What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good afternoon everyone in the UK or morning in California. @Annb I hope the doctor's appointment is or was helpful and you find some relief from the pain. @gennepher thank you for sharing another splendid sketch. @dunelm thank you for your art. Enjoy the remainder of your stay with your parents and have a stress free return journey. @Krystyna23040 good that you had a long break and catch up. @JohnEGreen how come at last you can sit outside and enjoy the sunshine? Aha, the sun always shines on TV :D Enjoy Tuesday - you won't get another one for a week you know. Probably shrinkflation.
Thank you @ianpspurs

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
You say hello, I say cheerio
No time to catch up
Blood sugars were 5.3 this morning

Stay safe all
I have never to my knowledge ever, ever said cheerio!
I just couldn't, against my religion, ethnicity and morality.
Not chin-chin or obscure unscouselike foul and abusive , as such used in toff society.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Good afternoon everyone in the UK or morning in California. @Annb I hope the doctor's appointment is or was helpful and you find some relief from the pain. @gennepher thank you for sharing another splendid sketch. @dunelm thank you for your art. Enjoy the remainder of your stay with your parents and have a stress free return journey. @Krystyna23040 good that you had a long break and catch up. @JohnEGreen how come at last you can sit outside and enjoy the sunshine? Aha, the sun always shines on TV :D Enjoy Tuesday - you won't get another one for a week you know. Probably shrinkflation.
Thanks Ian. New (to me) GP but helpful and didn't tell me it was my nerves. Checked BP and it is at an all-time-low (for me) of 120/55. Don't think it's been that low in 60 years. Heart and lungs sound fine. Congratulated me on my BG control - actually in the non-diabetic range now, he tells me. Well, I knew that was likely but nice to know. Blood test last week showed nothing out of the ordinary but he thinks that it has to be some kind of infection - maybe kidney, maybe liver, maybe still UTI so more tests needed. No more antibiotics at present though - the last 3 lots didn't do any good, so no point in making things worse.

By the time we got home my stomach was sore but I felt it could handle something. It felt as though it could cope with a tiny orange (about 11/2 inch diameter, quite sharp, very nice). It hurt when it hit my tum, but it stayed put. Good start.
I have never to my knowledge ever, ever said cheerio!
I just couldn't, against my religion, ethnicity and morality.
Not chin-chin or obscure unscouselike foul and abusive , as such used in toff society.
Cheery, is the expression used here on the islands. Definitely not cheerio. But, each to his own.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
6.4 traumatic Tuesday.
Another couple of Mrs L doing accidents this early morning.
She will have to train harder and smarter, to get them passable for a decent mark.

Meter readings day, and I kid you not. It is twice as much as last April. That is how cold it has been around here this month.
Had to phone the water again.
Work is in progress across the road, we have holes all down the pavement. Bloody moles!

It did rain last evening, but not much, windy and cold. No frost.

More washing to do. More kitchen duties, have bacon and egg for later, or sooner, if Mrs L desires it.

I have a relative interest in what is going on in Ireland with the migrants.
But found out from a source, that he is now back in Merseyside, having done a stint there.
Hope fishi rishi sends a bonus!!!!!

My best wishes to you lot as always.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thanks Ian. New (to me) GP but helpful and didn't tell me it was my nerves. Checked BP and it is at an all-time-low (for me) of 120/55. Don't think it's been that low in 60 years. Heart and lungs sound fine. Congratulated me on my BG control - actually in the non-diabetic range now, he tells me. Well, I knew that was likely but nice to know. Blood test last week showed nothing out of the ordinary but he thinks that it has to be some kind of infection - maybe kidney, maybe liver, maybe still UTI so more tests needed. No more antibiotics at present though - the last 3 lots didn't do any good, so no point in making things worse.

By the time we got home my stomach was sore but I felt it could handle something. It felt as though it could cope with a tiny orange (about 11/2 inch diameter, quite sharp, very nice). It hurt when it hit my tum, but it stayed put. Good start.

Cheery, is the expression used here on the islands. Definitely not cheerio. But, each to his own.
Sounds all good except for the pain you are suffering, and the discomfort.
Keep pushing for more tests.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good afternoon everyone in the UK or morning in California. @Annb I hope the doctor's appointment is or was helpful and you find some relief from the pain. @gennepher thank you for sharing another splendid sketch. @dunelm thank you for your art. Enjoy the remainder of your stay with your parents and have a stress free return journey. @Krystyna23040 good that you had a long break and catch up. @JohnEGreen how come at last you can sit outside and enjoy the sunshine? Aha, the sun always shines on TV :D Enjoy Tuesday - you won't get another one for a week you know. Probably shrinkflation.
Thank you @ianpspurs


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorting through a heap of odds and ends I found this present one of my sons seemed to think was appropriate. Handy check list for the rest of you


Pip pip old toots.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Sorting through a heap of odds and ends I found this present one of my sons seemed to think was appropriate. Handy check list for the rest of you

View attachment 67413

Pip pip old toots.
My eyes and ears are bleeding!
And this ol git, will continue to groan and moan continually as much as permitted by Mrs L.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks Ian. New (to me) GP but helpful and didn't tell me it was my nerves. Checked BP and it is at an all-time-low (for me) of 120/55. Don't think it's been that low in 60 years. Heart and lungs sound fine. Congratulated me on my BG control - actually in the non-diabetic range now, he tells me. Well, I knew that was likely but nice to know. Blood test last week showed nothing out of the ordinary but he thinks that it has to be some kind of infection - maybe kidney, maybe liver, maybe still UTI so more tests needed. No more antibiotics at present though - the last 3 lots didn't do any good, so no point in making things worse.

By the time we got home my stomach was sore but I felt it could handle something. It felt as though it could cope with a tiny orange (about 11/2 inch diameter, quite sharp, very nice). It hurt when it hit my tum, but it stayed put. Good start.

Cheery, is the expression used here on the islands. Definitely not cheerio. But, each to his own.
Some good news, smashing and hope the blood tests point towards a solution.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks Ian. New (to me) GP but helpful and didn't tell me it was my nerves. Checked BP and it is at an all-time-low (for me) of 120/55. Don't think it's been that low in 60 years. Heart and lungs sound fine. Congratulated me on my BG control - actually in the non-diabetic range now, he tells me. Well, I knew that was likely but nice to know. Blood test last week showed nothing out of the ordinary but he thinks that it has to be some kind of infection - maybe kidney, maybe liver, maybe still UTI so more tests needed. No more antibiotics at present though - the last 3 lots didn't do any good, so no point in making things worse.

By the time we got home my stomach was sore but I felt it could handle something. It felt as though it could cope with a tiny orange (about 11/2 inch diameter, quite sharp, very nice). It hurt when it hit my tum, but it stayed put. Good start.

Cheery, is the expression used here on the islands. Definitely not cheerio. But, each to his own.
Glad all seems well @Annb


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
6.4 at 03.45. Just took my first dose of medicine prescribed yesterday. Horrible cherry flavour and lots of things in it I wouldn't normally touch with a barge-pole. However, needs must. Just having a cup of coffee to take the taste away. We'll see what effect it has. It's an anti-fungal - just to see if there is any fungal infection hanging around - wouldn't know, never had such a thing in the past so wouldn't recognise it now.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from an almost spring like L.A., for two days only. The Feast of St James and St Philip could either be today according to the BCP or Friday according to other sources. Either way I know a James and Philip only too well and they aren't saints but are very much treasured. The same goes for the namesake of he who is celebrated on Nov 30th - currently sunning himself in Rhodes. @dunelm have a safe and hassle free journey home. Thanks for sharing the latest trees. @Annb I hope the meds work despite not tasting pleasant. Enjoy Wednesday as much as you can.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Morning all from an almost spring like L.A., for two days only. The Feast of St James and St Philip could either be today according to the BCP or Friday according to other sources. Either way I know a James and Philip only too well and they aren't saints but are very much treasured. The same goes for the namesake of he who is celebrated on Nov 30th - currently sunning himself in Rhodes. @dunelm have a safe and hassle free journey home. Thanks for sharing the latest trees. @Annb I hope the meds work despite not tasting pleasant. Enjoy Wednesday as much as you can.
Actually, I think I'll have to wait before taking any more of the medicine - it's made me feel so ill, which may be due to the remaining effect of whatever it has been that was wrong with me. I'll wait until I feel somewhere near normal and try again.

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I got into a conversation with Neil about some electrical subject - can't remember what the question was - which of course, led to a long lecture about electronics and safety. He surprised me by bringing along for me to see, a selection of his electrical archive (aka hoard) of sockets and adaptors, including some European ones to show me the difference between UK standards over the years and European ones, digressing a bit into US practice and regulations. He even had one of those old adaptors that we used to put into light sockets so that you could have power as well as light in a room. I remember my brother having one of those in his bedroom in the 50's. Neil has a habit of quoting which number regulation applies to which equipment and situation which is totally wasted on me, but he seems to know what he's talking about. Just as well one of us does.

Poor Neil had to take me to see the GP yesterday and had to push me in my chair to the consulting room. I had a bit of a smile to myself when the doctor assumed that Neil was my husband! That used to happen when people saw me, as a teenager, walking with my Dad. He was assumed to be my boyfriend. Used to tickle him no end. Neil very rarely gives anything away but I can't think he would be pleased to be thought to be the spouse of a 78 year old. :D