivers. I think I will go back in a week or two; someone at the senior apartment building there PM'd me on FB that I can drop by anytime and pick up an application, so I may do that and ask for a tour of the property while I'm there. They have a whole complex of buildings, and a health clinic with a nurse practitioner, so there would be plenty of room for walking -- and hopefully some green space with it all. I do know they have gardening areas for tenants.

But the little town 2 hours away posted pics of yet another local band in concert at their place ...

I don't have enough money to move anywhere yet, so plenty of leisure for thinking and coming to a hopefully informed decision.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I skipped lunch yesterday as we were out for a few hours around the village and I was woefully unprepared.

A hot day, no water, snacks, or sunscreen.
I started to feel bad and shaky so headed back to the centre,
thought I was going hypo, but I was only 5.8 on the libre (it’s 15 mins behind and I didn’t finger prick)
so either a false-hypo or maybe the heat getting to me more than sugar levels.

Had a can of coke instead of lunch and went to bed for a few hours. Woke up to 4.7 before dinner and felt fine.

I’m thinking intermittent fasting maybe the best for avoiding the carb heavy lunches, so I stocked up on bacon and fried eggs for breakfast this morning, 4 of each, hopefully I can last till dinner.

Now I’m gonna loose myself in @BillB Bill’s travels thread again. I read 3 pages last night, one this morning, it’s amazing the once in a lifetime trips he’s been on, and his writing is superb almost like I’m there too.

Been there mate.
had a few false hypo's ..shaking, sweating, felt very low in energy.
a snickers bar or similar fixed, back before i was officially T2D
only had one or two since, but they seem to have settled down now my bodies more used to the new regime.
OR perhaps like a cold sore, i maybe spot the signs earlier and take some action to stave them off.

either way, much less of a bother these days.

If your shopping..Aldi/Lidl/Sainsbury's..all Do biltong.
Just s dried meat..comes like a bag of crisps
so fresh for ages, not much required if you catch it early and fills a little gap in between meals IF necessary
Found it helps to carry some on bike for moments like that.

Buy two and i keep one in the fridge,
Quite enjoy it as a snack anyway, weirdo but I take a bit while eating walnuts and Brazil nuts in the morning.
A nice mix in the mouth, biltongs adds a little flavour.

The set times for meals was something I took a while to get over.
Grew up ( as we all did probably), with meals at a certain time, so I sort of carried that on...( with snacks obv :rolleyes: )
and while i've tried the IF i haven't managed longer then 20+ hours
IF clearly isn't for me yet..just makes me feel too 'off' ....so not sure it's in my best interests yet

But since DX.. its been eat when truly hungry AND i now do 2mad.
So breakfast dinner or tea... One has to go most days.. sometimes two
And depending on the day work early/work late or no work .
I now take a much more flexible approach WHEN the meal or meals take place.

Hope your feeling better.
Dead impressed with the attitude your showing.

I think you've got this in the bag.

travel safe.