What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
6.8 this manic, and it is , Monday.
good luck @JohnEGreen.
I have only five cups, one has best grandad and the others best dad, don't care what order, as long as I can drink it in My spot. So Sheldon like. Mrs L has a couple of cups for all occasions of different sizes. Lots of them, too many.
Mrs L has been chatting and getting Christmas sorted (again), also wanting to cook her dad's favourite.
nice bit of steak to cook, that Mrs L took out of the freezer, without telling me. Had to tell her a porkie, about her appointment, she thought she had.
Still had to phone up, have to book an appointment on weds or thurs, will see!

We have had a lot of the wet stuff overnight, but it ain't freezing. My garden is already promising flowers within a couple of weeks and there is many more than I expected.
Too wet to cut grass.

Lovely artwork as per usual @gennepher, @dunelm and @jjraak, what are you on?

My best wishes to you all as always!

More tea vicar?
Thank you @Lamont D. We have a lot of snowdrops in the front garden and a solitary one in the middle of the lawn. Mrs Miggins has already has a word with the other bulbs.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thank you @Lamont D. We have a lot of snowdrops in the front garden and a solitary one in the middle of the lawn. Mrs Miggins has already has a word with the other bulbs.
Should think so., I have some travelling rogue bloomers, and they invade others territories, you have to wonder their political views?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
This seems to be a worthwhile cause bearing in mind how tough times are even for ex-cabinet members.

Screenshot 2024-01-29 16.58.42.png

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
It hasn't stopped raining all day, it's a horrible day out there and as @lindisfel said going cooler.
there is a misty froggy feel about outside.
An example of over abundance of water in the atmosphere.
so very damp.
And another named storm on the way.
just like we wanted.


It hasn't stopped raining all day, it's a horrible day out there and as @lindisfel said going cooler.
there is a misty froggy feel about outside.
An example of over abundance of water in the atmosphere.
so very damp.
And another named storm on the way.
just like we wanted.
The temperature has dropped lower today, Its likely I shall be taking the duchess to the bus our road can be difficult.


It's 4 am, I am up changing my mind, I had an idea for a charity and I could not stop pre-planning. This is all I can do to get into another mode, its been with me since two o'clock.
I hope its clear to but not frosty when the duchess goes to ta chi today.
I have got a zoom meeting in am and physio in pm. ...a busy day for me.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.5

Wildlife nighttime video.
Foxes & Badgers & Cats - Foxy Loxy jumps on the swing
1min 15sec

Creative...Black fountain pen and spray water and water brush...

Yesterday I went out to do some stuff/shopping etc. The weather was foul. But it was so dark. The car's systems and Sat Nav turned to Night Mode (I hate that black night mode on maps, I cannot read the black map, my last car's Sat nav stayed in the daytime mode but greyed a bit at night) and there are no settings to override it. I wasn't just dark, it was a weird, yellow dark, which made everything look the same, whether it was cars/roads/buildings, and there was very little traffic on the road, which was most unusual. And it was teeming with rain.

I had just put some shopping in the car well at the back, I never put shopping on the backseat now because the alarms start blaring and red lights flashing, that I haven't strapped my passengers in. And there is no way of overriding that on the car settings. And then I put my walker on the backseat flat, because if I put it on its side on the backseat, the alarms start blaring and flashing again, telling me I have to strap the passengers in. I can hear you saying why doesn't she put the seat belts into their little holders, then that won't happen. Why I do not do that it's because when I am getting/pushing my walker on to the car seat with three seatbelts strapping in nothing on the backseat, the wheels/other sticking out bits on the walker gets tangled into the seatbelts and I can't push it in properly and spend ages trying to get in, and I am exhausted. And my walker cannot go into the boot (and neither can my shopping bags) because I already have my mobility scooter in there.

I pulled into the traffic, and suddenly the car is screaming and blaring alarms at me, various yellow and black lights were flashing, and the worst was red lights on the whole dashboard flashing at me. My brain froze, I thought the car was going to explode. I couldn't drive even to a safe point to find out what was going on, so I pulled over on to some chevrons. I knew the yellow and black flashing circles were most probably the car complaining I hadn't strapped my passenger (my walker) in. It was just the middle seat belt that was complaining it wasn't strapping anything in. I didn't know what the additional blaring siren and the flashing red lights on the dashboard was. I couldn't even see what was on my dashboard with those flashing red lights. To me, that level of alert meant get the heck out of the car and run as fast as you can away from it....

I turned the engine off, rearranged the walker on the back seat so it couldn't be resting on any sensor on the backseat. I am now absolutely soaking wet in this teaming rain....

I turn the engine on, silence, no alarms. I get back in the traffic...the blaring siren starts again and the red flashing lights across the dashboard. I don't believe this...I drive slowly to the retail park round the corner, park the car and go in Poundland to get away from the car. Then I am surprised how poorly stocked Poundland is. Buy myself an iced coffee. Drink that. Go back to the car, open then shut all doors and the boot. I cannot think of anything else to try. Get in the car, put my handbag on the front seat, and start the engine. Silence.

Start to drive slowly, still silence from the car, turn into the main road, then the front passenger seat is sending me alarms saying I haven't strapped my handbag in with the seatbelt.

A string of expletives from me. Handbag gets unceremoniously swiped to the floor. End of all the car alarms blaring at me.

But then I am in a 20mph zone, which was clearly marked by a road sign as I entered it, and I can hear a horn blaring at me and flashing lights from a white van man behind me who is annoyed I am keeping to exactly 20mph. He wants me to go faster but can't pass me because of the oncoming traffic.

Normally I would turn off to get rid of those idiots and come home through the housing estate. Not yesterday. I stayed on the main road doing exactly 20mph as is the law, and he was behind me for nearly a mile before I turned off to get home. By the time I got to my turning he had backed away from my tail and had stopped flashing and blaring his horn at me.

I would like to point out that (maybe in van driver's defence) that the Sat nav's have still NOT been updated (in my area of Wales) to the speed of 20 mph. And the Sat Nav speed limit still tells you that this is all a 30mph where I live. But it is all 20mph. And there are signs telling you it is 20mph, but the Sat nav still tells you it is a 30mph.

I got home, threw stuff in the fridge, and went to bed and to sleep for the rest of Monday. I'd had enough of Monday.

Today is research online how I can figure out to sort these berserk car alarms. And see what I can override. I have never hated a car so much...it even sings to me as I get in it with this trilling tune....

Time for a strong black coffee...

Have your best kind of day...

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
There were no entwives, that was the ents problem. :)
They may have the same issue as Dwarfs, they all look the same to us - I have it that you can only tell a dwarfs gender by the style of their armour. Or, maybe the first Ent couldn’t part with a rib despite all life starting out as female.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.5

Wildlife nighttime video.
Foxes & Badgers & Cats - Foxy Loxy jumps on the swing
1min 15sec

Creative...Black fountain pen and spray water and water brush...

Yesterday I went out to do some stuff/shopping etc. The weather was foul. But it was so dark. The car's systems and Sat Nav turned to Night Mode (I hate that black night mode on maps, I cannot read the black map, my last car's Sat nav stayed in the daytime mode but greyed a bit at night) and there are no settings to override it. I wasn't just dark, it was a weird, yellow dark, which made everything look the same, whether it was cars/roads/buildings, and there was very little traffic on the road, which was most unusual. And it was teeming with rain.

I had just put some shopping in the car well at the back, I never put shopping on the backseat now because the alarms start blaring and red lights flashing, that I haven't strapped my passengers in. And there is no way of overriding that on the car settings. And then I put my walker on the backseat flat, because if I put it on its side on the backseat, the alarms start blaring and flashing again, telling me I have to strap the passengers in. I can hear you saying why doesn't she put the seat belts into their little holders, then that won't happen. Why I do not do that it's because when I am getting/pushing my walker on to the car seat with three seatbelts strapping in nothing on the backseat, the wheels/other sticking out bits on the walker gets tangled into the seatbelts and I can't push it in properly and spend ages trying to get in, and I am exhausted. And my walker cannot go into the boot (and neither can my shopping bags) because I already have my mobility scooter in there.

I pulled into the traffic, and suddenly the car is screaming and blaring alarms at me, various yellow and black lights were flashing, and the worst was red lights on the whole dashboard flashing at me. My brain froze, I thought the car was going to explode. I couldn't drive even to a safe point to find out what was going on, so I pulled over on to some chevrons. I knew the yellow and black flashing circles were most probably the car complaining I hadn't strapped my passenger (my walker) in. It was just the middle seat belt that was complaining it wasn't strapping anything in. I didn't know what the additional blaring siren and the flashing red lights on the dashboard was. I couldn't even see what was on my dashboard with those flashing red lights. To me, that level of alert meant get the heck out of the car and run as fast as you can away from it....

I turned the engine off, rearranged the walker on the back seat so it couldn't be resting on any sensor on the backseat. I am now absolutely soaking wet in this teaming rain....

I turn the engine on, silence, no alarms. I get back in the traffic...the blaring siren starts again and the red flashing lights across the dashboard. I don't believe this...I drive slowly to the retail park round the corner, park the car and go in Poundland to get away from the car. Then I am surprised how poorly stocked Poundland is. Buy myself an iced coffee. Drink that. Go back to the car, open then shut all doors and the boot. I cannot think of anything else to try. Get in the car, put my handbag on the front seat, and start the engine. Silence.

Start to drive slowly, still silence from the car, turn into the main road, then the front passenger seat is sending me alarms saying I haven't strapped my handbag in with the seatbelt.

A string of expletives from me. Handbag gets unceremoniously swiped to the floor. End of all the car alarms blaring at me.

But then I am in a 20mph zone, which was clearly marked by a road sign as I entered it, and I can hear a horn blaring at me and flashing lights from a white van man behind me who is annoyed I am keeping to exactly 20mph. He wants me to go faster but can't pass me because of the oncoming traffic.

Normally I would turn off to get rid of those idiots and come home through the housing estate. Not yesterday. I stayed on the main road doing exactly 20mph as is the law, and he was behind me for nearly a mile before I turned off to get home. By the time I got to my turning he had backed away from my tail and had stopped flashing and blaring his horn at me.

I would like to point out that (maybe in van driver's defence) that the Sat nav's have still NOT been updated (in my area of Wales) to the speed of 20 mph. And the Sat Nav speed limit still tells you that this is all a 30mph where I live. But it is all 20mph. And there are signs telling you it is 20mph, but the Sat nav still tells you it is a 30mph.

I got home, threw stuff in the fridge, and went to bed and to sleep for the rest of Monday. I'd had enough of Monday.

Today is research online how I can figure out to sort these berserk car alarms. And see what I can override. I have never hated a car so much...it even sings to me as I get in it with this trilling tune....

Time for a strong black coffee...

Have your best kind of day...

View attachment 65877
What a terrible Monday - that car needs a serious talking to. I detest those seat belt warnings and also the lane warning (which I have deactivated on our cars). Some things can be turned off but a lot of ‘safety’ elements can’t. I wonder if you can find a wiring diagram that shows the fuse board distribution? Might work or the fuses may of course have multi purposes and you don’t want to drive with a door or the boot not fully shut. Nice piece of art mind, is that Popeye?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone of a blissfully quiet start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.9 this am and there is a rumour for some sunshine to bathe in later. First chore of the day already ticked off some imaginary list, gas and electric readings submitted for month end robbery. Lovely chat with my mum yesterday - farmers all over France are up in arms about the price they get for their produce and also the massive taxes they have to pay when employing even their own family members. Big pile of dung dumped on local supermarket car park and old tractor tyres strewn along roads. *****! Art bit - a cold morning - or evening if you prefer. Hope your Tuesday gives you something to help you smile. I am going to make koffy and enjoy the quiet.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
What a terrible Monday - that car needs a serious talking to. I detest those seat belt warnings and also the lane warning (which I have deactivated on our cars). Some things can be turned off but a lot of ‘safety’ elements can’t. I wonder if you can find a wiring diagram that shows the fuse board distribution? Might work or the fuses may of course have multi purposes and you don’t want to drive with a door or the boot not fully shut. Nice piece of art mind, is that Popeye?
It most certainly does need talking to @dunelm

I am despairing on what I have found so far. That stupid lane assist cannot be turned off permanently, but is reset to go back on the next time you start the car...how many times do you stop and start the car on a journey to the shops and stuff....
Similarly a couple of other things, I have found so far are the same.

I will see how far I can get with the most important things to me. But I think Plan B will come into operation....

I have a weapon/strategy none of you can use....

Take off my cochlear processor. And that then is no incoming sound. I cannot keep it on my head and turn it off, there is no on/off switch. It turns off when you detach it from your head...and the warning lights...well now I know nothing is going to happen when this siren blaring flashing red lights are frightening the life out of me, then because of no sound incoming I can pretend the car is putting on an electric light show for my entertainment, and I will ignore it totally. I am well aware of basic essential alert icons. And what a basic checklist should be eg double check doors&boot. Check brake is off. My seat belt on. Key in ignition. I do not drive passengers, they do not understand that I cannot turn to lipread them and watch the road to drive on at the same time...

Oh great, here is an instruction for the seatbelt alarm...
"Finally figured out how to disable that annoying chime for trips in the neighborhood.
Unbolt the front driver's seat 4 14mm bolts.
Disconnect negative terminal from the battery.
Rotate the drivers seat away from the center console so you have access to the buckle.
There should be two "wires" going into the bottom of the buckle.
Cut the wire in-between the buckle and the seat NOT the wire in-between the seat and the console.
Make sure the two strands inside the wire you cut are not touching.
Reassemble and enjoy the silence of a chimeless trip.
Obviously ALWAYS wear your seatbelt."

I wondered why, on some American YouTube videos I watched, why people in the cars were ignoring all the chimes, alerts and other alarm noises, they've got to the stage where they drive without listening to them, and I stopped watching because I couldn't stand it.

Plan B is becoming a strong option...after all I learnt to drive, and drove for 50 years with no problems, with no ears...

The black cat is Midnight. Popeye is symbolised in my signature for each post.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone of a blissfully quiet start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.9 this am and there is a rumour for some sunshine to bathe in later. First chore of the day already ticked off some imaginary list, gas and electric readings submitted for month end robbery. Lovely chat with my mum yesterday - farmers all over France are up in arms about the price they get for their produce and also the massive taxes they have to pay when employing even their own family members. Big pile of dung dumped on local supermarket car park and old tractor tyres strewn along roads. *****! Art bit - a cold morning - or evening if you prefer. Hope your Tuesday gives you something to help you smile. I am going to make koffy and enjoy the quiet.

View attachment 65879
I love this cold morning Art Bit @dunelm
No government plays fair to farmers.
What will the governments manufacture for food when nothing is produced...