Changing Lantus from evening to morning


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I am taking 12 units of lantus at 8 p.m. I would like to change it to 8 a.m. How do I do this. Sometimes forget , be to late or have to take lantus with me .when I am often out in evenings. Want to try to take lantus when waking up with breakfast. So one think less to think about next 24 hours.


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@Alberti . Tried this approach myself many years ago. Biggest problem I found was that lantus isn't a 24 hr basal insulin, consequently my sugars would rise prior to me getting out of bed add into this any dawn phenomenon you maybe experiencing which I was you can soon find yourself with higher than expected sugars.
Just something to be aware of.
Good luck.


Please note that I'm Type 2 so maybe your treatment will be different. I recently changed Lantus from evening to morning, and by so doing, I'm no longer experiencing night time hypos. However fasting levels became higher so you might have to increase your dose. Toujeo might be an alternative as it lasts for up to 36 hours. Discuss this first with your medics.
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I am taking 12 units of lantus at 8 p.m. I would like to change it to 8 a.m. How do I do this. Sometimes forget , be to late or have to take lantus with me .when I am often out in evenings. Want to try to take lantus when waking up with breakfast. So one think less to think about next 24 hours.

When changing my basal timing with lantus I was told to move the dose back 2 hours at a time until the desired time was reached, the time I found most convenient was early evening when having my evening meal (around 6-7pm).


Retired Moderator
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Type 1
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I am taking 12 units of lantus at 8 p.m. I would like to change it to 8 a.m. How do I do this. Sometimes forget , be to late or have to take lantus with me .when I am often out in evenings. Want to try to take lantus when waking up with breakfast. So one think less to think about next 24 hours.

I see your logic in keeping the basal dosing at a time that suits, taking it out of the context of a busy evening/nightlife, thus achieving sensible mindfulness of BS managment.. No need to go into when I take mine. I got a NASA like Window for "reentry" & take the basal with me for the interstellar missions...

Taking a pragmatic aproach to this conundrum.. @noblehead 's idea makes perfect sense!
With regards to remembering your dose with a morning routine? Well that's tricky..
I can only use my morning routine as example. I walk my dog. (Without fail.) So if I needed to jog my memory after a crazy night out ;) then the leash would be kept in the fridge with the Lantus...?

But you get the idea!


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Please note that I'm Type 2 so maybe your treatment will be different. I recently changed Lantus from evening to morning, and by so doing, I'm no longer experiencing night time hypos. However fasting levels became higher so you might have to increase your dose. Toujeo might be an alternative as it lasts for up to 36 hours. Discuss this first with your medics.

If your type two why are you injecting insulin?


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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If your type two why are you injecting insulin?
Type 2 diabetics can also require insulin injections @Banktramp.

The differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes is actually the cause of the disease, not the treatment. The majority of T2D's can get away with diet, exercise and oral medication. However, if the destruction of the pancreas is bad enough - then insulin injections can be required.