Will I do a lot of damage


Well-Known Member
I have been having real problems with having to run to the toilet all the time and could not go far from a toilet. The other day I was out for a meal with friends and had to keep getting up to go to the loo, by the end of the day I was knackered ! I thought I have to get a break from this - granted it is not TOO bad every day but is still there. I did not take any of my diabetes medication yesterday or today because I felt my stomach needed a rest.!! It has been great not having to run - and I mean run - to the loo and my stomach has felt a lot better. I have tried the SR tablets and they made no difference. I know this is not a good thing to do and I will start taking it in a couple of days again but does anyone know if I will have done a lot of damage to my health by doing this, my readings have not been any different from what they are when taking the medication. The reason I ask this as well is because I am going away for the weekend soon and will be on a long bus journey and I thought I might be able to do this again so I do not have any accidents !! I would be glad of any advice anyone can give me, I am so sick of taking all this medication, I have continued to take my high blood pressure ones but stopped the Statins a few weeks ago and have found such a difference in leg pain and sleep pattern. :?


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Lord Choc Ice

Active Member
Cosy, I agree with swimmer2 in that you need to talk to your GP. I would never stop taking any medication unless specifically told to do so. As swimmer2 says, it sounds like you're taking Metformin which I do too - the SR version. I can sympathise with you when it comes to the unwanted visits to the toilet and know it drives you to distraction and wanting to stop the medication seems the best way to help. Discuss your concerns with your GP or nurse and ask what they suggest.

Maybe they'll put you on some anti-diarrhea medication such as Imodium or Codeine Phosphate or perhaps they'll review your medication and find alternative drugs. I have had many accidents so know the feeling only too well about long journeys by cab to the hospital or...well anywhere really. You need to put your mind at rest so talking about it will be the best course of action.

Sid Bonkers

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
Hi Cosy, agree with all of the above apart from the Imodium which would just mask the problem and IMHO would not be the best answer.

I was lucky with Metformin and only got stomach cramps and bad wind for a few months which did ease after a while and I found that taking them actually in the middle of a meal helped me, so a few mouthfuls of food, take the pill/s then carry on eating. But I do stress that I did not have your symptoms.

Go and explain your position to your doctor and say that you just can not function like this, there are other medications available including Gliclzide and Sitagliptin to name just two that might suit you better as they work in a different way to Metformin and are not generally associated with the same sort of side effects.

I'm sure a solution can be found to this so do go back and see your doctor and ask for alternatives to Metformin.


Well-Known Member
Hi Cozy, I agree with the other posters but just wanted to ask .. do you eat diabetic chocolate as a treat or diabetic marmalade or anything sweetened with polyols? I have found that I cannot eat anything sweetened with polyols as it gallops straight through me like a herd of stampeding horses - particularly diabetic marmalade. Have a look at the labels and make sure this is not a reason for your 'runs' to the loo (ehem escuse my pun)


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your replies, just what I thought you would all say as I know myself stopping my medication is not the answer. I have tried SR Metformin which did not make any difference, I also take some of the other medications mentioned. I have spoken to my GP before about the problem and he says that Metformin is the best for diabetes and offered an Imodeum type medication but I really dont want to go down that road. I am still not back to taking my medication but I know I probably will in the next couple of days although enjoying not taking it I know I need it so no option. I have never taken any food made for diabetics and have tried to work out which foods make the problem worse but have had no sucess. Oh well back to the drawing board ! :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
One of the things that caused huge IBS issues for me - and I wasn't even on Metformin - was sugar free gum. It is loaded with sugar alcohols and my body can't deal with them. So, be wary of anything labelled 'sugar free'.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I found that cutting out wheat cured my 'toilet troubles' with metformin.

Before I cut out the wheat I was prescribed 10mg Amitriptyline by a gastroenterologist, this worked fine but put my BS levels up, it slows down the bowel but I didn't like taking them.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. As Sid has said there are other diabetes tablets that have a different mechanism and tend not to cause stomach problems. If you are overweight then Metformin to start with is the normal tablet to help with insulin resistance but if you are not overweight then one of the other tablets may be more effective and without the stomach problems?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I had problems too at the beginning but found that taking the tablet with food, in the middle of my meal, rather than after it helped alot and I no longer have any problems. I actually stop halfway through my meal to take my tablet.


Well-Known Member
Thank you once again for replies. I have tried the taking it in the middle of meals etc. I also take Gliclazide and Sitagliptim I am just fed up with all this medication going through a dodgy time mentally but I will get over it. The thing is I had a wee stomach problem this morning so I think I might have IBS and the Metformin makes it worse. Och well onwards and upwards......... :)


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Hi Cosy ... I'm on Metformin and haven't had any problems with it and I always take them WITH my meal ... but if I did have probs, I would do exactly what you've done. I'd stop taking it. I've had reactions to other meds and continued to take them and it led to further problems.


Active Member
We become sensitive to the "Sugar-free" sweeteners namely SORBITOL, It does give you explosive runs!!!



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Cosy

I am on the other side of this, I have stopped taking my Metformin and the toilet issues have stopped, it made no difference to my BG Levels, I know that lots of people here say you should not stop, ask the doctor etc, but for me, it's my body and if the Metformin is not making a difference to my BG Levels then why take it. This then is answered by lots of people saying about the other benefits of Metformin etc, but I could get run over by a bus tomorrow, I would like clean underwear when that happens :D

So yes, ask your doctor, change meds, or try something different. I will tell my DN I have stopped next time I see her.